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  1. Greetings,

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  2. юридическая помощь бесплатно для всех вопросов о законодательстве|юридическая помощь без оплаты на разные темы
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  3. Требуется арбитражный юрист? Вы на правильном пути!|
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  4. E pluribus unum.
    Out of many, One.
    Out of many ideologies, out of many states, out of many wants and needs, and to many more states to come, to each their own, all bound together by natural law and market/darwinian principles, we must create one front, the home we love, and send the forces of entropy and tyranny back to where they came from. We have two enemies: one would line every last one of us against the wall, and burn everything to the ground, innovative capital included, as has happened with every marxist nation that's flirted with the ideology, and impose the conditions of Dr. Calhoun's Mouse Utopia on a borderless global scale; The other would lord over us now and forever with the aid of AI, command economies, constrict innovation and human flourishing, would deny us our place in the stars, and with a smile on their faces, starve the human race into extinction.
    Both of them have similar ends, and have formed a pact, conspiring against the republic and all that remains of Western Civilization. The democrats and labour parties all over the world are overextending themselves in catering to radical revolutionaries and the elite. We all know darker days are coming, and the leftist factions under Soros and the WEF plan yet darker deeds. Now more than ever, is the opportunity for the Libertarians to assert themselves and replace the Dems. Trump, in this moment in time, is offering you such a chance. He is offering you a place to moderate his excesses if they ever become excessive. You have the opportunity to shape the future to your ends for generations to come. You have the chance to prove the superiority of your ideas with the states shall you allow the proverbial bull to mow down the china shop that is the fed. He is offering you resources. When the coming crisis blows over, whatever shape it takes, or the Democrats jump the shark and off the cliff into oblivion, seize all that you've earned, and all that's given to you, and push. Use your leverage to eek out and get more leverage. then more, then even more.This is your chance.
    Take what you get, or lose it all.
    Brothers and sisters, despite our many differences, I implore you to band together, or perish alone. Let us protect this village, let us protect our home. This is our responsibility, not only to ourselves, but to those who will come after us…
    "Join, or Die" – Benjamin Franklin

  5. It's actually a mixed reception. Boos and cheers. Libertarians are rough. Progressives and the dissident right, really dislike them. The latter claims the want to just not have a nation any longer.

  6. Libertarian National Convention trump was booed!!! Audience support was NON existent. LOL!!! Standing O for RFK Jr. Better open your eyes and see what’s ahead! Because it’s already arriving. Thunder and BOOM! RFK Jr

  7. Catch the bug, and few of it's friends and will take down to the Arkansas river and go trout fishing. Brown trout ,Rainbow trout… It's fun and if cooked correctly it's good for dinner ~ fly fishing is fun once you get the hang of the fly rod.

  8. Riss is just the best. 😆 I don't simp, but for this bunch I'll happily make an exception. (Guarantee I would've just smacked myself in the face to try to get it before it gets away. Naturally, I'd fail to get it, of course, so I'll have smacked myself in the face for nothing.)

  9. 양산 삼신교통부터 시작된 박근혜를 탄핵시키기위해 문재인이 저를 이용했고 진주에서 그 조직단체가 노래때문에 다 나왔을겁니다

  10. 노래 부르는 사람은 저 하나밖에 없습니다 제이스퀘어 동방호텔 이영호 조국 이낙연 문재인 이재명 그들이 신호조작으로 범죄를 저질렀어요

  11. <<T a l affut sur ma vie>>
    <<Tu cherche quel renseignement >>
    <<Oui je suis plus fraiche que toi>>
    <<Oui je me sappe mieux que toi>>
    <<Tu ve te comparer a moi >>
    <<Cherche du taf au lieu de <<stalk>>
    les paroles 😍😍😍

  12. You guys should be ashamed of yourself. Trump is guilty. He stole the 2016 election from Hillary. He lied to the American people. If Michael is a gloat and Trump found guilty I guess that makes Todd a sloat. Stupid lawyer of all times. Hahaha
    Learn something American people has morals and principles. Not this crap you put out to make yourself money. The people will vote and get rid of all you fools.

  13. You people are unbelievable. You know that you don’t believe in what you’re saying or should I say lying about. Shame if all of you. You know that trump was guilty but yet you continue to bow and kiss his ring.

  14. Even Judge Jeanine knows when a female dog is in heat the male dog don't want you because you smell is not funny for the true soldiers he's looking to produce that protect and serve the law and Justice of the people our land and territory we call USA

  15. You can see this is all made up and they know they have to find a way to not let our president win again…. Always with you Mr.President…. MAGA for ever!!!

  16. You can see this is all made up and they know they have to find a way to not let our president win again…. Always with you Mr.President…. MAGA for ever!!!

  17. Here is the summation of American Politics. When there is a single track, multiple engines and it's racing to a destination out of control, there can be nothing but a train wreck in the future. The question is, are you riding on the uniparty train or are you outside of the reach and responsibility of the wreck. Living in America while voting for globalists only destroys America. While it's probably not what you want, it is what 81m people supposedly voted for.

  18. This verdict is another reason the citizenry has less confidence in our institutions. For fleeting political gain
    this Democrat kangaroo court has pushed us closer to desperation and eventually violence.

  19. Trump lost me when he refused to take the stand under Oath. But he went in front of cameras every morning and afternoon.
    An innocent person doesn’t “have” to take the Stand; but they don’t spend a year telling everyone they can’t wait to testify, and sleaze out.
    We were conned.

  20. Terms like minorities and talking about race just needs to go away to break all of the division. We are all one race created in the image of God and that is the human race.

  21. Coming from south FL, one of the reasons the Republicans stopped making the effort is because when you get chased out of a meeting under threat of physical harm, they don't go back. So minorities saying the Republicans haven't tried to get their vote….you're right. The GOP gave up after trying and being threatened or actually beaten, but with President Trump, it is time to get back in those neighborhoods again.

  22. To me it is all about a hand-up instead of a hand-out, Democrats always relied on the hand-outs to keep the poor voting for them and the GOP did not really offer the hand-up, they now see it is what they should have been doing since the early 60s.

  23. I feel so sad about your demonetized status. You probably do need to establish your other channel, and move on if you're ever to get monetized. Please keep it up, you're smart and interesting an you will get there, adapt as needed.

  24. Because the GoP is run by the dems and they make sure the GOP is unsuccessful. I see it in my town of Cherry hill New Jersey. The republicans are run by democrats calling themselves republicans. We haven’t had a republican admin in over 40 years that doesn’t happen by accident.

  25. They think that they will have more free stuff if they vote democrat and they do. The Dems have all the money not the republicans. That is a lie that many believe republicans are the money party they are not the Dems are. Always have been.

  26. I am an independent that is conservative Christian America first. I live in Kansas. My governor is Dem. She did rather well during the pandemic. And I have not had that many complaints on how she is running the state. I will look at what she has been doing and decide if I am going to vote for her again or not.

  27. THIS IS A NON – CRIME What they are doing TO TRUMP ‼️…….no crime has ever been committed…..if they can make up crimes to hurt people they've decided they don't want to deal with —THAT MEANS That Over 85% OF AMERICAN PEOPLE ARE BEING RECOGNIZED AS THE ENEMY BY BIDEN OBAMA which is a criminal ADMIN💢💢🤬🤬‼️‼️‼️💢‼️

  28. Why did this Guy Goodman bettay us and support a guy who wants people who take a knee against children who were shot to leave the country? Why rhe hexk would he support a guy who wanmted the cwntral park 5 to get the death penalty


  30. Folks this idiots real name is Harold Aaron Goodman.

    He makes up his own news.

    Conspiracy theorists with theories comming out of his butt.

    Nothing this guy says is his own words but rather the opinion of other news stations and real journalists.

    That bell sound was his mother calling him to tell him his dinner was ready. Still living in his mom's basement.

    David must be laughing inside at this idiot.

    David rules and Harold fools!

    The end!

  31. H.A. Goodman stands for Harry A _ S Goodman.

    This idiot reads the news written for real journalists and stock market experts and then simply reads it back to his viewers. He tells you he makes accurate predictions but all he is really doing is reading inteligent predictions and recycling and telling the same story to his viewers.

    He really needs to get the heck out of his mothers basement and get going on his own.

    David you're work compared to this idiot is like Gold compared to coal.

    Thanks for all you do David the viewer are inteligent and we know who's got what it take for sucess and it's certainly not Harry Butt Goodman.

    Keep up the great job David!

  32. I THINK DAVID HAS MADE A LOT OF MONEY FROM….. ok ! Fine! The CIA, PROJECT MOCKINGBIRD, DO YOUR HOMEWORK! This kid is a know nothing. History has shown you! 11/28/20 Bernie was ripped off by the dnc,Fact! Proven!

  33. So at that time H.A. was ignorant of the persuasions of the RULING CLASS but now he's seen it UP CLOSE and in real life, he has been changed by it? What's wrong with that? What's the problem?

  34. Just letting you all know he still thinks Hillary will be the nomination and she'll replace Joe Biden before the election. This is 10 days out from the election. He is mad.

  35. Just think every hour for the next 13 days more and more videos, photos and proof of corruption, pedophilia, sex scandles, politicians selling children for favors, foreign countries using Hunter Biden to buy his dad leading to major national security threats, we will see proof of children being torchered by Hunter and Biden knowning and probably participating -remains to be seen if that is true. This is only going to get bigger and bigger and implicate more and more Democrats in the coming days. This is the ammo Trump was waiting on and he has known all of this for a long time and sat on it knowning the American people who believe in freedom and democracy would have the greatest October suprise they would ever have! He knew this would make so many people smile with joy as those who have opposed the American way would scramble to fight back and claim this is fake news! He knew how much ammo they have and knew nothing the democrats and media did would stop the American people from seeing the corruption and proof of what he and his supporters have known since before 2016… THE SWAMP MUST BE DRAINED BECAUSE NEW WORLD ORDER, SOCIALISM AND COMMUNISM ARE EVIL AND MUST BE STOPPED AT ALL COST.

    Trump white house 2020, 2024, 2028 and until the country is healed and the American people have found a way to prevent this level of corruption and greed. This is the ammo Trump and the American people who will not be scared or threatened into what the left and RINO's have planned it is finally time to end the pedophile regime take over of this country and move forward without sick fucks running this country!

  36. HA is not a conspiracy theorist. HA uses open source. He didn’t realize Bernie was being cheated by the DNC- Donna Brazile and Debbi Wasserman resigned due to the scandal. Bernie could’ve won if not cheated.

  37. You have to know his personality..yeah hes goof ball..but extremely smart and articulate…his goofballist is dry humor that goes over the head of alot of simple minded people. ..

  38. What would have made this better is him explaining that for some reason Hillary won that would make trump president at least he would have been right then

    I knew that was probably going to happen

    When cenk said rand Paul I said Donald Trump

  39. Hillary cheated Sanders, she made him dropout the race. He then kissed her ass thinking she would give him a position at the white house if she won.

  40. 100 000 at a venue that holds 20 000 at the most according to the fire department. In a town with 5 100 people it would totally constipate the entire community. And where did they park their 100 000 vehicles? A wonder!

  41. He is a real crowd-drawer, because the Americans like and loves his policy in running the nation. His PRACTICALITY attracts and make sense to people. Majority just AGREE with him

  42. If Donald Trump doesn't win this time, we will then know it was rigged!!!!! I hate to think what will happen if he don't win. This country can't put up with anymore of their lies. WE THE PEOPLE, WILL BE HEARD…….remember YOU WORK FOR US!!!!!!

  43. That is a fucking lie. There was not that much people in there that is a lie stop believing the media. They were only 8000 people in his rally and they were leaving because did not want to hear the nonsense. Get your facts straight.

  44. all laws aer now null and void there are either rules or not this is unconditional wepionsation of law to rig the elation again ealyr today my mom pulled a american flag out of the shad and you know what i flet seeing it embarrassment shame like everything it represents was a lie that is what this sham trial has done

  45. President Trump knows that when or if he goes to jail, it’s a pain in the ass but all in all the pain in the ass he’s going to be to the Democrats when he gets into office is going to be sweet sweet ambrosia

  46. His stance about going jail isn't going to scare Donald Trump. The President walked into North Korea without his bodyguards and walk onto a podium in the Bronx out in the open.
    Make not mistake this is a brave man.

  47. Never vote for a politician to run your country. They're only in it for their gain financially or for power. Vote for a business man that actually cares for his country, and you the True American Patriot citizen.


  49. I would rather vote for a man who's convicted of 34 pseudo charges against him. Then vote for a war monger who secretly and simultaneously of the reading of Trump's 34 pseudo convictions, issued an order to attack Russia that would kill millions of people if World War 3 started. So anyone who mocks President Trump and says he's a convicted. Felon should equally call Biden a war monger. Who is the real threat to democracy?

  50. For those who are wondering what will happen if Trump gets elected but is prevented to win due to the bogus felony thing. If it happens the speaker of the house is supposed to take over. I can not remember if there is supposed to be another vote in the mean time called but for sure the speaker of the house is supposed to take over, that is whats put in the books anyway. ( So no, those who think Joe is somehow going to get another term or some other strange thing like that, no. Its who ever the speaker of the house is. Currently the speaker of the house is a republican.. Bit of a rhino but still a republican. )

  51. Take the country back by force. It is the only option. They will not back down. They will steal this election.

    Prepare to use your second amendment right for its intended purpose. They will not take our country.

  52. “When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” ― George R.R. Martin

  53. I honestly haven't voted for better than 10 years and I'm ashamed of it cause I always believed my vote wouldn't matter they will put whoever they want in there but I damn sure will be voting this November for DONALD TRUMP USA's true president

  54. He wouldn't feel the need to stand there and justify what he has done if he didn't think he had done anything wrong. A guilty conscience needs no accuser.

  55. When Trump becomes 47 he needs to get the states and Congress to legislate federal guidelines for voting in federal elections. There must be a paper trail ie there must be paper ballots that can/may be counted with machines. That way we can verify on paper peoples votes. Also we all need a Real ID to vote. If poor black people cant afford IDs then we draft into legislation that every citizen be tracked down and given one that way they don’t have their right to vote deprived. It’s the fair thing to do. Also we say that mail in ballots are not legal and only in certain circumstances they can be used like for senior citizens and people that can’t leave their homes etc. This must be signed by a physician. Also we make sure voting occurs only on one day if not two days maximum to ensure we don’t have a prolonged vote. This should occur all at once and all votes should be counted within 24-48 hours of the end of Election Day. Period. If we don’t do this we ensure that the election can be stolen. Besides this we need to get money out of politics. Our politicians should be banned from trading stocks while they serve. If they dont like it then don’t be in congress. Also their immediate families are not allowed to trade individual stocks and all financial transactions should be monitored and scanned during and before and after they are in office. Get rid of PACs completely. Only individuals should be allowed to donate to campaigns and PACs if they do exist. Corporations are not people and they should not be allowed to give money which biases our politics. Same with unions. They should not be allowed to give political donations. After this we might have a chance.

  56. IF Biden wins… Watch Colangelo get a nice cushy high-paying job somewhere in the Deep State… As reward for his criminal behavior.
    This will also miraculously happen for Alvin Bragg & "Judge" Juan Merchan.

  57. There will not be an election! "They" already know they cannot win so; they will declare war! and then say we can't hold an election on "war footing" and that will be the end of Democracy as the war footing will never be gone. It is control through fear.

  58. If they did this to President Trump, how much worse will it be for us. Those celebrating his unlawful guilty verdict should understand that they’re next. You only have yourself to blame. And believe me, you will not have to be told the old told you so, you’ll be living it. No one is safe from this tyrannical “government “

  59. Son its not the awakening of the average American you should be worried about its how many of those who are becoming more aware of the blatant abuse and utter corruption thats usurped our constitution and devoured the democrats what concerns me is how few of them will go to guns to save the Republic

  60. The Deep State is about to create so much violence in the streets of America? With a few tornadoes and a hurricane? Oh maybe even an earthquake? All created by U.S. government/Israel/Deep State. Which means mail in ballots. And war powers for the president.

  61. Legally, America is now somewhere between Orwell and Kafka. One of the most egregious examples of " Newspeak" is any time a Democrat uses the term " Democracy ". They are so petty and vengeful that they are willing to kill Democracy to save it, ( Insofar as they understand it at all ). Sheeple.

  62. if piss pants biden is "too frail and has a bad memory" DONT WE THINK HE SHOULDNT BE PRESIDENT THEN???
    cause of all people.. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES… CANNOT be frail and have a bad memory.. LIKE WTF

  63. Demoncrats and their liberal Marxist Socialist WOKE ideology and followers are the only threat to this Beautiful Constitutional Republic of ours.

  64. Many people in his position would have moved up, either to become a judge to then attempt to be a supreme judge, or as a lawmaker. Stepping down to be some senior counsel to a DA? Makes no sense, unless something more sinister is at play.

  65. I want action on this immediately by republicans I don't care about any more talk. File every case from the fire alarm incident to the election interference to the showering with Bidens daughter.

  66. Something tells me, these traitors wont be laughing for much longer. Clinton, Obama, Biden and EVERYONE in the FBI need to be tried for treason in an attempt to overthrow an elected president. These people need to be punished. They have ruined everything.

  67. remember how they did alex jones? summary judgement. no trial judge said hes guilty and the jurors were there only to decide his punishment. They dont give two f's about the constitution.

  68. Stephen, what was the Democrat's plan right from the beginning? MURDER PRESIDENT TRUMP!
    This precept IS NOT debatable! It is a fait accompli, an established FACT!
    I heard someone mention today, Trump could "easily be housed out near the edge of the grass in a double wide." That would also house his Secret SERVICE protection.

  69. This is so very sad .. I am comforted knowing God will not let any harm to come your way President Trump .. bit those who do evil will fall into the pit they made ..

  70. They are intentionally baiting people…
    Stand Fast Republicans .. remember how they baited for the Jan 6 th incident!!
    Democrats go to streets and burn and destroy ….
    Remember the year of Love …
    We have a job to do…and thats to move Biden out of the White House ..our very system of justice and the Peace of the world depends on it!! jmo

  71. Is this just a ploy to have Trumps secret service to be disband? Making him an easier target for Killary?
    -"If I die don't let me vote Democrat" -Hodgetwins

  72. The View is the most disgusting show on television. I cannot imagine anyone stupid enough to watch it. The heinous females that are on the show will one day have to answer to a higher power and those smug grins will be gone.

  73. The View should be banned. They will do whatever it takes to try to keep Trump from Running. I don’t know why the Republicans don’t stand up and put Biden in jail for Treason. This is going to make everyone vote for Trump.
    Trump 2034 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  74. I know I am disgusted, outraged and fed up. We can't wait around to vote these evil people out. We need to figure out how to have the people come together and take action to fix these atrocities as elected leaders aren't doing a thing to save our country.

  75. Im so sick and tired of the 2 tier justice system. As crazy as it sounds I dont worry about Putin but I do wonder what the left is doing or plans on doing.

  76. The women breasts on the view are definitely demonic possessed animals. Look at the joy in their faces 😁 they have no heart and are soulless because they sold their souls to Satan himself.

  77. I am disgusted with the US Supreme Court Justices, especially the so called constitutional ones. They have stabbed President Trump in the back, kicked conservatives to the curb, and sat lazily back as our country is being destroyed from within by politicians who hate President Trump.

  78. The judiciary, especially in blue states, is corrupted & penetrated by hard left activists masquerading as judges. This has been growing in virulence for decades while we slept.

    I don't want all judges to have a conservative leaning either. I just want people wearing the robes to not be activists for either side.

    Of course nobody can be truly objective, but the judiciary are supposed to undergo rigorous training to put their biases aside.

    There should be a judicial review body that constantly monitors verdicts and courtroom behaviours that reveal a red flag of judicial bias. If it exists, it certainly is not doing its job.

  79. American politics!

    Very simple formula implemented by very few cunning, thieves, forgeries, frauds, treason group with the use of all the four pillars combined efforts to control the nation for their personal benefits and not for people welfare.

    They want total power and keeping their selected individual as head of nation.

    Others cannot easily become president!

    Any one who is not complying their system will be ultimately killed or silenced.

    Unfortunately Mr. Trump is not their favourite and Mr. Trump a stubborn man and he never loss in his endeavours.

    The four pillars could not stop his first term of president,however the caucus applied pressure on him from day one till the end of his term.

    Very easily they could steal the 2020 election.

    Now they are using judiciary pillar to eliminate him.

    What God nature decided?

    My conclusion is Mr. Trump should come second term for the welfare of world population.

  80. I'm the one that sold Hunter Biden his Pistol and he did pass all of the questions on Federal Form 4473 including the question asking him if he used Marijuana or other Controlled Substances and he said he didn't and he did pass the NICS Check with the DOJ for the Firearms Transfer and there is no way they could honestly charge him with perjury. If he did start using drugs after I sold him that Pistol I know it ain't my fault… USA USA USA 🇺🇸 🌎

  81. I want to see how much exposure this is going to get over just one of Trump's courtroom debacles! And this is it?! He has so many other illegalities and along with his father? I'm so ready to say this is a joke because I want a conviction!!
    TRUMP 2024 🇺🇲 🇺🇲 🇺🇲

  82. Every American should be voting for Trump. Blacks, whites, Asians etc will all suffer. Hyper inflation is going to bankrupt all of us. It’s this bad during an election year imagine 4 years from now. 😬 I make just over 100k a year and I’m living tighter already. Took a while but I’m pretty much check to check. Middle class homeowner says you’ll never own a home unless you’re making more than what I make. Js. Biden needs to go.

  83. So, what is the Left’s next move? We need to guard Trump’s heart, mind & body.
    Imagine MKUltra, Neurolink, or IF Trump is compromised!
    We The People, need to BEWARE and BE IN CHRIST!
    Are you?

  84. Civil war is coming. Voting is a sham. Dont fool yourself again with this nonsense. Meanwhile Ukraine and Palestine are in shambles because your government has to disrupt other countries policies. We need to look at us first and foremost. We the people are to blame for this clown show! One word (Ascension). Rise above educate yourself on what is right in front of your face. Stay black and stay strong.

  85. Wont matter if they cheat again. How fast the people forget never ceases to amaze me. The GOP ballots thrown into the ditches, hidden in lockers, etc., the ballot harvesting, those who voted twice, 1st in their own state via mail, & then in another in person, the millions of mail in voteswith signatures that in no way match the signature of record. Let's not forget how the GOP vote counters were kicked out of the polling places, & the windows blocked so they couldn't witness the cheating, as many ballots, 1000s of them, were counted upto 10 times. How about the city official caught on video, voting 3 times, etc. & PA breaking their own state law by changing their state constitution without following the method prescribed in that sacred document, & those who went to vote who were told they had already voted when they hadn't. Mail in voting is suppose to be reserved for those in the military or out of the country & those who otherwise haven't the ability to go to the polls, not for the lazy person who just wants to get the Chore out of the way. Voting is not a Chore, it's one of the rights we possess, perhaps the most valuable. BTW, my ballot in the midterms (2022) was among those that were part of the crap about the machines suddenly bring out of order & thus, my ballot was among those found in box that had been thrown in a ditch. Also, I was among thousands who stay up ALL night 3+ years ago during the last presidential election. A goodly number of us, on our computers & phones, etc. took hundreds of pix, we saw the votes swap from Trump to biden. We took pix of the before & after that took place in less than a minute as we went from state to state for hours.
    BTW, who does all these polls I hear about. I've been voting since Reagan, & never, not once have I ever been polled, & I lived in CA & NV, & AZ in or near major towns. So here's my plan… If Trump doesn't win, I'm simply returning to the land of my forefathers, & my family has been in the U.S. since the 16th century. We came over, the 2nd time, as part of the Stuart restoration.

  86. With the illegals it was even proven on video with stickers saying when you get into America vote for Joe Biden so we can stay open for four more years

  87. The dems called up the demons to call in and complaIn about Judge Cannon……she is being very fair……the dems are so afraid of TRUMP WINNING BY A LANDSLIDE…..GOD BLESS TRUMP

  88. I am not black but I admire and appreciate your black commentators and those you interviewed, they are very knowledgeable, smart to realize the truth and the current events UNLIKE many white, black, brown etc…. Who CANNOT SEE THE TRUTH, THE CURRENT EVENTS, CORRUPTION in the BIDEN Administration.

  89. Trump didn't get a fair trial. They shouldn't even have wasted the American tax dollars . They knew what they (dems) verdict was going to be !! Trump 2024 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤.. if Trump doesn't get it Democrats have promised that taxes will go up and you won't be able to live b/c they will take your freedoms by keeping you broke . Biden has sold us out for $ to communist countries. Love your country !!! We can not take 4 more years of what we have now, people !!!!

  90. I’m glad and thankful that many Americans specially among the Black community are waking up, opening their eyes and feeling and realizing the TRUTH that ECONOMY was much better with President TRUMP, that every promise President Trump in 2016 he FULFILLED, that he is the only president who helped Black Americans supporting Black universities and creating jobs for everyone and DRILLING OILS which made cost of gas low and USA gas independent unlike president Biden begging for gas in the middle east.

  91. We are governed by a group of elites who believe they belong in power and are obligated to retain that power by any means necessary. Which is why we no longer have legitimate elections.

  92. 34 count verdict means when you J-walk or pee on the street you can be charged for FELONY whoever you are. The DOJ, AG, State Judge can say…. “The Constitution does not apply in this state” … you won’t even have the right to speak. You get GAG and then JAIL.

  93. Lol when the system is used against poor people or people of colour you same hypocrites are quiet now that its happening to your boss your crying PASS ME THE POPCORN😂😂😂😂

  94. Tatum why weren’t you there to support him on Jan 6th after you felt like the election was stolen??? 😂
    So now they suppose to listen to your rallying cry?

  95. Nah nah!!! According to you we have the greatest justice system in the world!!! Remember y’all always said if you don’t like it than get out the country!!! 😂😂😂
    One decision you don’t agree with and now y’all saying it’s no longer the greatest in the world!! 😂😂😂

  96. I still say Trump should have been wise enough to walk away after his first term & encourage all conservatives to support Desantis for Prez. As long as Desantis Lt. governor continues to govern Fl. as good & tough as he did. Trump fighting to serve one more term is just not worth what he has gone through!

  97. I hear so many people on the right say that the Progressive/Democrats are incompetent, dumb, or stupid. Nothing could be further from the truth. Biden/Kamal stupid? Yes, but they ain't running the show! The destruction happening right now is calculated, strategic, & orchestrated by those behind the scenes (Soros, Obama, & both Clintons) who are evil and corrupt but certainly not stupid or incompetent.

  98. I’m so confused do we want people to be held accountable for committing crimes or not? I don’t care what party you are apart of. My morals do not waiver for any man.

  99. I am a 60 year old white, lower middle class, conservative and when this happened this first thing I thought was just like in the civil war black people are going to have to save our country AGAIN,

  100. 8 years after the fact, they charge Trump with this? It's obvious this is political power going after Trump because they are scared to death he will win the election. If that's not the case, why didn't they charge him 8 years ago? Why now? Because Trump is running for the Presidency and they are scared to death America will elect him.

  101. WHOOOA Trump accidentally misclassified money to an nda for a women he had sexual relations with and because he accidentally used a few campaign bucks 13 years ago he’s the worst man on the planet as of 2024 lol. The Clinton’s, the Biden’s, and so many other kicking their feet up smh… Trump 2024🇺🇸

  102. I congratulate all the American people who love their country and who want to see it free once again. Mr. Tatum, you are the voice of the people and continue to spread it. Long live America and long live freedom!

  103. Not only we need a absolutele guarantee to get Donald Trump back in the White House but a extremely solid contingency plan. This is for the sake not only for our country but our civil rights as well to constantly remaining safe by any means necessary.

  104. Just this month my phone bill went up 12-15$ pet insurance up from 55 to 106 auto insurance went up 35$ ….home insurance goes up EVERY YEAR ….food outrageous…….gas outrages……taxesoutrageous. We live in an unlivable time. I literally can afford to live no matter how much i work because the gov will just punish me more and tax me at a higher rate so I can't get ahead no matter what I do.

  105. He is Greek fake Hollywood elite that mockingbird media because liars they ones killed the innocent they was over in Chyna Ukraine that is real place wait until you find out the truth we been lied to all of are life’s for decades and decades it time stand up they want a NWO they taking our taxpayers money building a new temple in Ukraine for Antichrist do own research

  106. Trump does not tell his supporters not to do something. Why should he? The Democrats encourage their constitutes to cause trouble. The democrats bus the or fly the terrorist agitators to the scene of the crime. You tell us, the citizens of our great country why you don't get angry and denounce them. Donald Ĵ Trump is the only man alive with balls enough to try to do something about the destruction of our country.

  107. Robert De Niro, thinks just because you was in Raging Bull that he is a tough guy they can take a punch face. But it’s a movie, not real life.

  108. Hes scared of whats coming thats why he got involved robert is part of the swamp the dinos the elites and walt Disney stories horrible man getting Wrights for the series he does this he gets the wrights

  109. Said it all…agree…he out of touch…his name now means FooL 😅 and yes…what a bad Democrat decision from OUR White house. HE IS JUST DAMN GONE GOOFY! TRUMP 2024…will be a first time donater .

  110. Yeah, he’s a bee clown. He is looking for a spotlight. No movie for him. He got to come out and do something so people can remember him and we will remember him from now on for being stupid.

  111. I CAN NOT believe the LACK of JUSTICE in this verdict! I'm no expert, but I listen to people like Jonathan Turley, Andy McCarthy, Wesley Hunt, Vivek Ramaswamy, Greg Jarrett, Byron Donalds, Stephen Miller, and many, many others, and NONE of them can find a crime! I had hoped the twelve New Yorkers would get this right, but they DIDN'T. I strongly oppose and RESENT their interference in our presidential election. Who is this compromised judge, these corrupt prosecutors, and twelve Manhattanites to meddle in our presidential election?! They are scared to death of President Trump because they are losing POWER, and it shows!! This is the most disheartening day for our country that I've ever experienced, and it's truly painful for me.

    I will NOW work even harder to support President Trump in every way that I can. I believe there are many more patriots like me who are now going to do everything we LEGALLY can to right this wrong. I also believe that this unjust verdict will awaken the SLEEPING GIANTS of our country. It is now time for us to rise up and do everything LEGALLY possible to fight the evil Democrat Party. They have hijacked our justice system and weaponized the FBI, CIA, and the IRS. Our educational system is indoctrinating our children, and I'm fed up with it. I want JUSTICE for President Trump and ACCOUNTABILITY for the complicit officials involved in this conspiracy. I STAND WITH PRESIDENT TRUMP, forever!! This injustice is EVIL, and we MUST vote these monsters 👹 out of office. Trump/Ramaswamy 2024 eM6

  112. Can you see what's wrong here, I have been watching this channel for many months now and yet nothing has changed. The same corrupt administration is still in power and the war machine is being ramped up. They are giving away your money to keep illegals in hotels yet ex service staff are homeless living in tents. If you're a Democrat that what you support???? As a Democrat get rid of those who are wrecking your country. I use the word country loosely as a land with no borders is not a country.

  113. This has been the plan from the very begining.From fixing the election in 2020 to importing a enough immigrants to swing the 2024 election.Ensuring Democrat President add infinitum.

  114. If I could vote in Utah, I would vote for Trent. He sounds like he is the type of person who we need to represent our conservative values for our country. Hood luck Trent.

  115. Illegal in the name says it all – deport every one of them and take away their ability to reapply at any time. If you want to enter the USA do it the proper way, go with means to support yourself and your family, and do it because you will add something positive to the country. I’ve spent 50 years wishing I was living in the USA, but I won’t even start to apply until I have enough money to not need one cent of help for the remainder of my life, and I will be prepared to give everything about me to help America and her citizens. God bless America, the greatest country in the history of the world

  116. Good luck to you Mr. Staggs. We badly need people like you in the US Senate to defend us against Washington, DC tyranny. Drain the Swamp! The "Great Replacement Theory" is not "theory" it is fact. Look at London. Look at Brussels. Look at Amsterdam. Look at Rotterdam. These are now foreign cities within Europe replacing the Europeans. In the wonderful Richard Burton movie "The Robe" the very first scene takes place in Rome where the narrator informs the audience that there were more slaves in Rome than Roman citizens. That is where we are going because the billionaire class wants slaves not citizens and they are leveraging their control over the government, the media, the banks, the universities, popular culture, and so on to get their way and the hell with the Middle Class. Macron wants a "European army" not to defend against Russia but to threaten the farmers and truckers who have so far refused to toe the line with the the WEF agenda. WLR

  117. That man cannot answer a straight forward question. What's up!! The DOJ and Biden Administration are guilty of holding political prisoners. The policemen who are innocent of George Floyd's death along with the Jan. 6, protesters. I hope one day they all get to find out how it feels to be jailed.

  118. Garland is what’s wrong with the Justice system. He was refused by Republican Congress as Justice of SCOTUS but get appointed to AG position. Talk about vengeance.

  119. What a judicial crook… And he is also stupid if he really thinks that he succeeds in hiding this from anybody. A shame to the United States of America!!

  120. Joe Biden bought and paid for by AIPAC.
    Donald Trump bought and paid for by AIPAC.

    There is no way out if a foreign government has control over our politicians.

  121. So im sure most of this is true. But 2 things can be true at once. I know this man and he's weird for sure. But what Rissflex is failing to mention is that she shares two dogs with this man currently. They mostly live with her and she begs him for money to take care of the dogs among other things. It's funny i don't see Fontina or Regato (names of THEIR dogs) in the background. And that could be because she has made him come get them. She often complains to him that she can't post her content with the dogs there. Weird right?!

  122. Riss is lying about blocking that guy. Or if she has blocked him, nearly every phone will still just put blocked calls and messages in a separate folder. But she said that he just drops her gifts on the floor and and she screams at him. Just from her body language alone she clearly doesn’t want this guy around. But she hasn’t blocked him out. And she answered the door with a date there and stepped outside to talk to him. She called his fucking parents. Etc. she’s not blocking anything and she shrugged off the grey rock method when it’s exactly what she should do.

  123. It’s really dumb to do a comparison of Joe Rogan to cable new shows. They say viewers per episode. First, Joe Rogan does one or two episodes a week. Sometimes less than that. The others are on five nights a week.

    Second, you have to watch those other people live. Or maybe DVR. You can listen to Joe at any time. People are still watching episodes of Joe Rogan from five years ago which adds to the count.

    It’s ridiculous to compare a live television show to a podcast.

    FYI Rogan doesn’t get 11 million views to every podcast. Go to his YouTube channel. There are plenty of them that have been on there for years they only have 1 or 2 million views.

    Also he’s doing a conversation with one person for 2 to 3 hours about a book or an event or about that person. He’s not doing a live television show on current events.

    It really is a dumb comparison. You’re comparing an Apple seed to a watermelon.

    And I can’t stand Britney. She is such a little hypocrite. And if you notice she totally turns out when it’s not all about her.

  124. According to Brittany, she or woman in her position, can pick up a lot of men or women but a normal guy could not. She is right in a way. But not the reason she thinks…. first of all, there's too many guys for too little women. Now that we established that we also have to accept that it means more guys would be under bad situation = less good looking, less financially stable, less fortunate = less opportunity for success since they are simply too many for limited posts.
    So my point is that Brittany is successful not because of her woman superpowers but because of external parameters that directly related to men.
    Otherwise why would men just sit dumb and expect to be made fun off… are very ego maniac, territorial which means it gives them superpowers to get success. Way more than Women.
    So in correct circumstances, men would be winners more than women.
    Women are gatekeeper of sex, correct?
    Well, men are gatekeeper of sex too!
    They just have to force it.
    They are already good looking, have more money, more fortune, so women would loose.
    So Brittany is right but also wrong completely because of her own internal belief system as opposed to reality.
    If all men are in cornered in particular situation, men would drop the civility. Because it's also part of superpowers.
    So Brittany is right but also wrong.

  125. Comments help Chrissies algorithms so post, like and share every video.
    Aliens have visited our planet. We've seen the videos. Th er y just thought we were all Tarded and left as fast as they could. Some stop by to laugh and see the crazy people.

  126. Indian's did not own homesteads they lived in teepees that were portable and easy to travel with.
    Indians roomed the land to find MEAT to EAT and SURVIVE. Indians hated and fought with every other Indian tribe. They were all at war with each other.
    Read old history books to get the truth. Knowledge is power. Don't read books newer than 20 years. The facts are their facts not the truth.

  127. Where do these women find all these tools. The boyfriend should have got his azz beat for not beating the rapizt azz.
    Most men are not like the ones they dated. Everyone has past relationships stories but these are hideous. Most men will do the right thing towards women.

  128. Anyone else get a craving for milk while watching them.
    Riss must live in California. It takes over a year to evict someone. The trash being kicked out has more Rights than the rightful owners of the property.

  129. People saying the poem is bad are being jaded weirdos. It's not like it meets a professional standard or something, but it obviously has some points of quality to it. Certainly above average.

    I observe this pattern among the dredges of males, to apply exceedingly high standards to things that don't fit the context, to feel better about themselves somehow.

  130. I want to like your stuff, but every time I listen to a non jay dyer/patrick wood style interview interview it leaves me in the blues a little bit. There is a lack of understanding of what it's like to be a guy I guess, where personally I don't know the last time I've so much as had a hug (I'm talking years) and it's probably going to look like that for me until I've figured out what exactly putting my life in order looks like. Then there is an expectation to just settle down with someone who has in no way saved themself for me. I'm good on that a little bit.

    Even with the difficult jobs thing its like… I pick jobs that need to get done. The world can live without dog groomers and make-up artists, the world can't live without carpenters, painters, roofers, shopworkers, garbagemen etc. and you don't really see women lining up to go up a 40 foot ladder to make sure people have a place to live. And then if you do do something like that there's no appreciation. Like if I were to sign up to bomb yemen to install cheap oil prices or whatever I'd at least be appreciated for my work.

    I don't mean to whine. It just feels like it is marketed to guys and then you have essentially the female counterpart to ryan long's boyscast.

    I'll probably give another simpcast a shot, but I think its not for me. I'll probably keep my eyes out for the interviews that hit harder for me.

  131. Fun fact: Louis Theroux is the cousin of Justin Theroux, the actor who used to bang Jennifer Anniston. It's a shame as I used to like Theroux's documentaries, but it looks like he's become yet another propaganda-spewing hack.

  132. Same for James Blunt….his voice is one of the most unique in the world…no one sounds like him at all!!! Every time he sings he puts his heart, emotion and soul into it. Best of the best❤

  133. It still baffles me that our coaches here in Aus didn’t realise that was Jess Glynn straight off the bat!!! 😂 Her voice is too unique not to know…the joy of television and little birdies whispering in the ears of the coaches to make them turn hey? 😂😂😂

  134. Hate it that the judges/coaches use their shoes to hit the buzzer. Just rubs me the wrong way. It's just disrespectful and unhygience it is, im sure they've visited the toilet and brought back tons of germs for the buzzer.

  135. James Blunt has always been one of my favorite singers. He has the most beautiful, rare, one of a kind voice & I have missed hearing his music. This song ripped my heart out bc it's more than relatable. God bless him in his hopes for the future.

  136. The lands that Israeli's stole, and continue to steal, will not know peace until the Zionists free all Palestinians to return and freely occupy their native soil, as is their God given right. Might does not make right. There will always be those who actively oppose the Zionists and they will continue to do so as history has demonstrated.

  137. It was a major mistake. I think for Hamas to set those fireworks over there not to Israel like that for them. It proved that Israel had taken all of Rafa despite their claims to the public, so that might have embarrassed them a little. However, they didn't do any damage to anybody that Israelis know they're only toy fireworks and don't do anything so they're going to use that as an excuse now to crack down and and not do with the Ike you know, not that they were going to anyway, but not too correct not to follow the international criminal courts recommendation they stopped. Now they have the excuse to go in and kill a lot of people, so that was a major mistake on the boss's party

  138. "Every time anyone says that Israel is our only friend in the Middle East, I can't help but think that, before Israel, we had no enemies in the Middle East." – Fr. John Sheehan of the Jesuit order

  139. A 😮😢😢😮😮😢 bad & nasty 😮😢😮😮😮😮 retired director from General Dynamics, previously worked in San Diego, probably more than 85 yrs old now, is abusing US Gov's monitoring satellite to harass normal US civilians, inside USA & all over the world for his own entertainment & amusement.

    These remote sensors of the monitoring satellites are capable of interpreting the words you're thinking in your mind, may be, by air vibration or by scanning the brainwaves from your brain.

    The Israeli IDF are using similar satellite technologies to spy on the Hamas leadership hiding deep inside the Gaza Tunnels. IDF once released footage of these videos in much degraded resolution.

    This could also have been the way how our intelligence services obtained classified information on Xi Jinping's missile deployment within China.

    This retired General Dynamics director could have been the mastermind behind the plane crash killing the Secretary of Commerce Ronald Brown of the Clinton Administration, in the plane crash in 1996 in Croatia.

    The United States as we learned and studied in American high school does not exist anymore; it has been destroyed.

    United States have been dead. American citizens don't have human rights.

    This retired Director of General Dynamics is indeed a national disgrace of the United States.

    If this America disgrace wants to harrass any American civilian, he just puts the name of this American into our Gov. blacklist for monitoring, and he can harass this American civilian.

    United States must stop this disgrace retired director from General Dynamics.

    Our Congress should carry out an investigation into our Gov satellite misuse. I am willing to testify in Congress.

    I can give White House my name and let them check if I have been wrongly put onto the blacklist of terrorists for monitoring, just for some retired director from General Dynamics for his personal amusement and entertainment.

    I am requesting help here from White House. That's why I'm typing all these.

    White House can simply remove my name from the list of terrorists being monitored by the American intelligence services.

    I am the victim of abuse of American monitoring satellites.

    It's easy to check. White House may check if my name is on the terrorist monitoring list. I am willing to contact White House.


  141. Hamas needs to stop hiding in school, hospitals and residential areas. If they want to protect Gazans then fight IDF in the open, don’t hide behind women and children.

  142. I am still waiting for this channel to say a Hamas terrorist was killed in Gaza today instead of only saying a Palestinian civilian was killed in Gaza today…So biased

  143. Mi a tell unuh again….push this song? Me deh way up a one in a indiana and hear this song come on and trust me the club rip up all whitey a dance…well a pure Whitey deh a Indiana state racist as fuck.

    Push dis song okay. It have a rap style to it/ international

  144. Why do people that Kayleigh whatever her last name is can be objective, she worked at the Trump white house. There is nothing that this network says that I believe.

  145. Not indicting and prosecuting Trump would truly make the USA a so called “Banana Republic”. The term is classically used to describe countries with a ruling class of wealthy business people, a plutocracy, together with the military. So, the term is not quite fitting, however it is the term used by this Network to describe what they see as an unjust and politically motivated persecution of DJT. What is the USA? It is a Democratic Republic founded on the liberal ideas formulated under the era of Enlightenment. Freedom meant for them liberty, progress, tolerance, fraternity, constitutional government, and separation of church and state. Ring a bell? This involves deism, liberalism, republicanism, conservatism, toleration and scientific progress. All this might have escaped some of you whose family lineage spend the last centuries secluded out in the woods without coaches passing by, newspapers nor cable, however this is the USA’s heritage and foundation. So, instead of using the military to stage a coup, someone can come along and mesmerize a large swath of a populace with great fairytales about a possible future with a made up past, throw in a bit of anger directed at you fellow citizens, perhaps encouraging some hate too. Almost too easy, right. It is, and it has a name; Fascism. Yes, you got it, this is called Fascism. So basically what happened is this: you forgot, or never knew, the basic tenets of your country, then elected a bumbling moronic TV personality/real estate developer with a well known history of shady business dealings and a penchant for lying and self aggrandizement. He’s a fool, a dangerous fool. He’ll burn your country down just to feel important and you suckers are cheering him on. You used to have allies in the world, you still do, but perhaps not for long if this continues. Sure you can make new one. Unfortunately they will be whom your ancestors generations fought against. All the best, from Europe

  146. 4:51 I had to bail and turn my attention to this.. this is the kind of rage mongering that would drive me to commit a felony. Trump has effectively ruined political discourse for decades. do yourself a favor, make fake news and propaganda illegal in the free space if your brain. Do you have a lot of free space in your brain, if you don’t mind me asking? Seriously though, change the channel. The 12 jurors did their job. If they feel he was guilty, that’s good enough for me.

  147. They didn’t build their whole case on Michael Cohen. He was the last one to testify everybody else that was testifying lined up with what he was saying so they had people corroborating and paperwork and phone calls and text messages. I think the jury always takes the job seriously no matter who it is and we should not discredit our court system

  148. I firmly believe "Juan Colombian Merchan" should be placed in prison for his partisan political abuse of his judiciary position. He was bias, abusive against the defense, deliberately mislead the jury. No trial fir Merchan, just 50 years with hard labor.

  149. trial judges make mistakes (just like anyone) – why we have appellate courts; HOWEVER, this judge made so many errors on an ongoing basis this it seems unlikely they are unintentional.

  150. But Blanch didn't nor did Blanch reject during Stormy questions, the JUDGE DID! What a crappy lawyer.
    When is Trump going to spend money of lawyers instead of chincing out??
    Why they lost! Hiring a Prosecutor to try a case as a Defense Atty, usual doesn't work out!

  151. In a nation worth living in, in a democracy rather than an authoritarian state, where people have constitutionally guaranteed rights and freedoms, no one is above the law. Those who have lost their moral compass and regard for factual reality will disagree.

  152. Its Disgusting… how Our Govt.
    Has Treated We The People !

    We The People, Were NEVER
    Supposed to Pay…

    And so much more…and even Our Plants.
    They have Taken Over and Making the people pay for them too.

    We the People, Must Work Together to Take EVERYTHING BACK ! 🇺🇲👊❤️

  153. Gotta love libertarians mentality also. That was amazing on Dave Smiths part. Hes right you dont have to agree with Trump on everything, you dont have to cheer him, but libertarians are not afraid of ideas. Respect on them. They are fighters of free speech for sure.

  154. There are psycho's that work in the medical community that their politics are against elderly, disabled, and the mentally sick PTSD soldiers attacking them acting like they're a drag on the county using the medical system against them instead of helping them usually because of politics & sick personal reasons. It's only until they themselves end up needing that same medical system they realize they created the problem not only for others but for themselves because they realize they don't get special treatment they're just like everyone else once your dependent on the medical system so.. they'll get miss treated like everyone else. I've come across different political groups and beliefs and they all treat people like me like garbage for their own personal, groups, and mental reasons. The medical used to be held accountable and to a high moral standard. Not anymore you do have the few that truly care & love their job's.

  155. And how many men would have the balls to stand up there like he did I have to love anybody that's going to fight for our country like that I care not what anyone says about him he might just save our country. He has put him in his family through hell to save the country he loves and anybody that doesn't see that is blind

  156. Yo dude where you waiting for you 3pm live video ………..Supreme Court OVERTURNS TRUMP CONVICTION BECAUSE THERE WAS NO FEDERAL CRIMINAL STATUTUE Broken………………….please be real

  157. I Would Think Trump 🇺🇸🎺 Could Go To Supreme Court Because Of His Constitutional Rights Were Denied!.
    And So Much More With the Excessive Fines And Restrictions!. 🤨😡
    What A Circus And Bunch Of Clowns!.

  158. I want to see Cohen and Stormy dealt with for perjury too! And Bragg, he needs to be disbarred put in jail! Let’s see a “boomerang” affect happen here!!
    You know did break the law?? Cohen and Stormy, for perjury! Bragg, he should be dealt with as well!!

  159. The laws are designed to be so convoluted that you can be innocent or guilty no matter what you do.
    Our Government- "Show me the man, we will show you the crime".
    What they are doing to Trump, they will do to anyone if necessary.

  160. Thank you for telling the truth and dropping the legalize so that all can understand. In a time where we are losing our rights, the rights of all humanity, you have spoken truth clearly.

    May God bless you!

  161. HA, you need to get on “The View” to set Joy Behar et al straight. They’ll be mouthing off that Trump is a slimy guilty crook in their views, if either the NY Appellate Court or SCOTUS overturns this crap.

  162. So does Trump ' Attorneys and Trump know about this? And if so, why hasn't he said anything about it yet? And has he already filed an Appeal about it yet!!?? And if so, how long will it take before the Supreme Court hears the case!!??

  163. We The People Have A Voice And Together As One ☝️ We’re Standing Strong 💪 In Support And Respect 🫡 For Our Men And Women Of Our Highest Court Of Our Nation United States Of America 🇺🇸 The Honorable Supreme Court May They Always Stand Fearless As A Lion To Uphold Our Precious Constitution And Freedom And Liberty 🗽 And Justice And May God Continue To Embrace Them And Keep Them Safe Although Life’s Journey Amen 🙏

  164. Would love to see judge Jeanine. She knows law. She has been a long time friend and supporter of trump. Will do her research. And in her line of work already knows most of the DC crowd and a lot of their dirty dealings

  165. I hope we can use all of these people being discussed – we need them in congress and they are great – God bless them for fighting like crazy and standing strong for this country!! I want to say thank you to each one for remarkable character, strong determination, and standing for morality in this country – tough on crime please – can you imagine what it would be like to be able to sleep without having to lock your doors, your children could play without being afraid of walking down the street or playing in their neighborhoods? This BS in America is ridiculous!! It was really this way when we were children – but men were men – women were women – we knew the roles in the family and let me tell you something – you did not dare back sass your parents – ever – or your elders – you would see eternity at a young age – it did'nt happen!

  166. Trump VP: General Mike Flynn

    build the wall
    drill baby drill
    deep state firing and jail

    seek the God of the Bible with all ur heart, soul, mind, strength and will find Him
    Let UR Light Shine

  167. No, no, no, no…no way. Trump will piss off a lot of people if he chooses Rubio , a known liar and closet Democrat. Dr. Ben, Tulsa Gabbard, Elise Stefanis or Donalds.

  168. With, the southern border is wide open and a big portion of the people coming across are from latin America or Mexico South America and since the democratic trying to steal the election with illegal voters, i just see this as Trump trying to level the playing feild.

  169. I'm voting for TRUMP I live in California I don't care what they do or say I live in the worst spots while they sleep with available cash and toys I am outside every day it's shit so many people are struggling even the ones that seem to be doing well everything cost way too much and taxed on top crime is disgustingly bad cops don't chase people illegal aliens everywhere thinking they own the place no green card stealing and free phones people are the dumbest I've ever seen something the government is spraying in the air or putting in the foods not sure but Oakland California GAVIN NEWSOM while they have private jets boats multiple homes that we the people can't even walk down there streets if you don't have that big time money and there afraid when the great white hope TRUMP comes back the rich should have to pay big tax high gas prices higher grocery bill with tax on that insurance for you car pretty soon we won't even be able to walk down the street without getting taxed

  170. TRUMP! 2024! I kept up with trial the best I could. I don't see how anyone in their right mind could have accepted the testimony of Michael Cohen, habitual liar. I made up my mind long ago to vote for Trump! I still plan to vote for Trump, as do many friends.

  171. Evev before the first day of court, the Judge already knew he would convict President Donald Trump. This Judge needs to be Removed Immediately and Disbarred. Also held accountable for his actions and sent to Prison for the rest of his sorry life and that's without the benefit of Parole ever.

  172. We're not as stupid as the elites hoped we were. All the trials are for political hits, hoping to take him out. President Trump is one of the strongest minded people I have ever seen. He has always had my vote. There are all kinds of felons. If his conviction was for serial murder, I'd have to think about it.

  173. Thirty-four felony convictions for paper infractions bc he paid a person who paid an extortionist in return for keeping her mouth shut about a one nighter that occurred in 2006. 🙄

  174. this man has become the political equivalent of son goku from dragon ball z and i am here for it.they are not beating him they are actually powering him up going to pull a political spirit bomb off this election.if you don’t understand please look it up as it is vary much the case. 2:52

  175. Biden: struggles to string a sentence together

    Trump: simultaneously deals with bogus court cases, a campaign for presidency, dozens of companies and ventures, speeches without prompts, the list goes on

    It's clear who is presidential material, and who isn't.


  176. Yeah he’s so corrupt he used campaign contributions to “pay hush money to stormy” but he has a bunch of money and he even DONATED his salary as president. pleaseeeeeee

  177. We should say yes y’all or right Biden is going to win I guess we’re not going to make it this time so they will keep Biden in their and then we pounce at at the last minute 😊

  178. LOL 5:30 timeline: SHOW THE CONTRAST between a BidEn and Trump presidency…. Im rolling….EVERYONE knows the contrast, we have LIVED the contrast, we are aware of the CONTRAST, the world sees the CONTRAST…lol TRUMP 2024!

  179. I can't wait for Trump to sue every single person that had a hand in any of these charades for slander and defamation of character. It's going to be the single-most watched spectacle on national television and the most-publicized class-action lawsuit court case in the history of America. >>GRABS THE POPCORN AND STAYS TUNED<<

  180. AOC knows a thing or two about portraying a 'true embarrassment'. Just ask ANYONE around Washington, D.C., ANYONE in congress, anyone that knows her, etc. (You get the point…)

  181. Tucker Carlson unfortunately didn't have the foresight to see the total potential of degeneracy of the democratic party. He thought the next escalation was to assassinate trump. Most of us thought that too. No one could have ever imagined that we would live in an America that would use the justice system to remove political opponents. This is the start of a slippery slope

  182. I did read a poll that said 10% of Republicans looked at the trial as "unfavorable" for Trump's reelection. And I figured maybe I was reading an MSNBC article, but it was from Fox, which was a little concerning…
    That being said? The poll wasn't 10% who are now going to vote for Biden, or they refuse to vote for Trump now. They just thought the trial was bad for his reputation.

  183. Robert De Niro was arrested in France for prostitution trafficking during the making of Ronin. These people are scared of whats coming because while all you make this about voting, politics and wars. The rest of us who are truly awake know exactly whats coming for these evil ass weirdos

  184. Joe lie-den needs to be held accountable for the amount of lies he’s told 🤦🏻‍♂️ all trump needs to do is post a video of all his lies as a campaign add and that’s job done 🤷‍♂️

  185. This is all well and good, but what will happen if Biden and the political establishment blatantly cheat and Biden becomes President again. Will anything be done about it? I'm afraid this election may be the beginning of the End of our Republic.

  186. Joe Joe Bidens hopes hangs on the actions plus a tremendous buy out of all law abiding citizens if they agree to be bought out by the NWO peoples money. He however as far a I am. Concerned I will refuse any compensations in the future. Observe the optics of the blue states. Please tell me what you see ok???? If you are ok with that optics then live in that environment.

  187. I hope you caught the act of desperation that occurred today, The Biden Administration rescheduled Cannabis to a Schedule III drug, paving the way for labialization of Cannabis. Now don't get me wrong I think this move is long overdue, however at this particular time it appears to be politically motivated to try and shore up Biden's Liberal cannabis using base. I'm a conversative but I've lived through some difficult medical battles that Cannabis has helped me through and continues to do so. But come on, any idiot can see what this move is trying to accomplish. Too little too late Sleepy Joe…!!!

  188. Biden’s uncle Bouzy kept yelling “DONT DONT” while being eaten by cannibals, yelled 
    “ PAUSE PAUSE” and the cannibals kept eating uncle bouzy deliciously. ( I am just in the mood)

  189. If we don't get Trump back we are going to be incredibly jacked. But I don't see how we can with Democrats and their operatives running the elections. It's going to be another cheat. Useless Republicans still aren't taking the fraud issue seriously.

  190. US Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) on Apr 29: “It is disgraceful that the International Criminal Court (ICC) is reportedly planning to issue baseless and illegitimate arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and other senior Israeli officials,”

    ”The ICC should redirect its focus to Hamas and other Iran-aligned terror groups and prosecute them “for engaging in horrific war crimes.”

    “Such a lawless action by the ICC would directly undermine U.S. national security interests”

    “The Biden Administration must immediately and unequivocally demand that the ICC stand down and the U.S. should use every available tool to prevent such an abomination”

  191. I think that they're going to do the same thing they did before, !!! Trump will have the votes, but they'll steal it and say that it was because of the convictions so"people decided they didn't want to vote for him". Promise this his how they will steal it, even though people will have voted for Trump in record numbers…i love in California, they've had California rigged for years even though we are a red state…. Promise this is what they're going to do.

  192. Voting won't help. Did no one learn anything from 2020? Does no one get it? They will never let Trump in. It's done.

    There's only one way this stops, and nobody has the grit for it.

    Edit: No replies will be seen or read
    You know it's true.

  193. CNN senior legal analyst Elie Honig skewered Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg

    “‘No man is above the law.’ [is] meaningless pablum if we unquestioningly tolerate (or worse, celebrate) deviations from ordinary process and principle to get there.

    "Here, prosecutors got their man, for now at least — but they also contorted the law in an unprecedented manner in their quest to snare their prey.”

    Honig, continued , criticizing Bragg, who he calls a friend and former colleague, for campaigning on going after Trump, for misleading the public about whether the case was “commonplace” or not, and for hiding the ball on the underlying felony crime used to resurrect expired misdemeanors.

    “In these key respects, the charges against Trump aren’t just unusual. They’re bespoke, seemingly crafted individually for the former president and nobody else,” wrote Honig. “The Manhattan DA’s employees reportedly have called this the ‘Zombie Case’ because of various legal infirmities, including its bizarre charging mechanism. But it’s better characterized as the Frankenstein Case, cobbled together with ill-fitting parts into an ugly, awkward, but more-or-less functioning contraption that just might ultimately turn on its creator.”

  194. Our DOJ has become nothing but a corrupt political machine to force the outcome of the Democratic agenda ! That agenda is to destroy our democracy so that they can maintain their corruption, power & continue to fill their personal pockets & to hell with the American people. They will sell our country out !

  195. This conviction means nothing to me. Donald Trump is our SAVIOR. He embodies good and the potential of these United States.He shows no fear. His bravery is amazing and is to be emulated. I LOVE YOU MR. PRESIDENT. GOOD HAS TO WIN OVER EVIL! My prayers are with you and your supporters. I’m dying of cancer so I will make a very small financial donation- but I hope every penny will help!
    GOD BLESS- Melanie Henderson

  196. Well what about those who are convicted felons and love Trump? What about them. If a former president can run for the presidency, why can't convicted felons vote for him? And he can pardon himself? Answer!!!

  197. Berry you are so correct, to catch a thief you must think like one 😈 they are under the influence of evil spirits . We must ask God for discernment from God ALL MIGHTY 🙏🦁❤️

  198. Speak for yourself
    Joseph Biden is not north america government
    Bidenomics is the viruses sought out.
    It's a pandemic law
    The Right Honourable President of USA Mr Trump during pandemic law got appointed assigned Chief of Chiefs protected under the New world order laws.
    On others sovereign identity right lands the North American peoples lands the sacred lands.
    Just sanction Joseph Biden for inhuman activity

  199. I lived in California until 2005. Jerry brown started destroying San Diego. I foresaw what was going to happen. My ex wife said I was crazy. I moved my family to Texas. Best move ever. My ex even thanked me. When she sees the homeless population there she is shocked.

    MAGA '24

  201. I held my nose and voted for Trump in 2016. I voted for him in 2020 because I looked at his statistics not at the black propaganda leveled against him by the Fifth Column in this nation. Now I will vote for him even if he is in jail. I always considered that he may be a criminal (New York real estate mogul who rubbed elbows with Hilary Clinton) But they turned on him and tried everything to destroy him. These last 8 years have proven to me that he must be the most ethical New Yorker in history.

  202. All 34 charges which were misdemeanors and past the time to bring the charges. Justice is pay to play and this just proves even if you have money it can be rigged against you very easily.

  203. These people are trying to start another civil war with all these lies & political BULLSHIT !! Hillary Clinton ,Barack Hussain Obama, Joe Biden should be JAILED & people like Maxcine WATERS& Mayor Washington D incurred Burn Lout & Murder eternal. etc etc

  204. This whole thing is a witch hunt the Democrats are so scared that they are gonna lose everything they worked so hard to corrupt. Just like Satan is running out of time so are the Democrats.

    The Lord said do not touch my anointed ones. I’ve always been taught that you don’t down about a preacher, a prophet, or anyone who is anointed by God because that is like slapping God in the face.

  205. They want Trump supporters to revolt so they can call for martial law. Once that is done then they can legal take away the rest of our rights. Nothing about this is right or fair. It’s crooked as Hell!

  206. This judge was totally one sided and bias!!! I've watched the entire coverage of his trial and if you have just common sense with no legal expertise you cannot walk away saying that he's guilty. PERIOD!! The judge was totally bias and even told the jury that they didn't have to agree on all counts but just choose a buffet….REALLY??? They were so confused by his instructions that they had to ask for them to be heard again!! There were also 2 attorney's on the jury which I'm positive they helped the other jury members. Isn't it a miracle that they all had no questions about anything!!! I agree with Tatum that all these dems that are so crooked walk around with no repercussions or consequences for their crimes..and they have committed severe crimes!! And I'm also pissed about Republicans being candy asses and just allowing this shit!! I'm angry, I'm embarrassed, and I'm ready to get involved to help in some way so this injustice stops because our America is so much better than this!! You wait and see..this current leader and his admin hate America and it's people so much that they will have us in WWIII before they let Trump back in office..that's how corrupt they are!!!!!!!!!

  207. Fuck Biden and trump. Time to make this country ours again. Get the crooks out of office! Get the demented out of office. If you can't form a sentence you have no reason to run the country. So ashamed to be an American these days! Seriously can't believe what this country has turned to in the last decade.

  208. I'm very upset to and I dont see all those jury all 12 of them convi Ted him on all charges I smell a rat the judge went in there when the jury was making there decision and probly told them to convict him

  209. All he had to do is step out of the presidential elections and all his problems, the witch hunt, the courts they would all go away. His problems would disappear- all he had to do is step back..

    Everyone on line saying this and that but we need action! WE THE PEOPLE NEED TO STAND. STAND FOR SOMETHING. Stand for something or fall for anything.
    Im an independent voter.. This election I will be voting for Trump.

  210. I saw that Trump apparel will be donated to the Trump campaign. Where do I find your store? I was asking my hubby if he wanted a father's day gift from your store bc of the proceeds going to Trump.

  211. They just don’t want him to be president. And black Americans are supporting trump now more than ever lol they put him in prison black people are going to support him more

  212. They want us to stop talking and go to war. Republicans are the Democrats just saying what you want to hear. They all fear him and the people love him. This is war in the making.

  213. Republicans are silent because this is good for them too. They want to keep the illusion of 2 parties with opposing views. They're all evil and rotten and DJT is trying to show the world their dirty secrets and they all want him to burn. If this is the worst Trump's guilty of then he's a better person than I am

  214. The left is afraid Trump will create a monarchy and never leave office. My opinion: I'd rather live in a monarchy with Trump then a socialist republic with the democraps in office.
    I always planned to vote for Trump and did in the last rigged election. Go Trump!!!

  215. I don't think it was just the MAGA world, that helped raise that money. Think a fair amount of it was raised by them. But I don't think it all came from the MAGA base.

  216. I still DON'T trust the system! Look what they did to Kari Lake in a border state 🤬?! Anyone with HALF of a 🧠 and a LITTLE common sense KNEW Creepy hair sniffing Joe does cocaine and that's some of his dementia! 81 million votes I call 🐂💩 and 🗳️ harvesting 🤬!

  217. What you can do with the money depends on the cause the money was given for.
    If you're donating fr legal fees, it goes towards lawsuits. Donate for campaign, it goes to running… it says what you're donating for or if it's a general donation to do what you want.

  218. When Trump was in office and you had the Speaker of the House was a rhino named Paul Ryan. He stopped Trump at every turn. But Trump was able to do most of what he wanted to do through executive orders and being the genius that he is. Paul Ryan is gone Mitch McConnell will be gone and host of other rhinos will be gone this next time

  219. When he was up against Hillary Clinton Democrats had almost a billion dollars in campaign money raised from DNC. Against Donald Trump's Maybe 400 million to 500 mil. That's not to mention the tech billionaire party coming up to raise money for Donald Trump. Thousand dollars a plate and 500,000 per couple. And you also must remember some of this money goes towards helping other Trump back politicians that are America First and running this year like Bernie Marino in the state of Ohio for Senator to replace Sherrod Brown

  220. I'm more worried about just like in 2016 against Hillary Clinton Peter struck said they have an insurance policy against Trump winning. It is the insurance policy I am worried about in 2024

  221. When one hates they cannot see past that hate sad I know many of them that hate the orange man and are Christian and will vote for Biden. Christian democrat seems like an oxymoron. They go against all the Christian values I don’t get it. God help us all.

  222. Yes, Trump needs to register voters & they need to actually vote. People also need to get out & breathe down the Dems backs as continuous poll watchers. The biggest obstacle to Trump's re-election is going to be the continuing voter fraud.
    All the pieces are still in place, Communist China built the voting machines, and the same criminals are overseeing the elections. Look for repeats of voting machines breaking down in Republican precincts, ballot harvesting in nursing homes from barely conscious residents by Democrat "poll workers," sudden mail dumps of mail-in ballots with unverified signatures & phony addresses, stopping the vote count in battle-ground states at 10:00pm so the Dems can figure out how many votes they need to manufacture to defeat Trump, direct manipulation of vote totals in the machines, and vote totals exceeding the number of registered voters by 10+ per cent. All this happened in 2020.

  223. Every single ballot drop box must have an independent camera on it! We have already seen proof positive that Democrats will use these boxes to rig THEIR OWN primary elections, so we must assume that they will use them to rig a general election!

  224. Biden is trying to fool voters into thinking he is shutting down the border, but at the same time he is still flying 300,000 illegal aliens directly into the US. His “shutdown” allows 2,500 illegal aliens to cross into the country every DAY! And gives them amnesty if they come in at a legal entry point!

  225. Biden is trying to fool voters into thinking he is shutting down the border, but at the same time he is still flying 300,000 illegal aliens directly into the US. His “shutdown” allows 2,500 illegal aliens to cross into the country every DAY! And gives them amnesty if they come in at a legal entry point!

  226. Sorry to bother 😢 even though you're a great 👍 dude but I think that Obama is responsible for the racial division in America, I wonder when Obama is going to denounce his whiteness, and I'm still waiting ✋️?!?!?!??

  227. Blinkin is directly involved in building new Jerusalem in Ukraine and Russia that why Netanyahu made war in sector Gaza to start to dismantle Israel and relocate Jews to Ukraine and Russia! Do you know that the cities of Ukraine and some of Russia have new condos built a specially for these “immigrants” that are under full maintenance and waiting for these people from Israel!!! Their plans are to kill last Ukrainians and take their land and build new Jerusalem! Won’t happen!

  228. 240610–Did Mexico's president from 100+ yrs ago, say, " Better to die fighting our evil government, instead of fighting its war against other, innocent countries."

  229. Cool ships wheel Sir. I live in a boat im almost finnished building in my forest. Its a chinese junk flat bottom 20' Egyptian v shaped ancient river sail. Gas diesel & solar electric…gold dredging river boat . Its charming . I did built movie props for a living. Hand Carved hardwoods and gem and fossil incrusted . Its my Mona Lisa of boat building in 65 years of building. Im 70 . Dad was the frog man first scuba diver . I was pollywog boy first kid diver . It blew my ears out . They didnt know that would happen to young kids . Your welcome. No biggy some dumb kid had to try it lol

  230. Mr. Savage, I don't want to admit that you are right, but it is a Gemini Trait, we are Extreme, Overkill, It's only Inate in our Characteristics , There is no mederate Grey area of a Gemini, Love, or hate, black or white, Even me, I thought that could change with Diplomacy getting further education, and for the Most part it did, but there's still that ODD, I have Many close friends that are Gemini's you know we actually compare notes of Empathy? Hilarious huh? I guess when we look at Revelations in the Bible, I interpret as the Zodiac. Worst was when I was in John Jay HS., I learned about a Bully that was a Gemini., Sickly Feirce, and I will admit I was Scared of him, Jeff Emmons, until I pounced Right on him in the Schools Industrial shop., Guess what he was same birthday, same age June 7th, even looked like me, people would get confused, Go figure., I don't know how to explain it, but it's a Determinate DRIVE, that is addicted to it, Can't Stop till IT'S OVER. Nice to meet you.

  231. Billy Sparks

    Billy Sparks


    0 seconds ago

    God Bless and Thank you to All of you, and Mr. Johnson, you are right! Bragg withheld Trump's Brady v Maryland materials and NY v Ulett, of Exculpatory Evidence of the FEC Chairman, Cy Vance, Bookeeper, any Expert Witnesses…… Trump is Entitled to a NY CPL 440.10 (h) For Brady Material denial, We ask respectfully that he is either given a New Trial of 440, with new developments (1) DA Alvin Bragg to now be a Material Witness under Brady, because we would like to know , in Open Court on the Stand why he violated Principles of Collateral Estoppel principles of Statute of Limitations, that the Felonies are [Derived] from Expired Misdemeanors. (2) I have various Trump alerts and took pictures of a FB posting of a fella Micheal Anderson that claims to be a jurors cousin that he posted on 5/29 that – "…..They're gonna convict him tomorrow"., Either he it is True or he is Nostradamis? Because how could it be so accurate?, According to many on the Internet for some reason, the judge removed it (tampering) but deceived the lawyers in a letter leaving out the Last Word. ["Tomorrow"] Yet he TAMPERED with Evidence by Removing it, instead of contacting proper authorities. Now that I know there is a Unified Court System FB page I want to Paste this on that site, And also request US Supreme Court's Intervention by Enforcing a Mandamus, "In re: Due Process/Brady. Have a Good weekend.

  232. Thank you for introducing me to Michael Savage. I never heard him before. I like him. Does he have a podcast? I think he has very intelligent and insightful comments❤I agree with most of what he said!

  233. That doesn't make sense Trump is a bully and he's getting bullied by the FBI the department of Justice Joe Biden and all the Democrats smearing him knocking him down the media doing the same thing and you're calling Trump a bully. You're saying people don't like bullies. Well then they sure as hell wouldn't be voting for the Democrats

  234. You think NATO and the United States can fight Russia and China at the same time. Our country will be gone. We don't even have any healthy people in this country to even trained to go to war. Even if you drafted him what are we going to draft a bunch of sick people that are on dope that are poor as hell and in horrible condition. China and Russia aligned with each other for a reason. It's these elite people that are doing it. The nadler's the pelosi the Schumer Christopher Wray I think he's a nice guy I think he's being controlled by somebody probably the CIA. Cuz who's above the president in the CIA.

  235. All they have to do is get a list of people that are unregistered voters. They register those voters without the person's knowledge. They cast their vote they forged their signature that they get from the department of motor vehicles off their driver's license or their picture ID. The count the corruptible and they make a copy of it. Now it's a legitimate fake vote.

  236. He's not a felon. In order to get a misdemeanor upgraded to a felony you must have three charges of the same offense. This is for repeat offenders that's why they are upgraded to a felony. But they must be three to misdemeanors of the same offense. Donald Trump has 34 misdemeanors which will be overturned. Joe Biden and Alejandro Marcus have 320,000 felony federal accounts of human smuggling under subsection 1324 a1v 1907 title 8, USC 1324 a. The law reads like this. Prohibits aliens smuggling domestic transportation of unauthorized aliens, encouraging or inducing aliens to enter the United States of America and engaging in a conspiracy or aiding and abetting any of the preceding Acts. They don't want presidential immunity for presidents. Cool when Joe Biden leaves office he's going to get charged with 320,000 felony Federal offenses of human smuggling. Any can possibly get more than that because for each and every state line that you cross over with a illegal alien is an additional felony. Transporting illegal aliens over state lines. The media wants to talk about 34 misdemeanors why don't they talk about 320,000 felony federal offenses of human smuggling these people were boarded on planes in their countries and flew into the interior of the United States. Where's the department of Justice on this or the FBI. Is anybody riding up any of these charges. Any district attorneys going after this. Of course they're not because they're all Democrats and they all broke the law and they all should be charged with Rico as a criminal organization the Democratic party. That one Democrat voted to impeach Alejandro mayorkas that violated federal law that are all felonies 320000 of them

  237. Raskin is in remission…..he could have his cancer return if he Isn't careful…..if I were him I would quit politics and walk away to live what life he uas left…..if he is smart.

  238. Joe acts like a criminal… let's jail him…..if we can't make him understand it's time to admit his criminal acts….then we will have to amend the constitution to stop this from happening EVER again.

  239. Jesus Chirst die at age 33 and / are the dry bones are up on us . In President Trump case , the Evil are repeating the crufiction of Jesus Chirst . And anyone in support of this crufictions will never enter the kingdom of God .

  240. They're trying to push forward legislation that wouldn't allow a felon to run for office. Next that same felon would be banned from secret service protection. So if they try to put them in the slammer he won't have any protection.. my thinking is if he's a felon he'll be jellin they'll love him there .most of them were put there by the same people. What a country the people will save it.

  241. True,it's happening in belgium belgium. The maghreb / morrocan people work in our subways trams and do countles arrests and intimidations against the belgian citizens. They have 2 passports too. They are particurlarly targetting the black african communities. The african people are getting no incentives, while the Ukranians live on our taxpapers money for the last 2 years.On top of that our minister de croo gave again 1 billion % towards ukraine..!

  242. Michael Savage is correct about many things but @24:07 he's dead wrong about DeSantis. DeSantis defeated himself the moment he tried competing against Trump and made a series of blatant lies in order to counter Trump.

  243. This guys an idiot. Trump isn't measured on how much money he raised. He's shown what he can do for the country, and it is the measure of faith. Don't get this guy on again

  244. Both parties have funding threw the cia mccain and mitt were head of the republican side. The cia gets its orders through wallstreet/ banks/ corporations. Then you have billionaires funding through these establishment. Like sorros,gates etc…

  245. Garland cannot answer a straight forward simple question he is a total joke he has no business being AG of the USA. He has destroyed the trust in the rule of law. It gives me chills to think the democrats had him primed to be a supreme court justice.

  246. Mr. Garland your voice sounds so familiar, where did I hear it?………..Ah yes! in Star Wars Attack of the clones, your voice was used for the male Kamino Lama Su.

  247. I was recently watching an old movie – the original Frankenstein with Boris Karloff. When scenes of the ignorant and angry village mob with torches and pitchforks chasing the monster came on, I immediately thought, "There's the Democrat party in a nutshell!".

  248. Not warranted recusals. Garland overseeing the entire DOJ has failed to protect our justices. Protection was not enough when the law was broken when you allowed protesters to attack our justices at their homes. Not allowed and illegal.

  249. Judges who are fair and equal don't need much protection…And most citizens are ok with their rulings with a few exceptions..The Democrats need more protection because they know they are not fair and impartial..

  250. ''Anti-Semitic?'
    Its a Trick.
    We Always Use It" to Stifle Legitimate Criticism of Jews and Zionist Israel.
    Shulamit Aloni, former Israeli cabinet member.
    Winner of the 2000 Israel Prize.

  251. Tried watching Wet Spot again today. Only took 2 minutes to start. Chrissie pops up right away. Its all very exciting. The show is moving along. Then uh… Andrew shows up. All the drive dumps out of the show. The first 8 minutes were awesome this time though.

  252. Report this video for misinformation, XXXTentacions last words were not “it’s my time to go” it was “What the f*ck is going on” and “What is this for” even his killers said that were his last words, the person who posted the video either wanted to be funny by taking clout out of dead celebrities or make people more sad.

  253. Here in NW London my work colleague is Israeli, he openly said this…

    ‘There mothers are terrorists, what do you think their kids will grow to be?, all must go before It's too late (long live Israel) ’.

    Wow! 😮😮😮

  254. Joe biden is an evil man, He is trying to use the Gaza war to win elections. Thats why now he is calling for the war to end but Russia and other nations where calling for seize fire months ago. This clearly shows the True colours and the Evilness of the West. Palestians have died and suffered because of the Americans.

    America, Britain, lsreal and other western countries are the Terrorist of the World. Now they are playing ball to blame Hamas if a seize fire is not accepted. This is bullshit💩

  255. This man called Mustafa when ever I listened to your response about hamas terrorist war with lsreal I get more disappointed a groups of cowards are hiding under the ground and left women and children's above the ground and you called such people brave fighters. Why did so many of you in that part of the world have heart of pharaoh the old egytians leader ?

  256. It’s Biden and Netanyahu propaganda plans to reduce public anger nothing else. At the end, blaming Hamas and continue genocide in Gaza and Palestinian land.
    Biden vetoed 3 times in UN, as a result more than 100 thousands innocent Palestinian civilians killed and injured, Israeli arrested innocent civilians, professional, stripped them and mass murdered them , buried alive , how cruel Israeli Zionist are!!!
    Germany kicked out Zionist from Germany, created Holocaust, now supporting Israeli Genocide in Gaza and Palestinian land.
    Whole world please help Palestinian resistance groups to kick out Zionist from Palestinian land to Germany, Zionist can fight for their own ancestors land in Germany but not in Palestinian land.
    Biden and his officials are great liars, more than 145 billion taxpayers dollars gave to Israeli to continue genocide and war crimes in Gaza and Palestinian land, 75 years Genocide and Occupation makes Palestinian unbearable, send back Zionist to German land soon.

  257. Netanyahu is just buying time. Lip service to the deal while they continue to bomb and advance their genocide. What he is doing now is just suicidal. You have to assume his ultimate goal is a world war. He’s delusional. He is a psychopath- like a rabid dog. He will never quit- he will die in office.

  258. Is there any way in law to bring a case at ICC against genocide Joe?? If there is a way, any country should bring a case against genocide Joe because he deeply involved with genocide in the state of Palestine.

  259. The deal must include recognition of Israel of an Independent soverign Palestinian state with its own military after an election and protection to all Palestinian in WB and Jerusalem and removing of settlements

  260. How can any reasonably "aware" person trust Netanyahu ( he's of Polish Jewish extraction and his real name is Mielkowicz after the Polish town his people are from ), or Joe Biden? They're both nasty corrupt frauds and should be seen as such. Nothing more. and nothing less. And let's be frank: the Israel-American "connection " is a parasitic one, like a bad marriage the two involved parties can't end.

  261. Americans cannot possibly be seen as honest brokers in any future talks in view of their support of Israel in the genocide and denial of ICC jurisdiction ! USA cannot possibly be trusted to act with any fairness. It’s noteworthy no mention is made to release thousands of Palestinians detained arbitrarily in the West Bank in the past few months and the continued expansion of illegal settlements in East Jerusalem and West Bank!!!
    Arrest warrants need to be issued by the ICC asap 😮

  262. Israel one of the most modern and new weapons army in world fails against Hamas that fight with limited and handmade weapons. What if Hamas have what israel have today?

  263. Israel lost the war as the will of the Palestinians were very high. They supported Hamas who were fighting for them. Israel sre occupiers n have no right to be in Palestine. Gobhome isrsel. Leave alone yhe Palestinians

  264. BPD patients are not always stalkers and tend to self harm before harming others. Don’t add to the stigma man. Mental illness is hard enough as it is.

  265. Being online stalked is scary. I’ve had one. He will disappear for a few months or even years then show up randomly. Even though I made it clear I want no contact and I keep blocking his accounts. He’s been at it since I was 15 years old. That’s like 7 years ago… Def be careful out there.



  268. Entire segments of our society as a whole are undergoing narcissistic disorders ranging from lone male or female individuals, to vast sophisticated organisations who coordinate harassment campaigns which involves cyberstalking, surveillance, mobbing etc. The bible says…."AS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH…..WHEN THE PEOPLE BECOME SO EVIL IN THEIR INTENTIONS TOWARDS OTHERS, THEN THE LORD WILL END THE ENTIRE WORLD ORDER FOR GOOD!

  269. Why do people think that the stalker has to have been wronged in some way.
    Many stalkers have Narsissistic attitudes seeking out someone having few strong family bonds or friendships, often causing those bonds to be broken ASAP, To be able to dominate and control,
    They play the wonderful partner in public, behind closed doors their narsissistic attitude drives them into violent psychotic temper tantrums when they can't get their own way.
    When a child is born it keeps the victim tied to the home, if the relationship breaks up the controlling partner reverts back to stalker mode.
    Men and Women both play this evil game though mostly Male dominated trait as the main emphasis is on physical domination.
    Any children born into this scenario will often suffer a traumatised life.
    There are millions of people who can relate their ongoing problems to violent parents who were drawn into relationships like this.
    God help our future unborn children, as this problem is growing every year.
    Our Educational System need to include Psychology of Relationships.

  270. Feels like it'll never end. First there was my ex who wouldn't leave me alone. The other stuff he's done to me is awful. Even wound up reporting him online and nothing.

    Then there's the roommate I live with. Literally can't go out the door without being followed

  271. Why? I can see the obsessive side, but why to such length? Why the fantasy scenarios they create? How do you stop them or get them too leave you alone? Scary that they twist it into them being a victim! And recording you etc

  272. I had to speak to a stalker about a home repair. I didn't know that he was at first. I did see that he tried to control me with something that he said. That was my red flag. After this, he started texting me then calling me. I didn't answer his texts or most of his calls but I spoke to him once in a professional way. A few days later, he was knocking on my door. I had the curtains closed and didn't answer the door. A few days after that, he texted me to tell me to make sure I put his phone number in my phone. I didn't answer him and, so far, he hasn't bothered me again. I'm waiting to see if he has decided to bother some other poor woman, one who doesn't see red flags. I think that this will be the case because he knows that I will not pay attention to him as he makes his efforts to force me to have something to do with him.

  273. A translator who served great AMERICA faces two great dangers to the life of his family and to his life. He sends a message to the honorable USA President, Joe Biden!


    Un traducteur qui a servi la grande Amérique fait face à deux grands dangers pour la vie de sa famille et pour sa vie. Il envoie un message à l'honorable président américain, Joe Biden !


    Un traduttore che ha servito la Grande America affronta due grandi pericoli per la vita della sua famiglia e la sua vita, invia un messaggio al rispettato presidente degli Stati Uniti Joe Biden!


    Ein Übersetzer, der dem großen Amerika gedient hat, sieht sich mit zwei großen Gefahren für das Leben seiner Familie und seines Lebens konfrontiert. Er sendet eine Botschaft an den ehrenwerten amerikanischen Präsidenten Joe Biden!


    偉大なアメリカに奉仕した翻訳家は、家族の命と自分の人生に対する 2 つの大きな危険に直面しています。彼は名誉あるアメリカ大統領、ジョー バイデンにメッセージを送ります。




    Un traductor que sirvió a la gran América enfrenta dos grandes peligros para la vida de su familia y para su vida. ¡Envía un mensaje al honorable presidente estadounidense, Joe Biden!



  274. Absolutely WRONG! Legal scholars from conservative and normal law schools are almost unanimous that Trump’s absurd adolescent behavior in front of the jury, plus his need to manage his own defense team (NOT) and their complete mishandling of their summation to the jury, led to the only outcome that even remotely made sense to adults…because jurors watch defendants very closely. Hence, guilty on 408 individual panel member votes (34 counts * 12). BTW, alternates also hinted that they felt Trump ruined his own chances. It’s on him dudes!

  275. Trump trips up over his own lies. Why did Trump have a non-disclosure agreement for something that never happened? Criminals & thugs get convicted. Try to be a man and face up to your disgraceful and scandalous behavior. "Lock him up!"

  276. The mayor says Riker’s is ready to imprison Trump.
    Home confinement is not an option in New York State.
    The probation officer will probably recommend imprisonment because of his lack of contrition and his menace to society.
    He has a platform & commands an army of heavily armed deranged thugs.
    His sentencing will probably be along the lines of Al Capone, John Gotti & El Chapo.

  277. People act as if Trump left billions of dollars of U.S taxpayer military equipment in Afghanistan but they are happier that Trump is convicted. That Texas sized Asteroid is taking to long to get here. Earth needs to start over again

  278. The DONKEY got a FELONY against him, a disgrace to the presidency, and the first one in 200 years of history to be convicted of crimes in the existence of America?

  279. A convicted felon can't vote, own a firearm, and good luck getting a job with a felony conviction, convicted tax cheat, and convicted sexual predator.

    But he can run for president???????????

  280. Trump will be President I hope. He did a good job last time and loves his country. The globalists don't like him because he doesn't like them. The Democrats will try anything to stop him running, so they can carry on destroying the country, for some reason.

  281. Trump was found guilty of a crime that was not against the law, While Joe Biden and Hunter are implicated WITH EVIDENCE in fraud and treason GO FIGURE

  282. How dare American by default Sandy Cortez continue telling her leftist lies about President Trump when she and the other members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus are the main reasons our border is open right now. She hated all of President Trump's victories on the border and had the nerve to say that an illegal walking here with her baby is more America than he is! Which is offensive and makes no sense. I don't see one bus anywhere yet she and other leftists always claim he busses in his crowds! If there was even one bus anywhere near that rally, the leftist press would film it multiple times to make it appear like more. It's easy enough to show the people waiting there to see him and hear them say they are from the Bronx!


  284. I don't think Bronx residents like being called "clowns." So typical of democrats like Hokum talking down to black and brown people. And they are getting very sick and tired of it.

  285. I seriously hope a lot of black folks wake up because the democrats are still using them like slaves but in the form of scapegoats and votes. The more a Democrat had slaves, the more votes they got and quite a few democrats became president because of the slaves they had.

  286. Dru and Lou… YASSSS!!!! Hochul and Ocasio consistently present themselves as screaming banshees.

    We need to find more ways to educate our communities of color to the purpose of the authorities we are voting for and to get past microwave media representation of the candidates. Donald Trump is many things you may like or not, but he is the best candidate for President, and the one who is really chosen to re-establish the U.S. as the power the nation was created to be. I only wish I knew the Bronx Rally was being held.. I would have “bused” myself in to my hometown of NY. Trump has growing support from people of color nationwide… thank you for sharing the truth! A Progressive Republican Woman of Color voting for Trump!!🙌🏽🇺🇸

  287. This two Bronx dude are ignorant. since they live in nyc, they don’t feel the social problems TRUMP BRINGS TO THIS COUNTRY.
    And trust me thats not enough Bronx natives.

  288. The Con Don is not pulling wool over my eyes: He knows he needs a % of Black voters and using what deceptions, manipulations and tricks so he can get an advantage which will be a Huge disavantage and set back for African Americans. Most younger among us do not even know what a president's most important job is🤔. That's to protect the Amercan people and Trump failed when he did not know how to handle a major crisis(co-vid 19) where over 400 hundred Thousand Americans perished under him because of his negligence and incompetence. He played Russian roulette with our lives while he was more concerned about the economy and not human life. To him, citizens are disposable, and the loss of life means nothing. Greed is what mattered, and to him, losing that amount of people was " just " business. " ⛳️🏌♂️

  289. Only Bronx Trump cares about are his geeedy friends ⛳️🏌♂️. Those NY apartment slum landlords who take your hard earned rent money and do nothing for the repair upkeep where you live while they live big time elsewhere and laugh all the way to the bank 🦊👎.

  290. Delusion folks for Trump🤔: Remember-George Floyed, Ahmad Aubrey, Breanna Taylor, Elijah McClain, Botham Jean and many others who perished by rogue maga cops under Trumps " Law and order" plan w/o accountability .🤨

  291. The left is just hate. Trump rallying saying he wants better for everyone and the left just hate on him. I'm not American and don't live there but you must be a psycho to not vote Trump.

  292. We need to wake up he is the best man for the job duck of Biden they deliberately went after him they font eant him in the white house their are a lot of densible african Americans

  293. Trump gets laid with one of the "premier" hookers in America and gets 34 felonies. Sounds like the young lady got a little more than she bargained for. lol. That's Pimp Daddy material right there!

  294. If I were Trump, I'd get some new "Ink" and list every one of those felonies on my forearms and wear those felonies like a badge of honor! Biden is just jealous he can't get it up – like Trump! (Do you really want some old geezer as President who's plumbing isn't working? Embarrassing! I bet Hillary Clinton can get it up! lol )

  295. I loved Trump from day one and my best friend Simone asked me what was wrong with me. I didn't like Obama from day one and my other best friend Tammy's mom told me i was being a hater. I trust what the Holy Spirit tells me. I was right each time.

  296. Democrats have always taking minority communities for granted, they say at election time what people want to hear but when they win they forget about you all
    Trump is shining the light for change to these communities
    You have to care to change them, democrats never cared about minorities at all

  297. When I reply these things,
    🙊🙉🙈GoogleYouTube👶 removes it. And, I mean the "replies" from others to me regarding a 'comment' I've made. Then, when I "reply" similar words to what this video is saying, to the person that replied to my comment…my "reply" gets removed. This has happened around 10 different times. And, I violated no YT community rules.
    Just sayen. Interesting isn't it? What's up with that?

  298. We really like what you are doing for all. We have come to expect hearing you say, 'hit subscribe right now'. I have a suggestion, start your videos with: "You know it`s coming next ladies and gentlemen – hit subscribe right now!" Have some fun with your trademark opening line. Thanks!

  299. I disagree! He and all Presidents have to have absolute immunity! End of story! As long as their actions and decisions are within reasonable grounds and not flat out criminal.

  300. Its not funny its elserly abuse… he provably not gonna run replace him just before ekection.. jill doesnt care..but biden not well.. its not funnny dementia is serious. All Americans just go vote n Trump let it be..Melania is last say a comnedian too.. Trump cant fund his qayvoff stage cuz he immatates biden ..


  302. Well let me explain…Melania Trump is a lady. Jill Biden is not. No lady would allow her husband to be so exploited! Never in the history of our country has a first lady so allowed her husband to be humiliated and mistreated. I didn't vote for Mr. Biden. I think all these incumbent Democrats have been smoking the wrong stuff. But I would never have allowed my husband to be so mistreated. My husband, a seriously disabled (not physically) veteran suffered from temporary blank spots. I was always by his side and if people were near by, they fully understood they were to act perfectly normal when he returned to us. He didn't last long, died at 61 but he served in combat 3 times (Korea during the Conflict and Viet Nam twice). nb

  303. Dude, I love this stream, excuse me hello chat, This is great! Did you give any thought to doing the audio book I mentioned? ok I finished watching this. First part of my comment was in the first half. I was like Jump Back when Trump whips to his left and points. It was funny-urn, I shared. stay safe. 😏

  304. After his instructions to the Jurors he put the blame on them? what a coward… I would be curious to know how many people saw this FB post. Cause I never heard of it did You??? If it really exist (or suddenly/conveniently) its now all over the place, my guess is FB Fact Checkers helped in the creation of such post!!!

  305. Pretty sure the judge and the DA have to appear before the judiciary committee in Washington DC on June 11 pretty sure they can explain to them everything they did!! Can’t wait to watch that!

  306. Judge is crazy and crooked like the Biden and his traitors and trolls like Obama and Hillary who are using Joe as their political puppet!! I vote for Trump 🇺🇸🇺🇸 because everyone knows this is a joke and it’s all about Trump is the President and they know Biden didn’t win ever!!

  307. It doesn't matter, your a trump supporter. No matter what happened you would back trump. You talk law, but question the outcome. He was found guilty by his peers. You're either for the Constitution or against it. Sounds to me you're for it only when it suits you.

  308. This Judge needs to be Removed Immediately and Disbarred. Also be investigated. He is absolutely an outrageous and Bias. He needs to go to Prison for the rest of his sorry life.


  310. Liberal Hivemind is an amazing production! It's my favorite go-to for the skinny on current political events. So informative. He does a great job of finding and collecting key info and data, analyzing it, putting it together, adding it all up then summarizing while pinpointing the key takeaways in his productions. I absolutely LOVE this channel and let me tell ya, it has given me the weapons needed to help crush the mal-informed Trump-hating/Biden-loving individuals in debates. I follow others like Benny, Ruined Leon, Doug in Exile, and more, but Liberal Hivemind does such a good job getting us all we need to know that if I had to choose only one, it would be his channel. If he was hiring, looking for a remote working employee, I'd love to work for him.

    So if you read this and you are hiring, I'm a huge fan and am quite serious! Reply here in comments

  311. Like most of us truth tellers on YT, we’ve either been demonetized, or we’re being blocked, shadowbanned, and just because we’re conservatives, we get the shaft daily. I love his channel. I watch him more than any LAMESTREAM media. And I have zero regrets in doing so.

  312. I boycotted Target over abortion, then went back after they backed out. Then, boycotted over Trans"women" being able to change in dressing rooms and go to our restrooms, then the special swimwear and gender neutral toy aisles. I'll probably never be back!

  313. As s happly partnered homosexual man, i do not understand why anyone would have a need to celebrate their sexuality, and for a month! Super wierd! And for sexually explicit behaviour on the streets: keep it in the bedroom.

  314. If you don’t wanna be messed with, why do you draw so much attention yourself by making yourself look the weirdest way possible. I would think that if you just came in casual like most people do you would never have as much attention. I really think these people want the attention they really wanna be to look at even if it’s in the negative way.
    It’s stupid unless you were like a clown or something and that was your job. I would understand but to draw negativity to yourself on purpose doesn’t make sense.

  315. Yes but…..They hate capitalism….and selbrate pridemonth when you get your vacation money.
    AND a lot of big coorperations sponsor this in the month you get youre vacation money.

  316. Why do corporations cater to these morphadites?!! They don't WORK!!So you are catering to mommy and daddy,cause somebody has got to feed and clothe these people who end up living in Mommy's and Daddy's basement!!!! PATHETIC!!

  317. Everyone is abandoning Pride month. Ive been in multiple Walmarts recently, including in California, and there wasnt any Pride displays. Instead i saw early 4th of July displays, never been happier to see a store put out holiday stuff too earlier, MAGA

  318. yeah, abortion being called "Healthcare"….assinine…..women have a "Choice"……vagina "Open for Business", or "Closed for the Season"……that's your CHOICE…….abortion is MURDER……

  319. TRUTH… FOIA emails show the USA had the blueprints for covid19 but the Pentagon refused to allow the research to move forward. The US lab that had the info also had a relationship with Wuhan… so… it may have been a little indirect but YES FAUCI WAS involved with funding and reseaech.

  320. I just listen to this Carlucci guy completely lie about president Trump, and he wasn’t corrected. I thought NTD news was supposed to be neutral and fair, if not a slight bit more conservative. I don’t like this new path; and let’s not forget that democrats are typically pro-China. So what’s happening??!?!?

  321. If Hunter was discharged under other than honorable conditions, because of his cocain addiction, then he had to lie twice on the questionnaire for the background check. That's 2 felony. Why is no one bringing this up?

  322. Carlucci is a liar. Michael Colangelo, and these corrupt judges are all Biden plants. Why do you have this jackass on without an opposition source? NTD seems to have sold out. It's becoming more frequent. Allowing these partisan hacks to pollute this news source is reprehensible. Another NTD political hit job.

  323. Ephesians 6:12
    King James Version
    12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

  324. Go ahead you puppets saying “convicted felon”… but more and more democrats will now vote for president Donald J Trump!!! I’m an 78 yr old Mexican woman from California and I’m proud to vote for DJT! 🇺🇸

  325. Tell it like it is Mr Berry! I love watching your show because to hear you state many of the thoughts that I've had just verifies what I've already thought for a long time! Love your show bro keep it up fight the good fight brother Cunningham!

  326. they are worse than silent they are complicit. Do they not think they will have to awnser for their actions when the truth comes out. Cuz thats the funny thing about lies. the truth will always rise above them.

  327. HELL YES, Convicted felon to the White House. Why not another one. All the evidence is there that we already have a felon in the White house, he just has not been convicted yet, but he is on his way. His son is already a felon now, being convicted! of 3 felonies.

  328. First we have to know the exact crime. DA Bragg hasn't specified the felony crime. Everything is wide-open specification. I'm disheartened by what this country has become and my oath of enlistment does end until death.

  329. What defines a successful career is it the numbers or is the Championships if it's the numbers Luka got that all the way if it's championships neither one of them losing more in the finals doesn't constitute a more successful career

  330. People saying Tatum and its not even close?! Lol you guys are high. Career wise its Luka. Tatum cant even get ahead of Luke to an MVP conversation despite being on a bigger franchise while Luka has been between Lebron, Jokic and Giannis etc. Tatum top 5 in mvp convo this year Luka is Top 2

  331. I disagree with Stephen a. The celtics have had the far better Tram the past 6 years. It is a team game so measuring the team's success isn't an accurate measure of which player is better

  332. If Tatum can't win a ring with this stacked team! best 5 in NBA we hear every day! Best Defense and Offense in the NBA! Mavs don't have a chance at all against this Big bad Boston team. We will see starting this Thursday night with game 1! Luka and Kyrie get their first ring together! Go Mavs! Can't wait to show the World what a fraud Tatum and these celtics are!

  333. Steven A something a Complete Idiot! After seeing other's REAL research of these 2, Tatum came to Bos 48 & 53 win teams, while Luka's Mav's were a 33 & 24 win team! So to compare Playoff success from both starting from yr 1 is ignorant! But both have the same # of rings still even with Tatum's Super teams! Tatum Looking like a Loser and not even best player on his own team! Luka By FAR the Better player than Tatum hands Down! And he will prove it in this series! Go Mavs! Mavs in 5!

  334. if luka had those celtics teams since the year tatum was drafted he would already have 2 rings by now. these ppl be tellin you reaching the finals means nothing when they talk about lebron but when it comes to tatum now its an achievement lmfaoo.

  335. As a Celtics fan, I have to give it to Luka. The most you can say for Tatum is that he's a better defender and has had more success in the playoffs and this is his second Finals appearance vs only one for Luka so far. But that's largely based on him being on better teams throughout his career, including as a rookie when they went to the Eastern Conference Finals.

  336. Stephen A really said even though Luka has averaged more Rebs, Ast, Ppg and has a better FG% he has to go with Tatum… Give Luka the teams Tatum has had and he has 2 rings, give Tatum Luka's teams and he has MAYBE 1 conference appearance (this season)

  337. for her to say plenty of us thought the celtics were gonna win the 22 title, don't start, no one thought the warriors were gonna win the celtics fumbled that badly

  338. jayson tatum had the better career so far he lost to a dynasty at a young age he has a gold medal he bouto get another chance at the Larry and another gold

  339. Luka is way better. When the going got tough Luka showed up while Tatum faded. Luka took a heavily favoured Suns team to game 7 on the road and won. And the "Luka sons" joke got even greater with the elimination of other teams by the Mavs this post-season, specifically the Timberwolves. Jaylen Brown carried the team through tough playoff situations while Tatum just didn't show up. Only reason Tatum went to so many finals is because of his team. Can't say he is better than Luka because of that. And it only seems like in the last 2 years Luka has a better contending team. Luka has everything to gain these finals. While Tatum and Boston have everything to lose.

  340. So jason has a better carrer because he been to more finals?? Aint that a team stat thou,

    Luka is a better player we all know that and he literally have better stats, idk what the argument is

  341. The disrespect on Tatum in the comments is crazy. Luka is a terrific player, but even their GM knows the type of players that should be around Luka. You put him in a team like Boston, JB will turn into Tim Hardaway Jr, Porzingis will just be waiting for lobs, Derrick White will just be a roaming defender who in the end of the day will request to be traded because he knows he can do more than that. The whole team will lack enthusiasm. But if you surround Luka with a bunch of nobodies, they are happy just being a role player, set screens hide in the corners, waiting for lobs and defending.

  342. Stupid. There are so many other factors. They acting like it’s just one player vs the other when there is a whole team and coaching and preparation. The great player makes a difference but isn’t the whole difference.

  343. What bothers me about Black Democrats is, that they willingly remain with their old slave masters. KKK, Jim Crow, genocidal Planned Parenthood, Great Society, Crime Bill (Biden), mass incarceration, prison industrial complex…. Let that sink. Frederick Douglas, Booker T Washington, Malcolm X & Co. would turn in their graves. Btw, that race card bs started with the communists… What we witness today is the result of a decades-long attempt to dumb down Western society.

  344. I really don’t care if it’s a democrat or republican for president I just want to vote for the best candidate that is going to do the best job for the country and the people

  345. They are trying to put that man in prison for what? Because he love his country, and want his people to have a better life, if God is for you who can be against you may God give president Trump strength.

  346. Black people finally waking up, and also the Haitian people are saying no more what they are doing to Haiti right now is very sad 😭😭😭 they are destroying that country shame shame that's ok November is coming.

  347. One problem… i love all these people coming together and talking sense and enjoying themselves but if they dont go to vote than we can't win! Please people VOTE!!❤ much love

  348. These corrupt Democrat politicians will pander t0 the black community by offering them reparations..they will try and past a fake ass bill just so they can made Republican s out to be the villains to win back the black votes ..because they know Republicans arent going to past this bill not when are economy is in decline..they are desperate and will try anything to remain in power so these elite Democrat corrupt politicians can finish destroying our Nation…they imported a new voter base to replace the black remember that come November..none of us has fully felt the repercussions of Biden s open border policy yet but its acoming..what we are seeing is just the beginning..

  349. Yes everybody wants a dishonest deviate for their president, what happened to men of good moral character? This man will embarass your nation all over again, America needs another DR King type person, not as in color but as in the quality and integrity of the leaders soul, I hope you find pne. This rally is hardly anything big amongst millions of people and iys rife with propaganda. Bidens no better, theyre flawed, corrupt liars, I feel bad fror your nation.

  350. Notice, THOUSANDS of ppl and no violence, everyone happy, sharing the love. Same way with all Trump rallies, no violence , nothing but peace/love/happiness supporting candidate of their choice.

  351. Extreme nationalism: Fascist leaders believe in the supremacy of certain groups of people based on characteristics such as race, religion, ethnicity, and nationality. Hitler and his Nazi Party, for instance, advanced the idea of Aryan (essentially white Germanic) racial superiority. The most extreme example of this ethnocentric nationalism was the Nazis' state-sponsored mass murder of six million Jews. The Holocaust, as it came to be known, involved eleven million murders total, including five million gay people, Roma people, people with disabilities, and others whom the Nazis deemed inferior.

    Cult of personality: Fascist regimes cultivate images of their leaders as great figures to be loved and admired, often through mass media and propaganda. In Italy, Mussolini’s photograph hung on the walls of classrooms while his political party encouraged all good citizens to purchase a Mussolini-themed calendar each year. Masculinity was central to this cult of personality. To maintain a powerful image, Mussolini prohibited journalists from reporting on his age or health issues and often took photographs posing with a lion or riding a horse. Mussolini, or Il Duce (“the leader”), took on a mythical status, and even the pope chalked up Il Duce’s survival of assassination attempts to divine intervention.

    Popular mobilization: Although both authoritarian and fascist governments are anti-democratic, leave little room for dissent, and strive to centralize power, the two types of regimes are not the same. Authoritarian governments want the population to remain passive and demobilized, whereas fascist regimes demand public participation in society through government-organized channels. Both Mussolini and Hitler, for instance, drew massive crowds in rallies intended to stir up enthusiasm for the country, the party, and the leader. Indeed, citizens could come under suspicion for refusing to take part in such activities. In this regard, fascist regimes often exhibit totalitarian tendencies by attempting to not just dominate politics but also control the hearts and minds of their citizenry.

    How did fascists come to power?

  352. All colors together . I love that my sist3rs and brothers of all rac3s coming t9gether and have woke up. Democrates use people of color. Republicans love you and fought to f4r slaves. Democrates were the ones saying keep.slavery. study you will see

  353. I’m a Latino from the Bronx, and I’ve never seen so much openly Trump supporters like today compare to 4 years ago, I use to be a democrat from NY, I’m voting Trump! Trump 2024 🇺🇸

  354. Everything is at stake here. This country will be a communist dictatorship in six months after election. If they win. You will own nothing abd not be happy. Your house your land will no longer belong to you.

  355. Is the biden administration good for the blacks , since you decide not to call yourself americans , cant the blacks see they are helping the democrats to continue preaching racism every day ,

  356. The peril of "DEI" "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion":
    Any such efforts to prioritize exception to the precepts of Meritocracy, inivite mediocracy, and substandard behavior.  Under meritocracy, only the best quality people are promoted.  When people are recognized for their diversity, Equity and/or inclusion over their proficiency, you have pilots who only know a little about flying an aircraft, people like (former) Speaker Nancy Pelosi who doesn?t have any character, wanting to impeach Our Legendary Champion, (former) Pres. Donald J. Trump!  Pres. Trump produced so much more than he consumed, has real experience as a CEO of his own company.  Just as people want just the best pilots flying their planes, we want the very best people running our country!
    People like Paul and Nancy Pelosi should have a place in society, like in a studio apartment, not a mansion!  Personal characteristics about people such as their skin color, sexual preference or hair style should not be factors qualifying or disqualifying over their character and job performance.  (former) Pres. Obama actually tried to TEACH people to lie!  Obama was never presidential material, not because of the color of his skin but by the lacking of his character.

  357. Yeah, these kids think America is so terrible yet you’ll never see them move any other country nor do they ever come up with a solution to any of the problems that they complain and protest about! They’re spoiled brats and like they took advantage of their parents and treat them like crap, they do the same to the country they live in that puts up with their BS!

  358. The American people are constantly being gaslit by the administration, as they keep saying the economy is great and your dollar has not been devalued by their inflationary monetary policy. However, the American people are not as dumb as they're being treated. We feel and see reality each time we go to the grocery store to buy groceries and fill up our gas tanks at the pump.

  359. Here’s the problem with government and democrats Biden administration those people have made a career stealing from us n they made sure the democrats stayed in power. They don’t respect the people and they sure as hell don’t see us as equals If I voted for a person like Biden for president and he wins great but if that same person I voted for gets on tv and says that I don’t no better n trump is a terorist and I don’t know what I’m doing like were children that’s insane and it tells me we’re not equals in his eyes so Americans let’s show him what it means to be equals n united as one and in November make sure the land slide victory is heard around the world and the fellows in space

  360. GREAT speaker, thanks, Stephen, for having him! I am hoping that our black community (I am one of them, biracial) will listen to this very intelligent Dr. Loury. He is spot on re- the rhetoric being passed on by those high up in the Dem Party. Thanks so much, Doctor!

  361. How dare he compare Dr. King's death with the death of a criminal who died of heart failure due to a massive drug overdose (read the autopsy report; he had so much fentanyl in his blood that it would have killed three adult men)? Biden is so despicable. I'm lost for words.

  362. if the presidents policy's start effecting the normal American they have to go thats the way history works ,, In America the government will push a little but the majority wins ,, lots of people have seen their bank accounts dwindle,, something has to give ,, we cannot keep wasting money its slowly catching up with us ,, Money talks ,, when all is good no worries we need it back again a reset of democracy is coming watch not a civil war but a different public opinion and political direction will take place ,, when all want a change its going to happen period

  363. What a great interview. We need to learn to think right. What is infuriatingly about Biden is his pandering. He is not a leader. How can one impart greatness if they don't have greatness in their own heart. Trump had a raw past. But that is not what he projects. He lifts us up. It's not his policies that will make America great, but his communication that waters the seeds of greatness within us. If students say they hate America, it's because they are failing to see that they are part of it, just as the foot is part of the body. It stinks at times, but it's treading through the mud to clear a path for the rest of the body. America is Great. We just need to be led out of the mud. TRUMP 2024 BABY!



  366. Which drug are you going to praise George Floyd for using? What crime out of the many that he committed are you going to like the most? The counterfeiting scheme he was busted for is a good one. The ignorant thing he did was swallow his drugs. He was already in the back of the police car and broke out. The man was nothing but a damned criminal. The left used Floyd to incite riots. You went for it.

  367. Thank you Glenn for not being a person who yells his opinions, etc, to the people!
    I appreciate that you have admitted to being a human, as well as a Christian! I too am human, & a Christian whom God has had to bring back to the fold a few extra times. I am now praying majorly for my 2 grandkids, & my Country!!!

  368. a jasue.dios: lo masacraron’torturaron’humillaron’y lo quisieron destruir! Pero su padre lo amparó’ protejio” y lo resucitó! Y hoy estás sentado a la derecha del padre’ gobernando toda una nación’ y Trump lo vas a lograr’

  369. TTTRUM chúng tôi thấy ông quá là khổ , chỉ vì yêu dân , yêu nước , ông đã chiến đấu cho người dân mỹ và đất nước, để đòi lại quyền tự đó dân chủ cho nước mỹ , mà chính quyền JOBIDEN và kamala Harris lãnh đạo, đã sử sự với toàn dân mỹ như những kẻ độ tài , độc đảng , vì vậy họ muốn hãm hại ông chúng tôi rất ngưỡng mộ ông vì điều này , chỉ có ông mới nặng lại cuộc sống ấm no cho dân mỹ và thế giới được hòa bình❤❤❤❤TTTRUM 2024❤❤❤2024

  370. The Communist manifesto read to the Congressional Congress in 1963 reveals the taking over of America!! Today they are on target! President Trump has stood in their way therefore, he had to be stopped! He interfered with their agenda. Read it for yourselves, then you will see who the real enemy is! One man stands in the way for your freedom, for my freedom, for America's freedom!

  371. Absolutely no way all those corrupted people that have persecuted our amazing PRESIDENT TRUMP needs to make that real and JAIL all those that have make false accusations against him from Clinton to Garland and anyone involved in any of the charges against him and the media should be make accountable for the distortion of the real facts!!!!!

  372. They tried everything to get this guy! What’s next? I would not be surprised if an attempt to take him out in “other methods” occurs. This is getting ridiculous, how are they getting away with this blatant political manipulation and interference?

  373. He let Hillary walk in 2016. That speaks volumes…. he let them off, they are literally trying to get him locked up in prison with no secret service.

    It is time to punish the criminal politicians.

  374. Not a single republican in the crowd of indoctrinated confused idiots lol this what happens when you stick your nose where it doesn’t belong sleepy joe 😂

  375. Proisrael said in front of media cameras: "We are afraid and feel unsafe about this demonstration😢"… but they stood watching at a close distance and even broke through the pro-Palestinian demonstration😂😂😂😂😂g

  376. The White House, Administration is not for or against anything except optics and bad publicity to the truth, like any and all Elite.

  377. Send all the illegals to the Ukraine. Simple is best solution. Give every illegal land grant in the Ukraine. It will be rebuilt with the billions sent from USA over there. Split those billions and give it to the illegals we send. So easyto solve to those problems. Replace Zelensky and Biden and Trudeau with a random illegal. Trust me when I say that all the problems will stop.


  379. I live in New York City, New York, specifically in the East Harlem neighborhood of Manhattan Island, and I have to say, as a native New Yorker all of my life, even back in the 1960s and early to mid-1970s, just shortly before I was born, nothing has really changed for the better. Even still to this day, New York City is ghetto as hell. Illegal aliens in the U.S.A. or not.

  380. Its so sad the falsehoods they have from language to jobs to cost of living. Its astonishing that we are all seeing theyd be better off making their home better and safer rather than to come here learning nobody wants them here.

  381. There is a legally required waiting period of 180 days before a "migrant" can get a work permit BUT the government is so far behind in processing them that it is taking 6-7 months.

  382. They thought how special it made them to be a sanctuary city being so far away from the border, it would never affect them. They didn't care what happened to us on the border states 30 years ago when this started, the destruction of our states, called us racist for fighting it in any way. So to the satanic North East that brought this cancerous ideology to the world: HAHAHAHAHAHA take it and like it, bigots.

  383. I don’t think most people understand the impact of this crisis. There are going to be generations of gangs, criminals, and 3rd world people all over the country permanently. People from countries without any morality or laws. They don’t give a damn about western ways of life. Biden will be long dead and everyone’s children and grandchildren will be stuck living amongst this nightmare. Cities and neighborhoods are going to be changed forever. I feel bad for the law abiding citizens who have kids.

  384. You know if these good folks were here legally there wouldn't be a problem. If you're here illegally well that's the problem. Than please don't try to convince me that there not working, because they're going to get employment and that causes other illegal thing to occur. They have to get ID's SSI card and so forth. Bottom line is we our the melting pot of the world or we used to be.

  385. It's hilarious to me that NYC is just now having immigration issues. Ive lived in Georgia & Alabama for over 2 decades and watched whole towns & communitues be replaced by people who dont speak english and dont care to learn. All this , and during my whole lifetime of 40 years the majority of the country wanting the border issue solved and illegal immigration stopped. Since the 1980s . Remember Ronald Reagan legalizing 6 million illegals and that was going to it because from then on the border would be closed. Legal immigration is even too much now ( tech companies).

  386. Problem with the cameras is they never use them to actually catch criminals. Had a dollar van driver put a rock through my windshield on Flatbush my first month in NYC. In full view of like five city cameras and they said they didn't have a clear view of his plates. And that was after waiting over an hour for a unit to arrive only to get some rookie bimbo with an attitude to take the report.

  387. 😂😂😂 I've discovered that being the parent of someone who's a bit of a celebrity is like major league baseball and it's farm system! My son is in "The Show", big leagues! I'm in Single A ball! Still on the radar!😂😂😂 People whom I absolutely do NOT know come up and talk to me all the time and I'm absolutely convinced that it's because of who my son is!😂
    All. The. Time.

    It's like that man.😂👍 Really.

  388. This has been prolonged by many many US administrations. This whole situation should have been remedied decades ago. Israel should have been forced back to the 67 borders and a sovereign palestinian state created. I was reading stuff and watching stuff on youtube that i thought was about the current crisis and then i looked at the dates. 96, 98, 2004, 06, 08, 12, 16 and they just keep going. This cycle has been enabled by the west too long. Should be realistic negotiations with both sides on equal footing. Israel gets its state, Palestinians get their state and neither one deals with the other and go their seperate ways.

  389. American tax payers money going abroad for genocide.
    Makes perfect sense!
    Abuse your own citizens young adults and future leaders in Universities. Who are standing up for justice and speaking up for the oppressed and killed citizens.

  390. Biden relies on the Jewish vote in the US. The only reason he is pushing for peace now in Israel is that he thinks he has Trump out of the presidential race and going to Jail!

  391. War's are ugly, and starting one with Israel was stupid! Israel has never lost a war with Arabs NEVER!! And they never will!!
    Zechariah 12:1-3,10
    [1]The burden of the word of the LORD for Israel, saith the LORD, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him.
    [2]Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem.
    [3]And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.

  392. Meanwhile the Arab states still are sending their support to the zionists, whilst their supporters state that its not haram to trade with an adversary.

  393. Note Trumps son in law has already paid money to buy land for condos .Fact and some US Zionists were seen gushing how they had their name down for a sea view .Disgusting / subhuman—-an outrage

  394. All of the previous binding agreements have been violated by Israel with the US looking the other way. No real red lines and complicit in the Israeli crimes. So, why would anyone expect a real Palestinian independence resulting from this agreement?

  395. Mr Both Ways Biden.. is full of BS. Peace plan my rear entry.. it is he alone that has financed and made possible the genocide and lebensraum policies of the fascist Zionists.
    For at couple of days ago he authorised yet another package worth billion and billions to the fascists. Just watch him do it again.
    His Red Line is laughable….. nothing more than a menstrual smear in his underwear. Disgusting person,

  396. Který rodic nechá sedmiletou holčičku bez dozoru na stadionu plném lidí? Jednoznačně je to chyba rodičů. Mam 7leteho syna a nespustim ho z očí ani na dětském hřišti, kde téměř nikdo není. Natož na plném stadionu. 🤦Jinak pokud měla na krku viditelné stopy, nejedna se o zadušení, ale uškrcení či zardoušení.

  397. Proč trvá celé roky,než je vrah,který je podle všech možných forenzních výsledků tou správnou osobou v očích "Justice" ospravedlňován na základě různých fantas magorických údajů stále považován za neviného? Ti obhájci dělají fakt odpornou práci,jako kdyby u toho činu byli.Takto si nepředstavuji,že by měla vypadat práce obhajoby.Často jsou kriminálníci protěžováni před oběťmi,které čekají na vynesení rozsudku i několik let.🤦‍♀️

  398. Ahoj..narazila jsem dnes na tvoji tvorbu uplně poprvé..
    Zaujal mě tvuj hlas..a taky příběh,který vyprávíš.
    Zaujal jsi..takže dávám odběr a palec nahóru😉👍..

    Je tězké pri dnešni konkurenci najit případ,ktery je neznámý..
    Tobě se to povedlo..a moc ti fandim..jen tak dál💪🥳

  399. Otrasný prípad, vždy keď nejaký zmrd zneužije a zabije dieťa, je mi strašne 😮nech zhnije v pekle, prasa jedno😠 ďakujem ti, milý Stalk, za spracovanie tohto smutného prípadu ❤

  400. Toto je jeden z príbehov, keď som vytočená na maxa! Ameriické zákony sú zlé, aká dohoda o vine a treste ak testy DNA jednoznačne dokázali, že to urobil on?!😡

  401. I would like to make the first comment of the day and say, Trump is not the problem. It’s the progressive Democrat agenda. If you listen (which they won’t because they only want power) you would hear the majority of Americans saying, we do not want your progressive liberal transformation of America. Plain and simple! If you cared about America (which they don’t) you would have a policy change and move back closer to the majority of American’s desires. You can’t say you are for democracy and the American people, and disregard the majority. Trump has just positioned himself to become the symbol of that desire. It’s not about him, it’s about the message being sent.

  402. Just look at all that happened in the trial. It is evidence that it was rigged.
    The jury instructions were rigged to get a conviction and Trump has not told me anything. There was no evidence or proof on the legalality of the means used to commit a crime.

  403. This is a terrible prejudiced broadcast, no mention at all of the law fare wages against Trump.. No mention at all of at most a book keeping error boosted up into 34 felonies with potential jail time. This whole broadcast propaganda including the interviewers.

  404. You either want communism or you don't, it's a commonsense decision at this point, if you want cheap gas , no wars , lower taxes , secure borders , affordable economy, then vote Trump

  405. If our system of justice was perfect then yes, felons should not vote. But as we have seen the democrats are weaponizing justice precisely so they can say "Trump is a felon". And they have said it over and over and over and over and over again. The dishonesty of the democrat party is very clear to anyone not blinded by politics.

  406. So in their mind, if your opponent is beating you, just send them to Manhattan with an 85% dem voter base for the jury. Not allow the defense to actually defend. Get a judge who, face it, should have recused. Make the charges so cryptic, your opponent doesn't stand a chance. Yes, I bet you'd love that.

  407. Don't u see how ridiculous it is for Alvin Bragg to reduce serious felonies to mistamenors yet throw the book at an accounting entry that the statute of limitations has expired??

  408. Talk about picking your GOP strategist to fit The Narrative of your program. You have one middle of the road interviewer you have one on the left side of the left side interviewer wearing nightclub gear. The other interviewers were obviously understanding that this was a professional interview not something where you are wearing your nightclub gear. It's amazing to me as an independent watching the two sides go after each other. Yes people do notice how people present themselves in a information political show. It would be so cool to actually just get the honest information from people who are proud of the factual work they do. Nowadays all you get from the right and the left their idea of what is factual. It sure would be nice to actually have somebody to vote for instead of somebody to vote against

  409. It changes something. I was not planning on voting for Trump. Never have in the past. I will now. The weaponization of the court system cannot go unpunished. It might not be much, but the Democrat vote stealing machine just put one vote in their opponents column.

  410. The caption under Tarkanian should read "Establishment Strategist". Everything about this process that led to a conviction is a false. I don't need a so called (phoney) Republican Strategist telling me how to think.

  411. This is not an usual time period in the USA. The USA has been going in a political crisis. The main problem is an economic problem. The US- American national economy has got strong economic rivals in abroad countries. The Chinese economy is very intelligent, creative and very flexible.

    The international economic order has been still not balanced. Could you imagine, if the Russian economy would be so creative and strong like Chinese economy, what would change in the international economic markets? Former President, Mr. Donald Trump could manage and overcome at least reduce the economic problems of the US-American national economy.

    This pseudo juristic discussions, whether former President, Mr. Donald Trump is guilty or not, this question is a silly, mad question and let to sleep the US- American citizens about the realistic, very important aspects and questions of the weak points of the US- American national economy.

    Therefore, Suprema Court New York let to sleep the US- American citizens, this is like a hashish effect on the US- American citizens. The economic problems of the national US- American economy would be more and more bad in the coming, next years. Former President, Mr. Donald Trump wants to show the real existential economic problems of the US- American national economy.

    Therefore, he has been turned to a black sheep through some foxy, but incorrect ingenious people in the USA. It is really a very sad situation. The people outside of the USA can understand Mr. Donald Trump and the real economic problems of the US- American national economy much better than the native US- American citizens. Orhan Baki, a Mr. Donald Trump supporter from Şenlikköy- Florya/Istanbul- Türkiye.

  412. I’m more convinced than ever.. we can’t be having this crazy kind of political shenanigans… not by either side.. let the voters decide. This is just another tactic in a very long line of democrat interference in our elections. If we allow it, it’ll end up in USA’s demise… it’s bullsh1t

  413. Should of had a trump voter who changed her mind after the conviction on if you were just trying to get a trump hater on. She made her views so clear and it doesn't seem to have anything to do with the actual conviction. It's why I hate the republican party as much as democratic party. I'll vote trump but next time around if it's another haleyvor bush, then I'm out. I'd rather have biden than Haley.

  414. Thus verdict has turned me republican from now on. I've never voted republican in my entire life but now I'm voting republican in every election for the rest of my life. Sad country we live in now and as a veteran, im ashamed

  415. She blowing smoke, as a Trump voter and every one I know voted for Trump but all the those dead people voted from the graveyards, and voters that moved years ago only voted biden! But now the world is watching for this!

  416. So the judge, prosecutors, witness who stole money and DA has biases and they hate the defendant, but she says we can't question the justice system? Plus this is the same pary that wanted to overthrow the supreme court for overturning row v wade? TOTAL HYPOCRITICAL BULL*HIT

  417. Why wait.cant the Supreme Court step in now/before july 11th and overturn the case.Why let this be carried on to july.He is not guilty please step in now Supreme court and end this nightmare for Trump

  418. It would not have matter if the FEC would have testified this Sham Trial was set up from the start! Like Dershowitz said he predicted this is what they were going to do! There was never a case at all to be brought!🎯

  419. I text ealier ,i miss up with my sentence , sorry i was talking to friends .like i said i served for this country two times in irag , if war break out i wouldnt let my son served for this country . People who has not served goin to there turf looking ,n wandering about if u or ur conrads goin make back , i used to b proud under biden seeing people starving my country getting invaded people loosing homes he and his people robbing us and now he wants to start a war and take ur love ones everybody need to wake up. Biden damage our country it goin to take a good man bring us back .

  420. I'm a vietnam veteran and seen the video of the worst president in history "CHECKING " his watch while 11 army KIA in front of him in coffins. HE's late for ice cream brake.

  421. California vota por el presidente Trump estamos orando por El presidente Donald Trump todo es persecución politica vamos no permitimos que las injusticias sociales nos gobiernan.

  422. Thank you, ProfNez, for saying those words you directed toward Fanni Willis! And many thanks for having Amandavon your show! You are 👌 awesome! Love your show!

  423. Thank you, Amanda, for being on this podcast with us. You have been going through some difficult emotional period! I used to work downtown Atlanta in the Peachtree Bldg for years myself. So you had to deal with traffic issues on top of all this! I pray for you and your son. Hopefully, you are now employed! My bestvwishes to you. God bless you, Amanda!

  424. ProfNez….you keep interrupting Amanda! Please let her talk & explain her reasoning testimony about her bad experience! Please! She is interested in telling her side! And the viewers want to hear! ❤

  425. Fani is a malignant narcissist in my opinion. Ego can't handle being questioned, paying a company with taxpayer funds to manage her "media career", goes out of her way to destroy people with zero empathy, just as long as it gets her further. What I find funny & ironic is that she's so concerned with her image, yet she acts so ratchet, racist, uneducated, unrefined and classless and she thinks she's coming off as a strong boss babe. 😂🤣 Amanda has 100 times the class, brains, heart and character in her little pinky than Fani EVER will. 🤷‍♀️

  426. Amanda, you went through hell and came out the other side. I'm sorry you had to deal with so much to do the right thing. You have so much integrity. You should be proud of yourself!

  427. She is awesome!! 👏 @professorNez I just found you and immediately thought, what a fantastic communicator! Then I looked at your bio haha You really are great at holding an interview, being interesting, engaging & entertaining without taking the interview away from the interviewee like SOO many hosts do. Breath of fresh air for me – I have several speaking and interview pet peeves so I will be visiting your channel every day because you don't annoy or bore me! 😂❤

  428. Amanda, don't be ashamed of your past, it makes us or breaks us. It made you the courageous woman you are. My prayers are with you. Keep up the good work. This is an important time in our history. Time for a clean up of all the dirty mayors. There are many. God bless.

  429. ❤❤❤❤❤ I always support President TRUMP because he is a righteous and patriotic person. May God bless America and President TRUMP, his wife Melania TRUMP, his family and the American people with all goodness, happiness, health and peace, living in God's love. GIESU KITO spreads love, beautifies family, society and country. Join hands to build world peace AMEN AMEN AMEN AMEN AMEN.❤❤❤❤❤.!

  430. Like I have been saying for years the world knows President Trump won that election in 2020. What they are doing to President Trump is a disgrace and now we all see them for the grubs they are. Trump 2024 🙏🇦🇺

  431. Our systems of gov have went from being Public Servants, and turned into a criminal organization. Dont believe that? Just compare every thing they have been doing, to the Constitutions guidelines and then tell me if they are staying within Constitutional bounds or not.

  432. I’ve heard thru the rumor mill that the Democrats are planning to find a reason to not have an election this year. They will stop at nothing to get their way. They might introduce another virus.

  433. Texas is looking at starting a stock exchange- TXSE. It will be interesting to see if that does get started. If it does I anticipate a lot of folks will exit any stocks associated with NYSE.

  434. I want to see the FEC filings on campaign donations before I get too excited. All political candidates behave a tendency to extracterate their fund raising totals

    Let's see what former President Trump campaign reports to the government before we celebrate too much.

  435. Dr Turley, could you please shine some light on the Trump University scandal while Trump was in office. I had a relative throw that in my face recently. I would bet the story was spun by the propaganda media and I need the facts. Thankyou 😊

  436. You can throw $300 Trillion into President Trump's campaign. We will STILL LOSE. The US voters demographic is the Dumbest in history starting in 2020.

  437. Yeah, zhes the real deal alright. That money comes with conditions. She wants the West Bank of Palestine to be annexed by Israel and she wants trump to facilitate that. Careful whos money you pick up.

  438. Make America great again we will be strong for you and will be strong for you America will stand together in my heart and love for God I'd give my life for my country even the misguided left but mostly for family friends and the people that need help just like me

  439. I contributed yesterday, Monday evening. I’m retired and really didn’t have it to spare . Like everyone else Bidenomics has hit me. I’m going to contribute again next month
    What are prices going to be in four more years under Biden ?

  440. These Democrats say that Dr ouchie is getting death threats because of the Republicans calling him out for the bullshit he says but his policies killed lots and lots of people needlessly so why wouldn't it just be the people being angry from their own experiences?

  441. Boy this Democrats are just incredible! They sit here and say how terrible it is that Dr ouchie is getting death threats and harassed by the American people but then on the other hand they praise and encourage the people for harassing judges that don't agree with their point of view!

  442. Raskin says that fauci probably wishes he was a convicted felon because the Republicans treat them with love and admiration which is a flat out lie it's the Democrats that hold felons and criminals and high regard! I don't like Republicans but I can say at least they value the rule of law while the Democrats are more than happy to tear down the country.

  443. Not every liar is a Democrat BUT every Democrat IS a liar! How can these people sit there and say things that have been absolutely verified were not true?!

  444. Read THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI. Facts people. That man is a disgrace to science! Thank you MTG, you’re right! He is not a DR to the American people that actually have brains to read facts !

  445. The Democrats have politicized the pandemic, refusing to see that Fauci's mandates destroyed livelihoods and lives. They actively censored early treatment protocols. They are either totally deceived or totally evil.

  446. I posted in march 2020 telling Trump to fire faucie the first time i heard him speak on march 12 2020, he struck me as a blowhard. And Trump ignored me, and fauci screwed Trump royally, i didnt trust him about anything.

  447. Fauci is like the fireman that whose actions unintentionally starts a fire that would have never happened on its own and admits his actions saved millions of lives from the fire that would have existed without him.

  448. And his daughter-in-law and his daughter I mean he’s a total creep took showers with his own daughter… and not to mention that he’s a flat out Traitor, of the United States of America

  449. And Joe's 15 day "preparation" needs to be exposed-why does a certified genius (three degrees, top of his class at law school, full professor at UPENN) need all this preparation to read from a teleprompter?

  450. Piers, I’ll have to be honest.. when you were first starting out, I didn’t really care for you. I thought that you were just a rich blow hole dummy, but I want to thank you for all your reporting throughout the years. I’ve been watching it closely and I apologize for judging the book by its cover, bc you allow actual legitimate debate and let these lunatics call themselves out. Thankyou for the debates and just wanted to say that

  451. Piers, I’ll have to be honest.. when you were first starting out, I didn’t really care for you. I thought that you were just a rich blow hole dummy, but I want to thank you for all your reporting throughout the years. I’ve been watching it closely and I apologize for judging the book by its cover, bc you allow actual legitimate debate and let these lunatics call themselves out. Thankyou for the debates and just wanted to say that

  452. James is an attention seeking fool. The fact that he would even consider scrapping the paralympics shows how informed he is. You get the feeling he says things and supports cause purely to get a reaction rather than actually be a champion for the cause.

  453. Why is that man not letting anybody speak, he keeps interupting everybody.
    Its very annoying and takes away of the very important talk that needs to happen.
    I just can not follow the conversation with him in between every speaker.
    Just shut up for 5 minutes please

  454. LG's always highlight LOVING and RESPECT.. but they don't RESPECT other peoples opinion, all they want is to HIDE the TRUTH by using LOVE and RESPECT.. and they are using children now to brainwash other children.. this is alarming.. if you can see how they dress and the kind of attitude they spread its so PRIDEFUL.. full of PRIDE

  455. LG's must respect normal peoples opinions.. and LG's must not go to sports or any activity that normal people do.. also LG's must not be celebrated 1 month, 1day is good.. and they must be jailed if they brainwash normal people especially children..

  456. Every time I see somebody flip out over misgendering or questioning the concept and validity of trans people, I am reminded of the head of the Templar order in the movie Kingdom of Heaven that screams, "BLASPHEMY!" That's exactly what they are doing. They are screaming BLASPHEMY in relation to their religion being questioned.

  457. Trump already wore a hair net wearing an Apron and served all day long in a cafeteria in Afghanistan for the American Soldiers on Thanksgiving day and even the Media showed Videos on it. Trump also served for another holiday for the Police Border folks, too with the Texas Governor, the one in a wheel chair. When did Biden or any other President do that?

  458. I thought body shaming was a no no. I guess like their outrage, who is allowed to be body shamed is subjective on the left. Second timeshe tried to Crack wise about his looks

  459. The cutiepie,whatever her name is,is so unprepared that she keeps looking at her phone so she can Google some more talking points in a lame attempt at not looking stupid.

  460. First) This happened 20 years ago! That situation is between Donald & Melania. They evidently worked through it OR have some kind of an understanding in THEIR marriage. Climton did shit WHILE in office. So did JFK, it's only ok for the Dems to do it.
    Second) this chick on tte panel has NO CLUE! Stay off your phone dummy 🤦🏼‍♀️🙄
    Third) I am still voting for Trump! #Trump2024🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  461. Did this woman knew what the meaning of fallsifying business. You run the business but your not the owner. You use somebody or others company to run the business while you are profiting. That is falsifying business means. Some corrupt do that they use or profiting from others company. This woman is idiot everytime she open her mouth she brainless and clueless.

  462. The lady who been used to destroy Former President Trump confess that she never had sex to Trump nor been abused she just been treat and blackmail ,she will receive money for destroying Trump. Pier Morgan you said Bill Clinton having sex in oval office or relationship to that young woman than Hilary this is not rumor's is reality but look the system only those they wanted to crutinized wanted to target. And then lady is a lawyer? Her occupation as as lawyer not suit to her no one will ever hire her as a lawyer for she had no idea what is lawful all about.

  463. Tic Toc is literally the number one way of reaching the youth of 18-25 demographic. Whether he likes it or not he knows MILLIONS have created an income on there & that is where you reach them

  464. EXACTLY!!!!! Trumps penis is NOT our business!!!!!!! And where was Bill Clinton’s accountability??? Where were his felonies????? He had sexual relations with a young intern IN THE OVAL OFFICE!!!!!!!!!

  465. If that is all she has learned from college so far. She needs to research before opened her mouth
    Being smart is great being a smart butt is unbecoming . PROVERBS 3:13. LOVE ALL TRUST A FEW DO WRONG TO NO ONE. LOVE THE SHOW S.C. IN THE HOUSE. GOD BLESS 🙏❤️💯

  466. Her face says it all. Some of the things they say about what the Democrats did she’s like “ wait what, they didn’t do that “ she also looks like she needs another hit of what ever she’s on.

  467. Bill Clinton was a democrat president at the time. President Trump was a private citizen when Michael Cowen paid off Stormy Danielles he wasn't asked to he did it off his own bat

  468. h<they didn't tell the ex president or the jury what the 34 charges were even defence lawyers didn't know. his lawyers were not allowed to ask questions. it was all one sided

  469. Maybe the black people have finally seen that the democrats are the ones that have tried to keep the black people down. Praise God they have finally seen what's been going on for centurys. I am glad for the black people.

  470. If you want to live like this till America is destroyed. Vote for Joe bidand you'll get this in a lot. Worse up to you. Nobody can say anything else but it's up to you. The American people who wants to live like this. People are so unhappy. Are country's falling apart and the lies? Of the democrats and republicans are driving American people crazy gods up and heaven. Looking at us going OK, what are you all talking about? It's up to us to save America. No one else I dislike so much. Are these lies that you can prove or lies? What do they think we are blithering? Idio, it's the only blithering idiots. We see here it's the government. The news media, the propaganda news media. And the hatred, the Joe Biden is spreading and won't stop. Who could believe Joe Biden? When all he does is lie and most of the Congress and senate, I don't even think we have a Congress. They get sit there in a state of oblivion. What have we done, but we can change it? God gives us a grace period it's up to us, so let's use it. I don't want to live like this anymoreverybody's afraid nobody's happy. People are turning on each other lie after lie after lie and yet Americans believe it. How can they? You can't lie to an honest person. Truly, you can't. I learned that early on. Maybe because I'm a terrible liar, but these are just opinions. You can take them leave them, throw them in scratch. I don't even care anymore. But look into people's hearts. Why would the democrats put Joe Biden in office? Knowing what he is what he's done and for God's sake, that he's sick and say oh, he's just fine. No, that poor man needs help. He needs a Doctor and care. I feel sorry for him when he went to Europe. Where the laughing stock of Europe cause, they don't have to listen to your lies. You cannot lie to yourself. You cannot respect yourself if you're spreading. truly lies and can hurt America.

  471. I believe the superior court justices need to steo into this one, consulted or not. They can seexright through the corruption and cant allowctrump to get railroaded and cheated on again.

  472. The problem for me this time is i coukd only send $25 twice and bought a few bobble heads as gifts. But at the same time, he needed $$ so did the foreign war dogs, the first responders, and the firemen.

  473. Fact check:
    Trumps final numbers.
    Economy lost 2.7 million jobs, Unemployment increased by 1.6 % to 6.3%.
    International Trade deficit increased 40.5% from 2016 to 2020.
    People lacking health insurance increased by 3 million
    Price of homes increased by 27%
    Trump added 6.8 trillion dollars to the national debt.
    The border was not secure.
    Trump did not keep his campaign promise to build the wall and have Mexico pay, even though there was a Republican majority in both houses during his administration.Trump also promised in 2016 to have all our troops back from Afghanistan within in a month or 2 but 4 years later thousands KIA's Plus Tens of Thousands Troops Maimed For Life, then he had the audacity to Call Our Troops "Suckers And Losers" America

  474. I will never understand why this president Biden has not been impeached for one simple fact and that is he has not upheld his oath when he came into office as the president of the USA so why is it he is being allowed to be the PRESIDENT of the USA GET HIM OUT NOW! GEEZ

  475. No. I do not. We need to force it. How? Vote new people in. Then stay on them until they do what we want them to do. If they don’t, vote for the next new candidate. How long will it take? Forever at our current pace. Do you have a solution rather than accepting “fate” ?

  476. Fraudulent elections, open borders, destructive foreign policy, violence in cities, a judicial system weaponized, government agencies weaponized. This is Adolph Biden’s world controlled by Obama.

  477. I cannot believe the actors coming out to plead for money to Biden's campaign. They are so crazy, Hollywood so left they are Marxist Communist supporters. Martin Sheen, Mark Hamill, shame on you!!

  478. Such Evil ! How pathetic and disgusting that jb and his administration have become the voice of terrorist organizations and networks to destroy our Country!!!
    These students are ignorant but for our government to allow this disgraceful behavior is beyond comprehension!
    God bless, our officers! Backin The Blue Baby 💙💙💙💙💙

  479. If a FOREIGN STUDENT is arrested it can have a significant impact on them remaining in the United States as a student, and could affect long-term eligibility for lawful immigration status. GET THEM OUT!!

  480. We are students they screech. So what? Who cares? Look at the garbage they left behind. No concern for the planet I guess. This is the kind of stuff that looses them respect and the abuse towards the police or anyone who doesn’t agree with them. There is no need to to abuse anyone. It really does create an intense dislike towards them.

  481. The only solution is a student lead revolution? You kids haven’t even felt what strict is yet. You are all throwing temper tantrums because u we’re finally told no

  482. The fuc is this? Rich muscle? Kali piana? Whatever it takes right? Fuc! Two scoops and 2 poops! Where that topramen at! You and yoor girl gonna OD on that hypy mud! Fuc.

  483. Love watching you Kali and Helena me and my wife be cracking up watching you two such a fun exciting couple reminds me a lot of how much fun me and my wife have. See this is what keeps relationships on fire.

  484. Sadly yes this is a re-upload due to YouTube copyright claiming my video and taking it down…sorry! 🙁

    Ty for all the love you guys gave it before it got deleted! new video soon hehe <33

  485. Some of these shells are made in India.
    Common people in India support isr**el, more than anyone.
    They have little to no knowledge about the Palestinian struggle, but just support them cuz they support India technologically and are Islamophobic.

  486. Coconut Hailey is desperate to fit in to grab power- is on Zionist propaganda payroll- she is spewing utter nonsense- she does not have the brains to understand the ICJ ICC rulings that indict Israhell as war criminal terrorist state. Speaks like a moron – her logic is if Israelis protest that makes it right …. Stupidity personified

  487. For a developing country like Barbados and so much exposure on the world circuit and all these abandon buildings somebody can really fix up a place and put a roof over these peoples head some of them in put themselves so every body has a story and you big shots getting on the radio talking bout love for the country start with love at home FIRST. 😢 😭

  488. Even though it says, made two months ago, this movie has been out before cameras like the ring and other ones similar to that has been out. I remember watching this when I was little so you can’t always believe the times it says when they came out.

  489. Her parents understand you want to be their for your child but her parents just say they want what best for her she is still young and they said until the baby born but you ignore their respects and that is thinking u r not right for him if that make sense

  490. She is so lucky to have her Dad and my Dad is gone and I would be in trouble for what Angela did to in my house hold and my dad wouldn't be happy either. But he would be scared in his way for me and my dad past away a couple of years ago and I miss him so much

  491. i think chad is something. he really wanted a child and REALLY wanted to be a father. but he was very messed up in the brain and need some serious help. he was very overprotective and was messed up. but he had very good intentions and i do see good in him.

  492. Number 1: Chad looked crazy from the beginning when they first met.🤔
    Number 2: A guy asking you out to a frat party is not a good first date, if a guy can't take you somewhere decent like a restaurant or even the movies or park then something is wrong. A party is not a decent date girls!🙄😒
    Number 3: Chad's friend Curt was respectful enough to leave Tenaya (Angela's friend) alone after finding out her age, Chad had a twisted mine he was in his 20's trying to get with a 16 year old even after his friend warned him.🤨
    Number 4: Red flag the most toxic guys look for a girl to be "like their mother" like Chad said. 😳
    Number 5: Angela had good people around her; Her best friend was supportive, her mom was caring, and her dad was firm and protective most people don't have others around them that will help them leave a toxic partner.💯❤💯❤

  493. If she’s in college, why did she ask her mom if she could go to a kiosk and why did her mom say she had be back in 45 minutes and why did her mom say that they needed to stay together? They aren’t in junior high, they’re freaking adults at this point.

  494. Eh. 😐
    Angela knew he was 21 when she chose go to that party seeking for him, sleeping with him and have a relationship with him for months and kept it from her parents. All of a sudden she stops “loving” him and wanting him around when he most wants to be a part of his son’s life and take responsibility. He was desperate to be accepted into a family who didn’t want him around for obvious reasons and obsessive behavior.

    Obviously, he was wrong for getting with a minor and could have benefited from anger management and therapy.

    This is why parents need to teach their daughters to not go seeking for older guys. And this is why older guys should stick to woman and not be a creep and get with a minor even if she’s there chasing you. 🤦🏽‍♀️

  495. I see where everyone is saying “I see both sides” … and all I’m saying is there is a right way and a wrong way. If ALL he wanted was “his son” … he should have went about it way diffwrently

  496. MORE FAKE NEWS BY FOX; it is becoming hilarious how FOX, Trump and the Trump supporters are wiggling themselves out of this damaging verdict. Trump tweeted in April 2018 that the funds he paid Cohen were an reimbursement for an NDA made up by Cohen (his then respected attorney as Trump wrote) between Trump and Daniels which were quite usual for Celebrities 😂😂😂😂 If they were common, WHY use FAKE NAMES in the NDA? If they were reimbursement for 3rd parties made cost WHY log these funds as LEGAL services 😂😂😂😂 TRUMP really thinks people are dumb and treats them that way, like FOX and the FOX AUDIENCE! 12 by Trump’s defense selected jurers weren’t as dumb as Trump thought!

  497. loves violence. He wants to take control away from the people. Republicans, you say you love your freedom- don’t vote for trump who DOES NOT BELIEVE IN FREEDOM for the people.

  498. It kills me every time your network or the Republicans say, the American people want or the American people said, bull crap !! We did not say and we respect the law and the process. You all lie 90 percent of the time. Trump is a criminal and has been since the 80s.

  499. Trump only went to the Bronx to try to get and trick minority voters. He's more in cahoots with those NY apartment greedy landlords who mistreat renters won't do repairs and raise the rents to price gouge tenants. He' s for the Westchester and Manhattan rich ⛳️🏌♂️only. 🦊👎

  500. May I kindly recommend the movie, Motherless Brooklyn.
    Willem Dafoe has a great line.
    It describes anyone but I think it fits Biden and his whole group of cronies.
    " When someone isn't seen for what they truly are, that's a very dangerous thing."

    Best of luck USA.
    Praying for you.

  501. In London, we have a £25 a day congestion charge. And a £15 a day low emission zone which all vehicles be on the age of 2016, have to pay. The green scam. It’s one big Griff dreamt up many years ago by the world, economic forum. And more importantly, the builder berg group who control them.

  502. day 1 of democrat indoctrination camp should be

    Hey comrades , maybe lets not insult the voters, it doesn't seem to work, no one knows why, but lets not insult them as much

  503. I was there and there was only 4000 people there. This was no historic rally. Why are you continuously lying Fox News. I am disgusted by your reporting. I will send pictures of the crowds if you want.

  504. LOL, a waste of time all around. You could of filled up Central Park with people and it would only be a drop in the bucket to the big blue wave that rolls to the polls annually. Enjoy the rally while the democrats and independents will be enjoying the 2nd win over trump this fall.

  505. No one got balls like trump to say what u gotta say he will tell u in your face he Franklin doesn't care he aint scared he speaks facts he pretty much puts hes foot down for ppl without fear and he didnt forget the poor he vist the hood lol

  506. Listen to ro these latino and black folks politics,have magle there brains, Note the only help the GOP will offer to tou is help you leave the Bronx and it start happening already

  507. I would like to inquire about the reasons behind your support for an individual who, according to their own statements, expresses intentions to terminate the constitution, assume dictatorial powers immediately after the election, and promote a unified Reich. Additionally, this person has been held accountable for sexual offenses and has been convicted of 34 felonies. I genuinely ask this question with sincerity, as I am curious why, among the numerous Republicans within the party, you choose to endorse this particular individual despite these circumstances.

  508. Bern Sanders won the nomination over Hillary, but the DNC gave it to Hillary. Seth knew this because he was in the server room. Seth died to reveal the truth. Never cross Hillary.! 🙂

  509. From the guy albeit 2 years ago, who puts the C into 'conspiracy theory' ala Fake News Media.
    David Seems a little put out H.A Goodman was chosen to partake in a commercial news show.
    H.A. has been on TV loads of times little Davy, the Corporate news regurgitator laughably self embellished to look original 'pakman' to hope his revered deep state news heroes, will notice his hosting of their preferred 'stories'

  510. Yes it's a conspiracy theory we all know that yes parts of the story were debunked but not the overall theory of the conspiracy there are facts here are there enough to make a hard conclusion no but you seem to be creating another conspiracy theory by interjecting your thoughts on this matter based on assumptions

  511. Wow !!!
    1.The surgeon who operated on Seth said that he was stable and then G-Men took over the freaking hospital ICU floor and Seth Dies AND THE DOCTORS AND NURSES wernt allowed in his room!
    2. Nothing was stolen, not his wallet or watch NADDA! last seen at bar where the RUSSIAN DNC computer techs were at??
    3. Wiki Leaks literally comes out and pretty much says Seth was their guy!???? They offered an award for info $20,000 hummmm.
    4. The DNC "hack" was not outside the system it was data that could only be transfered on site according to the down load speeds….hummm
    5. Seth was the DNC book keeper of info he would have seen the corruption first hand.
    6. Donna Brazil knows the truth and was scared checking her windows and looking out her mini blinds .why so scared Donna ? hummmm.
    7. Seth's family interview his brother was almost laughing the whole time, weird thing for a grieving brother to do….ZERO TEARS.
    You are incapable of seeing leftwing corruption and biased by your progressive brainwashed programming . Even if we didn't have Assange coming out and pretty much saying Seth was killed cause he was the mole we STILL have weird stuff and enough evidence to see corruption and obvious abnormalities. So the parents sue the only news reporters that asked tough questions and this eliminates all the evidence LOL
    Riiiiiight …..The smell test stinks of rotten Clinton poooo!

  512. It's kinda hard to take you seriously "exposing" a conspiracy theory when you yourself are pushing the worlds biggest conspiracy theory of "Russian collusion".

  513. Peter Lavell isn’t a Russian puppet. Peter Lavell just has what we thought you had but obviously lack; integrity. It’s really sad to see what you’ve allowed yourself to become.

  514. Church one month ,and stirp and weed event next.She should have been at her debate .You have too have a judge with a moral obligation too the people that put you in office and pay their taxes. Not some cheat and liar. People will think more of you if you do the right thing.Your children will think Daddy did the right thing ,even if it you lose your job.

  515. I love how so many leftist trash Florida on their podiums but still find it a great place to vacation.. DeSantis needs to set up a border and not allow these idiots in the state.

  516. Biden is afraid he’ll finally go to JAIL WHERE HE NEEDS TO BE.. 1. DOCUMENTS 2. Coercing Ukraine to fire General Prosecutor and then Bragging about it..3. Briber Burisma for $5 million for him and his Son, 4. Take money from China for and Energy agreement 5. Traitor again America.. 6. Opening Southern Borders

  517. But when any one talks about trump. Is she a talking in church and doing all those stuff. She needs to repent and talk about god in the church and do the right things in her job or she should be going put from that office as soon as possible!

  518. These things should bring the blacks , whites and other people closer! It is obvious, certain so-called people in leadership are paid to divide and conquer All people. We need to stop putting politicians, musicians, actors, sport figures etc. on a pedestal! Many are compromised. We the people need to stick together. The Elites have stolen our money, taxes, donations etc. and used it for their extravagant life styles . Now they use our money against us all. Just look at our countries and other countries. No way should there be a third world country! With all our monies, technology and know how. The average working person wants a good life for All, yet we are made into the villains.
    God bless the peace makers!

  519. America is a joke all thanks to the greedy corrupt democrats.. They hate you America..This party is all for everything that kills and destroys..Its never been so evident and clear for all with eyes to see. They have been exposed.. Normal Americans are suffering while they living lavishly.. and then they tell you they care? Wake up people.. The crap they talk, stinketh.

  520. Bruh, you've got to stop the click bait titles. I kept waiting for the part where Judge McAfee gets mad and removes Fani. You do this all the time. It's unnecessary. Let the content speak for itself. I don't watch as much as I used to bc I noticed this pattern.

  521. Why do you keep saying anybody removes her????
    dammit man stop the bullshit lies… this is exactly why you don't have 5 times as many subs… cause NOBODY wants to hear a 2 faced liar

  522. Its an event put on by and for blacks, What do you expect? Fanny can't stay in Fulton County and do all these things she is doing in Miami. Did she pay? I'm sure with cash so you can't prove she was there. She can't get any of the cases in Fulton County that need to go to court but she can get the money to hire 55 investigators.

  523. Your video has nothing to do with Judge McAfee getting mad and removing Fani Willis from prosecuting Trump. I watch a lot of your video but your titles are starting to feel clickbaitish and many times have nothing to do with the video you posted.

  524. We are not going to have a country after all this Biden administration weaponized DOJ AG an prosecutors plus many more worms in this party. None of these charges are really Legal only that All judges DAs are all on coop to get Trump it’s shameful what our country has turned into. If We Dt take our country Back these criminals in office will take this country down a darker road. It’s sad we Had a great country at one tyme! I’m with Mark Levine democrats Hate America

  525. lol, my husband and I also don’t always sleep in the same room too. My youngest daughter sleeps with me and our female Doberman and my husband sleeps in the living room with our male Doberman on the Recliner lol. True fact it doesn’t mean we don’t live each other at all lol..

  526. This case happens many years ago and the department of justice and fiscal at that time didn't find anything against the president Donald J. Trump and they dismissed the case and make her pay $33.000.00 in legal fees and her lawyer was sent to prison for 5 years
    Beside the Constitution says a person can't be Indicted twice for the same thing

  527. ⭐ Seems Stormy tried to scambait Trumpfrom the get go, 1st with a story, then with sax claims, then with threat to her life claims. She's out right trash. Surprised she didn't try for the I'm pregnant claim too, but she didn't really have sax. If she had of had sax, she would've been loud and proud from the start. She looked in his toilet bag, who dies that. She was already nosing for a story. And BTW, why would he have sax without a condom knowing it coukd lead to an unwanted pregnancy etc. He's not stupid. Wealthy Americans are victim of this all the time, like that NFL player who was attempted scambaited twice.

  528. Didn't they discover that the "people" added boxes from the Nat. Archive to the ones DJT had already in Mar-a-Largo? If that is true, that only issue must end the trial due to their own shenanigans? It is very disappointing with such low professionalism. They might think we are so dumb that we won't see thru their dirty political games.

  529. Honestly, I think Asmon needs to tone it down on the wide-reaching advice because it’s more and more reflecting his mindset that he’s either above or unaffected by nearly everything he sees.

    I ain’t the most knowledgeable on him but from the instances I’ve seen over the years it appears like he’s creating more and more of an echo chamber where anyone who’ll substantially and logically argue against him isn’t going to be in his stream.

    Kinda seems to be turning into a sort of layman or neutral Ben Shapiro with the accompanying cult of personality.

  530. I like Asmongold a lot but the comment about this isnt going to effect us was really out there. I think it all effects us whether we agree ot disagree. The system is so fucked and this country has gone down hill so hard especially in the past 4 years.

  531. The previous government doesn‘t insult the current government who can’t save the economy anyway, but curses Trump who doesn‘t have an incumbent. The judges seem to be getting money. The United States is going to fail like this. A government full of pro-socialists as PCists. A court of justice

  532. A DA who ran that he would lock Trump up, a judge who gave money to Trumps political opponent, a jury that was chosen from a 96% democrat district of which half the jury were lawyers, and 34 counts that nobody knows what law Trump broke. He’s accused of paying off a porn star money? Clinton did the same thing and so have many other presidents in the past.

  533. imagine getting convicted by 12 jurors unanimously and then trying to act like that isn't how this has worked for over 200+ years. Only Tump and maga are that stupid. Sorry Asmongold less people outside of his base will vote for him and in fact many who wouldn't have voted are going to show up just to make sure a convict isn't president. 50% of independents like me agree he should drop out we aren't giving ICBM launch codes to a convicted felon.

  534. He’s gonna win because not even the democrats lawyers know the crime 😂

    And the perception of the people is “if the corrupt system is trying to get this guy out this bad it means that he’s definitely not part of it”

    Basically that will get him the rest of the votes

  535. Here I am who subbed to Zack like an hour ago, and get slapped in the face with that ego trip rant at the end of this video.
    I guess this serves as a good reminder to all of us of just how little these livestreamers care about their viewers.

  536. People become so subsatable to propaganda to the ping that they believe gas prices and inflation is all on the person in office. This has always been bound to happen at one point, America has its own self sufficient economy, inflation and rising cost is pretty much inevitable. I’m not saying that it doesn’t suck, but believing that your presidential candidate is going to swoop in and write a spending budget to battle inflation is absolutely dumbfounded. It’s not simple finances like moving money from A and putting it to B so It’s crazy to act like you have a solution for something you haven’t even began to understand.

  537. This entire situation has "smear campaign" written all over it.

    Instead of the Democrats putting all of their efforts into improving Biden's image, they're instead focusing on putting Trump on trial and trying to ruin his image so the media can continue their whole "orange man bad" rhetoric, hoping new voters will fall for it and help them win the election. They can't resort to delaying the results this time around to stuff the ballots because there's no pandemic to cover it up. The Dems fear him because they know he has a better chance this time after Biden's horrible decisions.

  538. Exactly. This is the same everywhere. Prosecutions of politicians are politicized, so they never really get sentences that would be applied to a common citizen. They are either not even prosecuted or it's just political persecution by different political parties. It's a circus. If Biden was prosecuted for his money for political favors scandal in Ukraine, which was projected on Trump(and failed), there would be no war in Ukraine.

  539. Prosecutors contorted the law in order to get trump. No state prosecutor in New York, or anywhere has ever charged federal election laws as a direct or predicate state crime, against anyone, for anything. The charges came to fruition by them ALLEGING the falsification of business records was committed 'with intent to commit another crime'. Inexcusably, the DA refused to specify what those unlawful means actually were and the judge declined to force them to pony up until right before closing arguments. So much for the constitutional obligation to provide notice to the defendant of the accusations against him in advance of trial in order to defend themselves on the crimes which they supposedly are being convicted of doing. Think about it really for a second, and leave you biases aside, the first felony conviction of a former US President wasn’t for the Iraq or Afghanistan wars, wasn't for the illegal CIA coups, drone striking weddings, or spying on Americans it was them inflating a misdemeanor of a unintentioal miscategorization of a legal expense as a… legal expense, in conjunction to another crime of which no one knows or have agreed upon not even the jury who convicted him. It was a complete mal prosecution on the bases of politics in an attempt to damage him in a very important election year. From the loopholes the prosecutors went through to string these charges as felonies, the jury instructions not needing to consensually agree on a crime to find him guilty of, the judge's previous donations to the democartic party and his daughter who run campaigns for them, pushing people to testify against trump in order to lower their own sentences. I can go on, and on about the many flaws this case consists of.

  540. 7:58

    It’s just getting progressively worse and worse. This take is awful.

    I remember growing up and it was the cake debate. Now it’s kids getting sterilized.

    I see these types every day. They are real.

  541. Dr. Turley, you have made a perfect and accurate description of El Salvador’s sad history. But, thank God for men like Bukele, brave enough to bring justice to the happiness of his people.

  542. From what I see he is doing a lot of good policy however he still has all authority as a "dictator". What happens when the next guy comes in who isn't as altruistic and "for the people"

  543. I have employees from El Salvador and they love this guy, Bukele. They will be moving back there soon and I am very happy for them. We need more presidents like this in the south of the border and in the U.S as well.

  544. I'm from Brazil. I wish we had someone like Bukele here. He is one of the very, very few world leaders worthy of any respect. He does rather than says, acts rather than promises.

  545. we should do that here , Chicago's D.A. said she will no longer charge criminals with gun or drug crimes that come from traffic stops. her reason to many black get arrested. what is dumber than that , race based law enforcement . turn Chicago into gang heaven and hell for the rest of us. so it's great for the gangs and they can carry their dope and guns and be untouchable great move to get the rest of the stores to leave and just like Detroit it's will go bankrupt and all those city workers will loose their pensions just like they did in Detroit.

  546. Bukele also severely locked down his nation during the pandemic in a manner similar to the Democrat governors often criticised on this channel.
    He has done a good job dealing with the gangs. He is certainly better than what came before him as president.
    But I cannot fully trust, admire or respect someone who instituted the same draconian lockdown restrictions that we would be up in arms about were it anyone else.

  547. Look at the United States. These corrupt foreign owned politicians are purposely letting in criminals so they to can temporarily (lol) take away their citizens rights, in return to take full control. Never put all your eggs in one basket, nevertheless in your enemies.

  548. Great, A country now under full control because they had seen no reason to have shepherds for their citizen sheep.
    Now that the shepherds were pushed out, the citizens that are left are sheep being shepherd by wolves.

  549. Trump needs to enable these policies here with our inner city gangs. Our Government knows EXACTLY where they operate, who they are, and how many, with them being funded by the CIA, and monitored by the FBI, and spied on by the NSA. The military could easily round them all up if they wanted to.

  550. Bukele sounds like a very smart man. The only thing some ppl understand is tough authority. I remember the days when there was the death penalty and crime was at an all time low.

  551. If the lamestream media speaks against it then must be good for the country. 85% of the people think so. I do wonder why the USA media advocates for lawlessness?

  552. Lots America people knew President Trump Won the 2020 Election Landslide, And I know, because I had watched every President Trump Campaign Rally, Some day the truth will come out. Because I I am believing God 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  553. The Trump already sound his Trump, that why the evil force try to stop him, and try to destroy him, do not be fool by what’s going on right now, what’s behind is the spiritual warfare, it’s the warfare between God and the devil, in the book of revelation we know we are in the fifth trumpet already-sounded, all the prosecuting to Donald Trump. It’s review in front of our eyes. We all can see it, book of Romans, chapter 5 verses 3 to5 says:, And not only so, but we also boast in our tribulation,knowing that tribulations produce endurance, and endurance,😅😊:,and approvedness,hope. And hope does not put us to Shame,because the love of God has been poured out in our heart through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.: all we can say is let God’s well be-done, in the meantime, let pray for God to carry out he’s Justice to save and to preserve this wonderful country. United States of America, let his kingdom come, let his well be down. Let’s praise him.!


  555. Liberalism will eventually feed upon itself when everyone becomes a victim of themselves and there are no more victims to exploit. The "healing" government will become totalitarian as a result of the vacuum created via fragmentation of unified thought.
    To my point: The very organization that liberals and this current administration fought to dismantle- the NRA- would have stood up for Hunter Bidens' 2nd Amendment right, and where are they now? Irony of ironies.

  556. If I were Trump, I wouldn't be making such a statement. After months of bashing Judge Merchan, the judge might just give Trump jail time. Especially since Trump claims he is ok with going to jail.

  557. If that percentage actually agrees with the guilty verdict, then it's over. And of course it's an ABC poll. Everywhere else I'm looking and seeing, most are not in agreement and will vote for Trump with 'conviction'.

  558. Tired of the narrative that we are a democracy. We are a constitutional republic period . They want everyone to believe we are a democracy its BS. Tjey want us to be a democracy because at that point it would be a one party power trip for them

  559. Yeah man you lower corporate taxes we pay less for groceries and goods, Corporations dont pay taxes they make consumers pay for it so the poorest people like me pay less when government lowers corporate taxes.

  560. They keep saying the country is split in half but it isn't. 2/3 or more are conservative Trump supporters and thats the reason DeNiro's movies are done. If we were split 50/50 he could get half the country to support him but it won't happen.

  561. It seems he’s really not a great actor, after that terrible acting display in NYC for Joe Biden, saying terrible things about President Trump…! Hey Di Nero, you’re officially washed up…!

  562. He was as bad as Arnold when he said "Screw your freedom". I have a message for Arnold, too: "Get your @$$ to Mars!"

    All these elite celebrities have forgot that we don't need them. They need us, the audience.

  563. I had more money in my retirement fund during the Trump administration and lost the money I earned during the Biden administration!! Trump is a good business man that was working to get America out of debt!!

  564. This country hasn't been in as sad of a state of demise since Obama was in office the first time(we all know he is behind old Joe!). I didn't think he was a good candidate the first time! Definitely shouldn't be their candidate in the next election! Joe is in no mental shape to be the president of this great country!

  565. They plan on cheating because he just warned us it’ll take several days after the before they come to a conclusion . Wow that was campaign speech

  566. Amen and Amen. Modern day churches are failing. They play church and quench the power of the Holy Spirit. I refuse to support a church with my attendance and tithes until the pastor gets down on his knees and repents to lead the flock back to God and His Holy Word.

  567. pastor allen i love these podcast i enjoy listening and surely my heart is glad knowing these two strong men for the Lord along side with other Godly strong men. who loves Gods words and truth.

  568. pastor allen you just said something that the democrats want us to believe. we still have hatred. i have to disagree. i have grown up going to school with black and brown kids. yes i got to know them better in junior high 7 and 8th grades but we didnt hate each other. the democrats love to tell us all the time there is so much hatred. truthfully is there hatred YES but not like what they think. i see the hatred towards Christ followers, and people who follow the rules. i welcome Christ in my life and in my home. i welcome whoever wants or needs to come to my home. i am very sorry that there were black people enslaved. but there were white people that were slaves. there were black people selling the slaves. there were white people who ended the slave market. i want to see president trump be allowed to lead this country back to greatness.

  569. Praise the Lord for the life of John DeBerry. I am white, I am 93 years old. I relate to every statement he made today on your podcast. I remember the water fountains, I remember when the black people had to eat in the kitchen of restaurants. God forgive us!! Some of my dearest friends today are black. God is Love. Praying for Our Great Country.

  570. It was very interesting Podcast of these gentlemen telling the Truth with boldness and courage. My respect to Mr. John DeBerry who saw and suffered races with his family but Jesus Christ did the difference, Glory to God!

  571. Americans by Birth have a lot to learn from American Choice! Thank you sir! That touches my heart! I cried when I got that paper telling me that I am now American citizen! I can still remember like it was yesterday!!! Thank you Pastor Allen for bringing these great men! The Bible defines who I am, Not the government! 🙏🩸🔥🤲❤️

  572. Americans by Birth have a lot to learn from American Choice! Thank you sir! That touches my heart! I cried when I got that paper telling me that I am now American citizen! I can still remember like it was yesterday!!! Thank you Pastor Allen for bringing these great men! The Bible defines who I am, Not the government! 🙏🩸🔥🤲❤️

  573. Thank you pastor Allen for having both of these gentleman on your podcast. Godly Men it is time to step up and follow what the Bible models for us to be. To help further the Kingdom and glorify the Father.

  574. Thank you so much for this Pastor Allen. This is so powerful and insightful. I pray and continue to pray that God will embolden all believers to stand up with our voices starting with me, to not be afraid, to speak up for righteousness and godliness. God bless you Pastor.

  575. Its rigged because Trump's witnesses were not allowed to testify. They want to get Trump on campaign law and yet the expert on campaign election law was not allowed to testify.

  576. Its not alledgedly, remember Benghazi. How many were killed and Hillary and others gave the stand down. Our military told not to help the people and our own ambassador was dragged through the streets and killed. Thats just a few of the crimes that had no consequences there are hundreds of others between Hillary, Obama, the Bushes .

  577. From what I understand, when Congress recently tried to ban tik tok there was a hidden agenda. The ban would be used to do other underhanded things by the govt. So it was better that it wasn’t passed. I also think that Trump knew this but also realized that he has to pick his battles. If he doesn’t reach the younger population then they will only get their info. from unreliable sources & the fake media. He has to at least give them the opportunity to make informed choices. He sees how the Dems are pandering to them & using them like they do everyone else around election time. Once he gets into Office, he will show them that he says what he means & he means what he says.

  578. You were way in front of the curve….very smart young man! Your impact today is much more important than how many likes and views you had yesterday. God Bless you!

  579. Bill Clinton didn't pay her hush money, she won a lawsuit. They dragged her name through the mud. Called her trailer park trash. And his team that tried to deny the many affairs that he had, reffered to the women's stories coming out as bimbo eruptions.

  580. After fighting Paula Jones' sexual harassment lawsuit for four years, President Bill Clinton settled the case out of court on November 13 by agreeing to pay Jones $850,000. But the deal included no apology from the president. The settlement seemed to have split the difference between the previous offers from both sides. Most recently the president was offering $700,000 while the Jones team was insisting on $950,000.

  581. NDA's are signed every single day in all big businesses. There are many crooked lawyers out there and no CEO of a huge company can keep an eye on them all. Cohen even robbed the Trump corporation. He lied to congress and then lied on the stand in court but, Pres. Trump is guilty? Go figure. And to top it off, Bragg illegally turned a misdemeanor which Cohen committed into a felony on Pres. Trump. WTH????

  582. 3:06 I don't think it's hypocritical that Trump joined tick tock. I feel like if his position on it has changed, that would be hypocritical. It seems to me like he's just picking up a weapon in a crooked fight.

  583. The problem is ABC agencies making law because congress writes laws which can easily be screwed around with by these agencies and they make it up as they go along. The agencies then refuse to let congress in on the deal when being asked by congress. Congress has essentially de-nutted themselves by being lazy. They are toothless as a government lawmaking branch of government.

    You don't have a free country when you need papers to live,leave, marry, fish, or anything else.
    Thats called FREE RANGE-SLAVES, like free range chickens headed to the slaughter.

  585. " kindness " to who ? Illegal immigration is killing our country and will soon start hurting us more than it does now , not just the money and services we are giving them .

  586. BLAH BLAH BLAH…until these over privileged creeps ACTUALLY do something, all this BS talk means absolutely NOTHING…no-one I mean NO-ONE is going to do anything or wants to do anything but write books and point fingers so this pod cast is a joke just like the rest of the big mouth do nothing trash…

  587. Man if Biden is eliminated in this 24 race I pray that if Harris is thrown in the race she change her attire wearing pant suits outfits all the time. Can the people at least see her in a nice dress attire as the leader of this nation.??
    & not those pants & jackets 👌.

  588. Garland is going to filibuster again and again and again!!! This administration has broken the law at every turn and unfortunately they are going to get away with it just like always!!!

  589. what the heck how much proof and evidence do you need to be able to do something in USA ???? give the tapes ffs why has anyone the power to request these tapes ????? they are pieces of evidences

  590. Garland has proven himself to be corrupt. His non response responses here are pretty damming particularly in light of Biden’s recent debate and subsequent performance. I don’t know when the Democrats chose to become the party of lies, deflection and grift, but they have destroyed any trust in them as an institution.

  591. First and foremost he caused/funded/failed to contain the damn virus that caused it all!!! For every thing he has done, every lie he has told us, all his horrible decisions he forced on all of us…he needs to be in prison for the rest of his life.

  592. The Democrat Party elites knew when they ran Biden in 2020 that he wasn’t competent. That is why most of Biden’s campaign was very controlled. He tended to have unscripted comments, such as the one about the large fraud capabilities the Democrats had constructed. His now obvious mental and physical decline can no longer be hidden after the debate debacle but up to that event the Dems and their whorish corporate media lackeys were willing to perpetuate the lies.

  593. so what what are you going to do about it nothing oh you raised your voice to them wasting taxpayers money and time tell them don't do it no more or you be sorry like now they wished they did more they thought some republicans had balls wrong

  594. The reason why Garland doesn't want to get into a discussion about the tapes is he knows full well that he can't answer with out ..lying and getting caught.. if he could prove that they had nothing to hide they surely would be waving the banner high but they can thats why they r lying

  595. "Hearings".
    That's all it ever is.
    If they'll alter transcripts, they will fabricate evidence, conceal and alter it, rig an election and commit murder.
    These are domestic enemies of the people .

  596. why can't these guys flat out say " answer me with a yes or a no ! " it ain't rocket surgery – these guys are smart enough to think that way , instead of time wasted on their comments back to those being questioned .

  597. Our Heavenly Father said we got to wash our hands from the germs of Germany and their immortal combat of alienated angels 👽🍎🛸 covenant area 51 and Israel iron dome from alienated angels 👽🍎 and many measurements. The germs of Germany germ any one and everywhere they went and squatting in the cravivese outside their own germy land and Christ taught his disciples not to be caught sleeping and I tell the germs of Germany don't let the door 🚪 hit you where the good Lord has split you

  598. Proper policing , meanwhile here in the uk police and labour politicians and our muslim mayor protect the pro Palestinians, want blasphemy laws introduced and more done to protect muslims from verbal attacks from.countrt protests or those of us who have had enough of seeing islamists taking over our country. Nobody can believe that nobody in parliament will stand up to the islanists , labour and sadiq khan almost seem to be spearheading the uprising , both relying on the muslim votes of course. Whatever will our weak government do for pro Palestinians next , turn Buckingham palace into a mosque , introduce a call to prayer across London , allow them to dictate what we can and cannot do i.e strip Britain of the freedoms we've had for centuries and allow the islamists to implement THEIR laws and beliefs ? Anyone who can't aee whats happening or refuse to speak out publicly about whats happening is as much to blame for the demise of our country and you should be ashamed , moreso if your grandparents fought and died in the wars to defend Britain , for what ? So islamists can just be given a green light to be granted everything. Am I angry ? You're damn right I am and THATS why im now a British patriot and will march/protest with the thousands like me who still give a damn about our country.

  599. Sames happening in England today, France Spain piand already got rid. Australia to and want let no more in, Norway same. Looked like they will be dropped off either in PALISTINE or far east country's

  600. Seems to be more cops than protesters at your campus . Here in London there were thousands of these pro Hamas morons marching our streets shouting abuse at our King and country .

  601. Your right to free speech is protected. Your right to protest is protected. Your right to assemble is protected. But you do not have the right to restrict access and blockade, and that's why these are getting shut down.

  602. Karen Read has people riled up in MA. People that normally back the blue are taking days off work to protest at her court dates. The corruption is worse than any of us could have imagined.

  603. Hey Chrissie

    First time watching you, and I’ve gotta say… love the sense of Humor! With all the darkness that’s been brought to light, a hearty laugh goes a long way. Thank you for having the amazing Riss Flex on.

    Take care



    😂 Sad But True

    Much Love, Ladies 🤍


  604. Oh My Goodness!!!!!! I Absolutely Loved reading In Jail , When I think about it now It feels like Heaven all those stories all those authors each crafting a Story to enthral your mind as you learn & grow !

  605. The Return of the Queen! Thank you, Chrissie! Missed your interviews. Subscribed to Riss Flex's channel because of this. Curious about Vivek. Appreciated his quick supportive hand raise. When it comes to current candidates, my hand isn't raised quicker for anyone but Trump. First candidate I was old enough to vote for. Never forgetting…

    "Now, Therefore, I, Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim January 22, 2020, as National Sanctity of Human Life Day. Today, I call on the Congress to join me in protecting and defending the dignity of every human life, including those not yet born. I call on the American people to continue to care for women in unexpected pregnancies and to support adoption and foster care in a more meaningful way, so every child can have a loving home…"

    He defended the sanctity of life more than any president (first to attend the March for Life); helped defend religious freedom and our borders; helped bring peace in the Middle East, boosted our economy, and brought fair trade deals. Hoping it's more like The Dark Knight Rises in 2024 even more than Chaz 2020. In a CNN interview he said "I'm Batman" in response to a kid, and similar to the Heath Ledger Joker, he helped reveal who people really are underneath.

    Being that you do cover pop culture, I forgot if you saw the new 2022 Batman movie, Chrissie.

    I started watching The Batman for the first time, and shut it off twice. I've watched movies where they used the Lord's name in vain, which I'll still really like despite that, but, being Batman movie I think it was even odder where it came across like they went out of their way to frequently break the Second Commandment (I've read Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns which I think had Green Arrow say it once and maybe Commissioner Gordon… it was cool that story also brought up defending the Catholic stance that contraception is a mortal sin).

    I saw Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3, which was the first Disney related thing I saw this decade, and thought that was good! Best superhero movie since the Christopher Nolan Dark Knight movies and best Marvel movie since Spider-man 2 (2004). Fun, and nice support for the sanctity of life, relative to a bombastic looney tunes-esque sci-fi fantasy blockbuster.

    Anyways, keep up the amazing work as always. And looking forward to the next one! Currently, you are the Queen of podcasting for me, and Patrick Bet David is the King. Hope that's a compliment. And you have a light-filled, as opposed to a de-lighful, great day!

  606. The trend of "I'm a girl so my frames MUST be 2-3X too big for my face" needs to end asap. That shit has NEVER looked good, and it certainly doesn't look good today. Also it does NOT make you appear smart. (It makes you look like an idiot because they don't fit at all) The "I'm always triggered" frames ain't much better either. Or continue to look like clowns because other girls do it too, your choice.

  607. Bro that cry laung me that say ææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææææ😭💀

  608. Ariana grande is riley
    Lady gaga is rileys mom
    Cardi B is Fear
    Taylor swift is Joy
    Olivia rodrigo is sad
    Doja cat is disgusted
    Niki manaj is anger
    Dua lipa is cop
    Nobody is the dad because the dad went to get milk but never came back😂😂😂

  609. Someone needs a greatness health checkup by specialists. Its all about money and power in corruption leadership. If they truly a leadership from day one, they supposed to show their dedication and determination. Its all monopoly games in evil and wickedness. They just pointing fingers!!! If they sincerely want to help the people w/ justice's. They will do whatever it takes in leadership. Amin😇🌙✨💫

  610. Okay, now, I believe that two things are very much possible. First, the deal that the President presented was not a deal that the Israeli terrorist agreed to. The second possibility is that the President is attempting to push the Israeli terrorist into a deal.

    From what I am hearing, the latter is likely to be the case.

    In addition, why would the President present a deal on behalf of Israel? I very much hope that the Central agency of the U.S is involved in this whole matter.

    If there has ever been a time that the Central agency has ever needed to be involved, this is the time. Everything that has been done in the past means nothing if this situation is not brought to a resolution. A resolution that puts Israel in check. It’s time to bring Israel and the lobby into check mate. If not, the truth of the Weakness of the U.S democratic capitalistic system will be fully revealed. It will be in face understood. From there, the U.S will not be able to stand with any weight. That’s already the situation, but this situation here, it will solidify it.

  611. Why did Russia proceed with its Special military operation? NATO was arming Ukraine for years to build Ukraine up to be in a position, not only to defend itself, but to be in a position to attack Russia eventually, and be the force to neutralize Russia. Greedy, selfish NATO made promises to Ukraine about joining the It's block in their effort to surround and contain Russia. They were like a boxing promoter providing all the incentives to it's prized boxer. When the boxer finds itself on the ropes, they can only hope to do everything possible to keep him standing and hope by some miracle he has a knock out punch up his sleeve. NATO is so greedy and reckless with Ukrainian lives that they will not throw in the towel to save Ukraine from irrevocable damage.

    I commend Indonesia for showing initiative and willingness to send Peacekeepers as well as set up field hospitals to tend to the injured in that war torn area if an agreement is reached between the parties.

  612. Biden provides weapons to Israel and Biden its an ouysider and have no right to decide for hamas. If istaek wants peace then Israel will pay hamas for tobs of gold, diaarmed istael and put netsnyu and his sllies to prison under hamas. Then peace will be rral but biden is no roght to drcide for gaza.

  613. Don’t be fooled. This is about the upcoming election and the timing of Trumps conviction. Joe Biden is complicit with the genocide and humanitarian crisis of 100s of thousands of Palestinian people. He is a war criminal just like Netanyahu. Don’t let him off the hook!

  614. If the United States was trying to achieve LASTING PEACE the United States would not have veto so manny times it would have stop.its the same here you just cannot trust America. A SIX WEEKS CEASEFIRE AND START AGAIN. AMERICA CAN NEVER BE TRUSTED. THAT SAYING COMES FROM THE U.N. THE DEAL WITH SIX WEEK CEASEFIRE IS NO GOOD . WAR IS FOR FREEDOM AND A PERMANENT CEASEFIRE. ILLEGAL SETTLEMENTS COMPLETELY DISMANTLE.

  615. Using the killing of children and starvation really just Genocide as a whole. America is using this as a bargaining chip in the negotiations and he said it that Hamas was real bad off and should take the deal. But it’s not Hamas he is talking to,, it’s the Palestinian’s Government . Hamas is not a terrorist it’s America and terrorist Israel. With the CONTINUING GENOCIDE, HOLOCAUST ETC.

  616. -Her "hundreds" of Palestinian hostages was really already averaging around 7-9k before the last hostage release, with around 250 released in the last round, but most of those have been recaptured or killed outright. Israel is not currently taking prisoners in Gaza. You have to feed prisoners… And before you cry the difference between Israeli hostages and Palestinian prisoners,

    "- Israel released 240 Palestinian prisoners, 107 of whom were between 14 and 17 years old, and three-quarters of whom had not been convicted of a crime, although some were awaiting trial in a military court. – – More than 4,700 Palestinians have been arrested in the West Bank and occupied East Jerusalem since October 7 – " Only 20% of those arrested by the IDF are even accused of affiliation with a resistance group. There are close to, if not more than 15,,000 Palestinians taken hostage by Israel now, almost half abducted since October.

    Hamas has released over 100 prisoners, half as many have been killed by Israel itself, and almost all, if not all of the remaining hostage left, as were many already released, direct military combatants.

    Again, Israel is not taking prisoners in Gaza as a general policy. You have to feed prisoners.

    BTW, wasn't it just last week that Israel turned HAMAS down? The must be getting turned out…. Rafah Jabalaih Khan Yunis Up North…

  617. What about all the house and land theft and killing of Palestinians in the West Bank? What about Palestinian liberty, equal rights in their own land?

  618. Biden is valueless and cheater or unreliable as well as ignored by Netanyahu. Why don’t China, Iran or Turkey or Saudi negotiate with Israel and Hamas? Why is Biden jumping here and there?

  619. Feeling better now we know what they do how did my calls get called tapped with my friends number I was calling my this afternoon I was on the ferry I’m going to tilted this the Cadillac

  620. Gangstalking I can’t believe the weird character next door gave me the figure I have a right to my parents safety your son next four is an idiot all the 100percent we have them food a couch my mom cooks for them sometimes sometime the father shocks the snow fir us so we give I. Return how I helped the other lady line one sitting in her car making fun of ny driving this to the one that stopped right in the middle of victory I was sitting in the back I saw everything they gangst becouse the social freak all of you are losers around the son next four you want to get gangstalking if you have kids someday you will get my point the cabbage patched you had all of those messages I hope you all move one day o e they will they should move to Clifton it will be better if hopefully she might kick them out sooner or master I don’t if they had sumner he looked like he just went around he cane from around the corner from somewhere hope you go yo sumner school I feel bad for my friend now ny phone is tapped I was calling my. I’m I don’t know how it connected pn het line the dective called the ones next doir you know what they did at one they used to have a candle that was burping they keto it but the table so they knew about my disability and be being gangstalking somone was driving an MTA truck they gang me becouse I don’t sleep around and my disability this program that I go to I’m only going to that for the sumner that’s it

  621. I can’t even focus on my work where is 253 Merrymount street now come to think of it tembeting everything yes I was a gangstalking victims. Even the one next door makes fun of me to he just walked I. Tge house you gave me the middle fingure I have the right to look the blinds are closed I was watching you in the house going in your house as well. Did you do door that’s what it looked liked you where doing you see me it’s the people that don’t bother anyone that they gangstalking

  622. The therapy is more important than going out and meeting the drugs 153 Merrymount street you need therapy your selves around hete yes and so does 742 Klondike ave Ellen where wher you working Baxter take the respiridone fir socializing I saw that street theater that took place this afternoon I pay for the gid fam bus to get I did nit call my friend my phone is talked my phone I was calling my mom I was on the Staten Island fey I don’t need one of it’s something serous then I will call I have to go I thete one day they have to do the Duce firm hi Connie lam you need a theorist witch you met that happened at the program I I went Nina jacobie she need theory I never had to see one before all of you around radfird buy the Greeks peoples house get them the part 153 Merrymount where us your car that graffiti is still up there at lewingston Ina jacobie im coming or the coos are calling right now Travis ave lewingston I see that white died up the block. When the s 61 bus pulled down I lay die the dticken bus to get on. Y parents lay taxes to live gets 153. Remount the respiridone is disclosing Ellen I was helping my nieghbir with groceries at least if you stayed I. Abd stalked me in the at Kraft cone out and help us eat meat I helped her All we talk about is drugs and therapists. I have one this ex coming up the Greek people up the block need one and if you come to my roo. You can see the backyard the door is opened in the back yard I think they ever stalking me all day the tv ad soon as I cane back home you where watching my both parents in the house all day 731 Klondike that’s your boyfriends house straight down the block down there you where making fun of google photos too. I saw the graffiti truck white no one else on that bus gets targted just me I forgot to tell the. Dective I went to IWD it was after my surgery. That I was sopposed to be exercising It instead this where they targted me we where on easy 31 street in the begging then we moved I payed fir that program To get I. I want rec to go just go there as well if the therapist is ready they will call if they Ready I have to go I. Person I forgot to the devtive another story ny sung visited me from Greece twice once they told us not to come we have the 641 Klondike ave is filled with vires es ther abd the silver car is infected why does not Rena cyrstob gangstalked her 163 merry street. I hope Ellen was working that all I was want to know they where making fun of me a lot

  623. Out here where I live is the worst my house is Buetifull I’m not moving I just saw Ellen’s car leaving the parking lot now you saw what I was maybe you people around should be a life considerate Everyone hates be around I think one car is missing in the driveway only my Dective saw my place Now they got the people that work for the state of liberty to harrase be this tge one that mentioned about the clothes I was wearing I heard you they got them to be send he’s oriole to harras and stalk me abd make fun ad well I don’t know if Ellen was gone today I guess you all hate me now to

  624. Cias most wanteds are all hackers nowadays. To assume theyre these religious terrorists is gone, now it’s more likely a closeted gang who use gossip, drama, grooming, etc. anonymous and all those groups, doubt every member is. most just wanted to be a part of a fad But they’re the front for perverts to remain anonymous.

    It’s had names like v2k, mind control, etc. I think it was arpa net (DARPA the internet) which is just a big probe shoved up the earths sea. you drink fluoride which purifies water and your body turns it into calcium phosphate I assume that can create plasma in the ca2+ ip3 receptors in the brain through phase shifting van der walls using Bluetooth microwaves? Idk, obviously (an app) basically. The real conspiracy there is JFK and his Lobotomized sister.

    Anyway… hackers as you would expect aren’t exactly the most stable reliable trusting or wanted people.

    Snowden and Assange leaked plenty information so maybe don’t just assume old crazy government is over reacting trying to jail them, while they are saying they are spying on you as much as they can without being “crazy”.

    Every phone has a selfie camera is the world that vain? What about a cheaper version without a front camera? Or a phone without a camera? Society deems it nessecary, like it or not your brainwashed and so am I.

    So don’t be a cluster b and you’ll be fine 🖕

  625. Becouse most of them sove I went to school with the car that’s in my friends house I did not see it keep stalking abd harrasing me all you want I don’t care anymore

  626. I know who is doing the gangstalking now radfird street is empty as of buy the Greek peoples house one just popped out the firs house on the block I was helping my nieghbir with her groceries they used the first house on the block I guess fir there spying games. I wonder if my dective so that that I pulled out I don’t o is of he knows about it anyways life of targted is a living nightmare every day

  627. I understand those who turn this into extreme paranoia but when my boyfriend committed suicide after weeks of overthinking the whole situation in random, it had me thinking.. We experienced it together at the same time in the most obvious ways possible. No, not the sprinklers being cameras kind of way but actually physically being targeted on multiple occasions. Most scenarios were when we weren’t actively looking for those signs. Play their game right, but don’t let them win.

  628. ● Remember: their children and their grandchildren will live in the hell that their parents and their ancestors created.
    Understand: we must protect “rare” people, not persecute them. If geniuses are killed, and children are corrupted, then what kind of future awaits humanity? 《World of freaks》? Or the 《world of zombies》? Your descendants will not be able to find a friend, if there are crippled people around.
    Now there is an urgent question: about the preservation of human genetics, the preservation of childhood, it is necessary to preserve the “god gene”, and remove the “beast gene” forever from the DNA.❗️💯🕊🌐🪔

  629. ● Gangstalkers sold their souls to the devil for a smartphone, for travel, and money. They waste their time, attention, energy, their lives on other people's lives. I feel sorry for them. They are unhappy people. They are controlled by fear, envy, racism. Their organizers are sick people, perverts and maniacs, robbers, and their goal is property, robbery. First they try to drag you into prostitution; if that doesn’t work, then they try to get you hooked on drugs, or drag you into a political party, or recruit you into a sect. If this fails, then you are a free person/reasonable, a genius, a unique person, a beautiful/happy person, then the gangstalkers start hunting you. They artificially create problems, kidnap to a clinic (medical kidnapping), debts, trying send you in prison, etc…

  630. ● What a scale, what a scale, what a lot of money is spent on gangstalking and persecution of people. With the help of this money, you can completely improve the life of humanity, create comfort for every person, for 100 years in the future, you can do landscaping, but they do the opposite: they sell the forest to give money to bandits and criminals. ☝️☝️☝️

  631. ● This comes from school, initially. Even when a person has absolutely no interest in politics. Even when a person never says the names of politicians. Gangstalkers have no logic, and the organizers (customers) have no logic. They are driven by envy, racism, fears. They are afraid of geniuses, unique people, talented, simply creative people, free and unpredictable, who are difficult to control. ☝️💯%❗️

  632. Come on its a complete unhuman species that are connected . Yes you can't turn off your nearby sharing app. They are watching you. Hypocrite even as they commit illegal acts as the onescthey target

  633. Yes I believe that the targeting is not only real, from my experience its gang banging stalking people yelling at you they hate you that dont know you etc,… this is real… im finishing a documentary on this four hours long…I have a book and a short album about this …..

  634. anthony_support0 revolutionary approach transcended the mere suppression of auditory stimuli and delved into the intricacies of liberating targeted individuals from their psychological confines. By fostering resilience and promoting self-empowerment.

  635. anthony_support0 revolutionary approach transcended the mere suppression of auditory stimuli and delved into the intricacies of liberating targeted individuals from their psychological confines. By fostering resilience and promoting self-empowerment.

  636. This IDs happening to me on Quora there is Houston Florida and another in Texas I’m in lamesa Texas. I filed two hate crimes cause of what they are doing took over my internet and phones changed phones and internet did it again and been three years now. It’s a secret society of ex cops and law enforcement all involved at high levels. I know some of their names.

  637. Without going into too much detail, it’s fking REAL! Did you get your notification on your phone when the victim is near? Are you still spreading nasty evil devil gossip about the victim so they can’t have a life? Are you telling all companies not to employ the victim because of your EVIL gossip? Are you letting the neighbourhood where the victim lives to spy on the victim and watch their every move? The victim is no fool and neither are you!!

  638. Remember Ed Snowden left the country because he thought the government was illegal spying on Americans more than china an Russia North Korea. Americans are in zombie mode. These a cults are alos electric harassing who ever they feal is a threat. They use poison by inhalation and microwaves by camers with interest ready. Contact me for Major exposure.

  639. The American government is controlled by foreigners that are secret society members. JFK had a warning speech back in 1963 informing Americans that our government can be compromised by secret society. So it's not only the government but members of the a cult hacking your phone an electric device's then members in government have all your information plus you have a file that members will profile you an add to you file. Your employer military schools an many more will have axe's to your private data.

  640. Lots of fake humans out there watch out for the fake comments its just spirits using us for energy i wonder why we were made was it to actually live a good life because im having a horrible ride i believe they attack a percentage of the world so its not talked about enough right now i get voices that are highly smart to smart to be voices it feels like a bunch of jins are doing this to me so i listen to ruqyahs and try to forget but cant i believe drugs is the reason for my targeting they were smart i bekieve they use people who can take alot who arent sucidal like special empaths they are also phskick as im writing this they said how does he know there literally laughing in my face thats how much targeting they do god aint real if he was this wouldnt be happening would it ? We might just have aliens behind this maybe human shapeshifters but they love to scare us the voice feels like its attached to us i wish it was all in my head but its not they said im dying because i recently used drugs or have been using it thats why i say i get targeted more when im high could it be good voices but my brain is maybe thinking its bad idk im confused but they feel attached to out energy like energy vampires hungry ghosts idk it seems like torment some days and i cant deal with it no more it got to the point i thiught people were physcick like my own fsmily use words to harm me so are they involved theres a black sheep in all familys but i believe these hungry spirit ghosts can turn there voice into your familys voice there intelligent for sure they know what there doing but targeting a small population compared to the mass of the world so it doesnt get talked about enough my voice is locked on right now and they can change your brains thoughts like where they make you more aware of the voices in that hour or week or whatever time they wanna use it on you oh yeah you thought it was your own thoughts no they install it on you they can make other people around you talk about a subject you dont like or say a word your used to hearing i had this in my brain for a while they add things through the years like a computer

  641. Gangstalking is humans and evil spirits working together i believr elites are behind this they abuse the abuser then abuse them after they die im pretty sure they target empathic people people who get gods attention i really believe demons or aliens are usung us as expiriments like when i think of this i think wheres god will he stop this abuse but i get nothing is there a god really fighting for us is this a war because these voices talk like family ill hear a voice come from family but i noticed whrn i do drugs it gets worse i think they can harm you when your under the influence either that or im just aware of the voices because i quit drugs on and off and still got stalked mines more of a voice it used to be people but i believe they stopped that part i feel like there looking for energy and are highly strong narccists that enjoy abusing you its like a drug there jealous but i used to listen for words and its almost like they can put thoughts in our head like were computers im not lying im deep in this but im getting info for the rest of the world this voicr is like a wireless speaker following you around so its either god is behind this or theres no god or its good vs evil and spirits are working ovrttime btw theres nothing you can do about this atm police will think your crazy they will just not believe you even your own family will write it off but i believe theres humans who arrnt human i have seen a girl hiding her body under a hijab i believe she could actually turn into whatever it was nd i believe she had lots of arms it was scary theres definetly something going on

  642. These people seem paranoid at first glance. But life has shown me many things. If they are feeling like they're being spied on, I trust their feelings. I may not trust their conclusions but that doesn't make them liars.

  643. Typical spoiled brat silver spoon kid that never grew up. Every time they screw up it’s never their fault. Always those “very bad people”. The maid made me pickup my clothes ! She’s a very bad person !
    And half the country is falling for this 🥴

  644. People don't like what the bidens are doing. The people that do not like Trump, hate the unfairness, so they'll vote for Trump because they know the bidens are worse criminals than Trump could ever be. If they do this to a former president, they will do it to everybody.

  645. I think you miss the point Kevin O’Leary….Biden and the left WANT to take down America…they want a stain on our “brand”. The major players HATE America. They are killing food production, letting killers, traffickers, drugs into this country on an invasion level. The climate hoax is also to ruin this country. How do you think they are doing so far with this plan? 😳

  646. O’Leary is right. Biden, Clinton, Obama don’t care about America. They only care about money. Just look at the wealth these life-time politicians have earned immediately after leaving office and you will see what I mean and, I believe, O’Leary means. 🇺🇸😡

  647. I'm an independent, and there're many Independents like me that are NOW for Trump. Everyone I speak to is saying to me that this Democrat persecution of President Donald J Trump will have an extraordinary blowback and solidify a win for President Trump and the American People on November 05, 2024. All those involved in this sham persecution must pay a price and answer to the 🇺🇸 people. I believe a historical storm is coming.

  648. But we're talking about a fraudulent administration anyways who never should have been allow into office. This was absolutely a coup that never should have happened. God help us.

  649. Thank you, Kevin. You are an honest man. I’ve liked you all along, but I like you even more now. Wish I could shake your hand, but I’m one of those poor AMERICANS who sitting back and only praying and sending the little money I have to help Trump win

  650. I apologize (not) for using the word when an illegal immigrant raped a 12 year old girl.
    Do 15 minute reports. Quick, to the point.
    No live, no interaction, just comments.
    We all will still watch you and sub.
    You have become a daily news segment on the politics, and you have singlehandedly brought millions together that were not.
    You have made it clear between news REPORT and YOUR OPINION. AND TAUGHT MANY TO DO THE SAME. .. DEBATE.
    that's how I see your show. A lesson on DEBATE, which many schools have dropped. And is so needed.
    Love you and very much appreciate how you have learned all you have and become a changed person by your own admission.
    Showing new dog new trIck is TRUTH.
    YOU ARE A PART OF MY DAILY FOR A COUPLE YEARS, I'll be seeking your new place for sure.
    You are like all our COUSIN.
    I LOVE YOUR SUBBERS, commenters, responders. Watching them grow, and mature and become educated on our political system. Even I have learned a lot.
    Create a new platform. PLATFORM.. or go to tuckers, or elons,
    I get how you feel about rumble, it feels a bait and switch, and I still can't comment without signing on fully?
    And click skip , and another ad comes you have to skip, sometimesxa third time. I can never just watch a thing without just relaxing.
    I'm not greatly technically adept, so I want simple. Lol
    ❤ You Lou.
    I know how you feel, going through a thing, not same but the same, put alot of few time to help a situation and being played and conspired against to keep me showing up, but someone else gets paid to create a harmful situation. I am just a neighbor.
    Going to check out the LINK. AND forward this episode ..

  651. Your great its a lie, you know how the system is , it will be good after bidens out im pretty sure. Your a peaceful man, its a lie I very in tune with God, it will be fine after Biden out. With Heavenly Father's grace. ❤

  652. Let’s let Donald Trump know that you need help you do not awesome job I can’t believe you’re 401,000 followers and they’re doing this to you such bullshit

  653. H.A Goofman aka Harold Aaron Goodman should be indited for having a face for radio! Word is his mother tied a pork chop around his neck so the family dog could play qith him..

    No kidding his name is HA, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha..

    By the way Hillary & Bill Clinton were at Conald & Melania's wedding.

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…

    Russia if your listening we would like to deport Harold Aaron Goodman to Russia.

  654. Jesus, @op really IS a pretentious little shit. I was surfing and came across this channel, and stopped to check it out. FYI: I saw HA on a cable news channel, haven’t seen @op ANYWHERE. He has a hell of a lot more credibility than someone who assumes that the only way anyone would have heard of anyone would be from THEIR channel.

  655. Over a year later and HA Goodman is still claiming that the indictment of Hillary is "imminent"! His name should be HAHAHA instead of just HA. Not only that, but he has now come out as a full-on Trump deplorable and is supporting Trump for 2020. Doesn't surprise me at all. I knew he was a fake progressive from the first time I saw him. He's a total shill for Trump and Putin talking points. How anyone could take someone so removed from reality and fact seriously is beyond comprehension. Reading these comments below are hilarious because it shows that David was right all along. But no matter how much evidence comes to light, no matter how many guillty pleas, confessions and convictions, Trump and his lackeys like Ha just keep acting like their fictional version of reality is truth. Their bravado is impressive. Either they are extremely good actors, pathological liars, or pure nutcases. The hardcore Trumpanzees only believe what they say because it's what they want to believe whether it's true or not. At some point though they'll begin to realize how stupid they look and they'll turn on Trump and his shills. The Kremlin paid trolls will still keep posting nonsense as long as Putin pays them. Those who chose Trump are on the wrong side of history and those "pundits" who so blatantly lied for Trump will forever have that on their record and no one will ever take them seriously again. They destroyed their own credibility and for what? A traitor who sold out his country? A crooked administration? A criminal mob with allegiances to a foriegn hostile authoritarian dictator? I can't imagine how it could be worth it to be propagandist for someone so ethically and intellectually bankrupt as Trump. In the end though, David is getting the last laugh, as will Mueller and many others who had the intelligence to look at facts and think critically about this situation.

  656. so you dont believe the email stuff yet you believe that russia hacked the election when cenks map was right

    that makes 0 sense and dylan ratigan even proves that

  657. david no exist polls were done you cant say there was ever a time when hillary was beating sanders in the poll

    in fact if hillary was so sure to win why the fuck did she need to send her husband to close voting polling places on primary election day

    also all of the polls proved that trump was going to win cenks map was right about trump winning and you claim hillary should have won that election

    you make 0 sense thx for this ha bisky vid anyways sanders will win in 2020

  658. The fact you STILL HAVEN'T PRODUCED THE QUOTES tells us all we need to know about you;

    You are a liar who think so little of his audience you don't think they have the mental capacity to look up the very conversation you mention and show on screen and not realise you where lying and misrepresenting what the other guy was saying.

    …Or pick up on the fact that the other guy is a published journalist with something like a 80 to 100 published articles. In other words, Goodman is a big fish and YOU are the nobody.

  659. So this week the X-FBI Director will testify before a congressional committee. As I've been saying for the past two weeks Trump will find something to distract the American public because he can't stop the Crazy Train. I was really worried that he would start a war on Wednesday. So yesterday the gulf states led by the Saudis (whom he just visited and sold 350 Billion worth of arms) decide to have a big row with Qatar despite not bothering with them for the last 20 years. Qatar also holds the largest US military base in the region. Instant headlines, instant distraction and Trump gets to play diplomat. What a transparent joke. The best way to distract the public and drive oil prices and profits up? A crisis in an oil producing country. It's so predictable that it's sad.

  660. David Pakman you are full of crap. You lie about H.A. Goodman and you perpetuate the idiotic Trump Russia collusion conspiracy theory. You've been called out on your BS over and over across all corners of the internet. Stop being just another Media Shill for the the establishment and have a little respect for yourself and your viewers.

  661. You need to provide the quotes or shut the fuck up, apologize, and retract the video (which you claim that was only tangentially related to H.R. – this despite the fact that his name was in the damned title). And why are you hammering H.R. for his poor prognostication skills but not those of all of the media leftists who predicted that that Hillary would defeat Trump?……Dis-ingenuousness perhaps?

  662. haha I dont want to spend much time on this… and then rants for 14 mins straight. Dude just apologize and move on. why do ppl make the same mistake over and over again.

  663. This is utter trash, David, and you know it. You have no respect for your audience. You literally show them the tweet where H.A. calls you out on attributing quotes to him that he NEVER made, claiming you would source them "tomorrow" (why not prior to making the video in the first place like any credible person would?), then proceed to never source the quotes. Because you are a liar. They do not exist. He never said he had an FBI source. Ever. He never said Bernie was going to be POTUS no matter what post the primaries (it was contingent upon HRC being indicted which would have thrown the DNC into a death spiral where Bernie would have been the obvious substitute).

    If the law applied to HRC like it does for everyone else, then she would have been indicted and prosecuted. His commentary was no different than you claiming HRC was going to beat Trump.

    And he isn't just "some guy who makes YT videos". He has been published 100+ times and has made appearances on CNN, MSNBC, and other outlets. Have you?? Seems like you're vying for a job at faux leftist outlet TYT where you can propagandize whatever the DNC sends them and still feel important. Don't act like you don't know what you're doing. No respect given, none deserved.

  664. Using TYT tactics. "People who disagree with me are Right Wing Trolls. They only seem to show up when I make things up, how strange. Instead of presenting any evidence I'm just going to attack other peoples credibility even though I have none."

  665. "Let me spend time talking about how little down votes matter to me". If they didn't matter, why mention it at all? You're perfectly happy to have that low level of credibility attached to all videos? That is just yet more dishonesty from Pakman.

  666. You are an outlier, people like you that push a political agenda to slander someone else's name is disgusting. You're a nasty person and should be ashamed of yourself. You are no different from the TYT.

  667. When will you provide the supposed quotes?? Yes, we agree with you, you ARE NOT credible, the only true thing you said. WE will not consider the matter closed until you formally apologise to HA Goodman.

  668. Never heard of you until yesterday. Went to Twitter, and it's obvious that your credibility is on the line here buddy. You are pushing this bogus Russian narrative, and there simply is no evidence to support your claims. Clinton sure did secure the candidacy, but not in any up in up, or legal manner. I suggest you read the leaked emails. Get your facts straight!

  669. No mention at all, about the corruption making Hillary's nomination possible but H.A. making a solid prediction that didn't pan out makes him a hack? What a fucking joke Hackman🖕

  670. I am an Iraqi war veteran and I have been following your podcast for awhile. I have like your news sources up until this point. I will have to disagree with you on this David.

    After this I'll have to unfollow. I don't like dishonest channels especially when you like to double down the on the story.

    Wish you the best


  671. David! What the hell dude!!!!
    I used to watch a video of yours every now and then if I came across it and it was on a subject I was interested in.
    Not anymore!!!
    Mental gymnastics like I've never seen.
    You have no credibility in my eyes unless you issue a retraction and explain yourself.

  672. Right before I unsubscribed to your channel mind you I was a subscriber wayy before you had close to half of the subs you have now I told you to do your own research and put together your own videos instead of stealing other channels content and simply commentating on what they put together. BTW I'm a Trump supporter and not hatin, I just wish you would be more authentic and do research on your own but keep riding this Trump and conservative wave but what are you going to do if Trump doesn't get elected or when his term is over? He's only allowed one more term in case you didn't know. I know folks will answer this or you will Google it but I wonder if you know the few conditions that it takes to become president.

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  674. I think it makes sense to a certain point fighting chooses to do that from the oval office cuz he thinks if everyone sees Trump being sentenced it might help him get more votes which he's not going to get he has the lowest possible approval ring in presidential history

  675. This whole sham trial should of been dismissed. It is a violation of every American and the how corrupt this judicial system is. This judge should be held accountable for all his actions! Trump 2024


  677. This "Judge" is not a Judge at all….he is everything a reputable Judge is not…. a screaming, angry, whiny immature, delusional, corrupt horomonal jerk. I cannot believe he is teaching his daughter how to act! Her future looks pretty dim with a "Father" that acts this way.

  678. The world knows, even leftist MSM people KNOW this case is just a pile of poo. I think they too or at least a lot of them would come out loudly saying this is 100% wrong. Jury based their verdict on hating trump not the case.

  679. See, this is why conservatives lose. She was more worried and embarrassed about slipping up and saying a naughty word than what was actually happening to her country. The proof? Do you think she would have stopped and apologized and smiled and laughed about it had she been talking about child trafficking and the things done to kids on Epstein island had she slipped and said the same word? She might have apologized because she had to, but her demeanor would have been quite different about it. You almost get the impression: CONSERVATIVES DON'T REALLY CARE ABOUT WRONGDOING. JUST RULES.

  680. I am a proud American and I say to the proud Country of Canada. If you don't want the honorable Michelle Garner we will gladly take her and give her a place of honor in America. Her soul is the essence of what's needed in the world. Michelle you have an open invitation that has no expiration date! 🪡

  681. Mlle Rempel do not get carried away here . As you may know we have the highest unemployment rate , lowest productivity and flat line GDP in the G7 is that not a sign Kaka Ndians are better off than people in Chad or south Sudan and Somalia .Is this not sound fiscal sumptin , plese

  682. To the 85% of Palestinians who support hummus, make a better choice for your children. They have suffered enough. You were offered a two state solution many times and you turned it down. Living in peace with Israel and demanding that the fellas of the T organization disband. If you don't this is what your children will live forever and you will always be the people who expect the world to support you. Time to end it, make peace with Israel and its people.

  683. Wrong. Israel and Russia are NOT the same. Putin INVADED a peaceful country, that is why his arrest warrant was issued and still is, while Israel has been DEFENDING ITSELF against the terror attack everyone likes to forget so easily. Two completely different scenarios, and two completely different situations for the United States. People get your head out of the sand, and stop thinking Putin is some sort of love child when he isn’t!

  684. I am not sure why Americans are so keen on supplying shit loads of money to Israel. Fully financing their medical and tuition costs with American tax payers

  685. You should get your news right. The Hamas agreement was not agreement with what was being negotiated. Hamas agreed to only its own proposal as a public media gaslighting effort.

  686. You literally played the words of the Israeli official screaming for genocide and glossed over it. Wow. Just wow. Yes, Palestinians have killed Jews, which is also wrong. That said, who is the occupying power? Who receives BILLIONS in weapons? Who controls the flow of food, water and medicine? The people of Palestine are prisoners on their own land. Nearly every true honest broker with foreign policy experience says it.

  687. Truth be told in obvious sense…..
    Russia is the truly the last remaining Christian civilization left on the planet 🤝
    Why wouldnt anyone not want to get along ….disgusting obama biden zelinsky nato UN wef and ALL the handlers too 😠
    🙌 Blessings to Mother Russia 🇷🇺
    President Putin and the Russian People 🙏

  688. Why aren't any of the surrounding countries taking in Gaza citizens? Non of them are! Because even the citizens are just as evil. They're raising their children to be the exact same way.

  689. De Niro accuse the others of what they really are. Were have I seen this before? What a sad end of carreer,. This leftist actor didn't memorize the script. The question is: Why does he advocate the destruction of the West?

  690. Those body gaurds are embarresed by you deniro. They sre staring down not looking around to cover your ass, or is it that they feel like if they look at your hecklers wrong they are going to get beaten to a pulp. Real effective protection you have there dezero!😅

  691. Yet he already left once. I feel so sick to my stomach when this stuff happens. The Leftists Hollywood elitists are so sick. DeNiro is used to people sucking up to him. Didn't Trump help build New York?

  692. I grew up in a Catholic Controlled Country where All Birth Control was Banned, Abortion Illegal until 2019, Divorce Not an option.
    I knew several families with 22/23 children each & so many other large POOR families mired in misery & hardship.My Mother had a just a gas cooker & 1 cold tape to care for 6 people, not even a fridge, open fires, boiling & hauling water for baths & washing clothes, it was soul destroyed drugery.I decided at 6yrs I was never going to get married & have children. I also told myself a Woman needs her "Own Money" & I have got to get out of here, the country.I had 3 sisters they never wanted to get married or have children, their degrees, professional carers have helped countless others, no regrets.
    I went to a covent school & it was the legendary Sister Veronica who said to us her girls "Education, Education, Education, with a good education a girl can set the world on Fire 🔥, I mean you don't want to end up like your Mothers now do you?!!"Audible gasps & distressed groans filled the classroom & we all hit our books.On one occasion a girl asked, 'Sister Veronica do you not mind not having any children?"Sister Veronica stretched out her arms & said "You are all my Children" a surge ensued where all of us tried to hug Sister Veronica all at once.Mothering takes many forms…

  693. Women should compete ON THEIR OWN TERMS not by rules established to suit men. This includes NOT competing with dysfunctional fetishy males who call themselves women and insert themselves in womens sports.

  694. Glad that this message is growing in volume. The liberal women vs conservative men statistic is stark, and tragic. Dating is impossible. More cats are finding homes than ever. This can't go on. (Well, okay, cats are great but no substitute for a relationship!)

  695. Usa is protestant, south america was catholics, he mentions religious freedom, which was a protestant idea n started in protestant countries like usa n britain, it was also protestants who thought every man should be able to read his own bible, before that all instructions came from the priests who ruled n most people were illiterate, its not right for catholics to take all credit for protestant history as catholics fought protestants trying to prevent the modern world from being created, wed still be serfs, if britain had stayed catholic thered be no british colonies in america n the last 400 yrs of history would be completely different, theres good reason why the land of the free didnt start in europe, it was impossible, ok he knows the bible but he needs to brush up on his countrys history, despite being a new country they ended up setting the bar for europe to match, usa had higher literacy rates than europe n more freedom than europeans had ever seen, its not something to celebrate that britain left the catholic church n decided to free itself, BUT if they hadnt done it, not 1 of us would be here today n thats a fact, to erase protestant history is to erase our own history, the romans basically erased european celtic history 2000 yrs ago n the undertones im seeing nowadays are eerily familiar, how can n englishman n american have a discussion about christianity n not mention protestants once?

  696. Needing to access the necessities of life without going through a slave master isn’t competing with men. Don’t flatter yourself 🤡 It’s men who have an identity crisis. They get so bent out of shape over women not being submissive puppets. You don’t see women losing their stuff bc a man doesn’t stay in a box. Men are obsessed with women and women are trying to be left alone. Who’s really got the issues? Women aren’t obsessed with men. Men are obsessed with women.

  697. I'm opportunistic and ambitious, but I don't believe I need to compensate as a woman to compete against men – or anyone else, for the matter – for anything. My ability and skills speak for itself, and I value the traditional role of women and want a child, too.

  698. Did you know that one of the people on the board of directors for the ASA is a foreigner, he's probably the person that is authorising foreigners or insisting that foreigners must be in every UK advert. The ASA is trying to remove the British identity by allowing foreigners to takeover everything in the UK.

  699. Really, not in my world, people are so easily led by this nonsense. Woman and men have different capabilities, each have different strengths, both physically and mentally, women are by far the strongest mentally, whilst men are physically stronger, who cares, they compliment one another.

  700. Been watching his youtube channel for a while he is very sensible in his thoughts. A lot of his points are logical which is nice to hear.

  701. That’s nothing compared to the antics of one of the resident advisors in the girl’s dorm at a Job Corps center where I was a GED tutor. He rented an apartment behind the old Tudor Arms hotel in Cleveland on Wilbur Avenue where he was running a brothel staffed by the girls in his dorm. But when the director got wind of this she acted in haste and fired him before thinking to gather sufficient evidence which would’ve enabled the authorities to bring him up on charges. But that being Job Corps all of the girls were above the age of consent or between 16 and 24 years of age. So he got off scot free as they say.

  702. Her in that hat is whats unacceptable. Does she think she is Beyonces new back up dancer. And bro acts like if she was fine it would be ok but she had cellulite showing and that was his problem. Preach on brother.

  703. Do not call them liberals everybody stopped calling them people liberals or Wolf's called them what they are Communist people that are working on trying to change our country into their country that is communism everybody knows it and everybody voted for it so whoever voted for it flush yourself down the toilet and whoever Augustine please Make a lot of noise over this That is my opinion and my opinion only Donald Trump will be President

  704. And here we only thought we had to be giving the Priests the eagle eye treatment. Teachers jumping from district to district…Priests getting moved from parish to parish….sounds familiar.

  705. Oh my God….. There's too much to cover… First… That witch just set her ex up to go to prison. You know she was just making that shit up to cover her own stupid ignorant over educated brain right? My god she literally did that cuz she's going to have to come up with a name.
    That being said…
    The Lady speaking is my Sister from another Mister..
    Also, I spit out my tequila when you said I could make money for pouring milk on my no nails toes. However, when I looked to find the only fans app to download it I saw the word teen.. I'm not chansing that. You did make me spit out my tequila..😂😂😂😂😂😂

  706. obviously, judging by the comments, some people can hear this but I can't hear any of the teacher video ane I WANTED to hear it dangit….maybe next time

  707. Google's not going to give up until the people in the United States start taking Google out and not I don't mean electronically but people are getting fed up really fed up with Google

  708. If trump doing wrong with US country he must be sentence to US country.
    But I never hear from judges
    1. How much trump violated?
    2. Where or who trump need to pay?
    3. How much people use they're election campaign?
    4. Why trump violated 34 felony charge if you already violated more than 300 million before?
    5. Trump only violated to money or physically?

    Hope I can hear court judgement

  709. That “president” trump is a continuous liar and and he would destroy our democracy forever. He is a thorn in a black rose that can kill. How can anyone ever believe his acid words. My God, he committed treason! Why on earth isn’t he in prison!!?

  710. I’ll charges in all trials should be canceled against Donald Trump and President Biden and AG Garland should both be impeached and put on trial for treason and election interference and both judges in Georgia and the two judges in New York should be immediately suspended and disbarred permanently from ever servingon the court again and Leticia, James , Alvin, Bragg and Fanny Willis all should be arrested for election interference and they should be disbarred and awaiting trial

  711. I knew it was false no no no no money changed hand's he is our 19th Republic President he is related to Lincoln Patton Jr will not LIE the Establishment is LYING they HATE PATTON JR AND FEAR HIM THEIR ALL GOING DOWN GOING DOWN DOWN GOING DOWN HALLELUJAH WE'RE WINNING THE BOOM BOOM BOOM IS COMING ROCK&ROLL WWG1WGA 🫡

  712. You know, believe it or not .. the Bible is coming true for all these Democrats and gold diggers says that "things done in secret (darkness) will be shouted from the rooftops … umm every time they go after Trump all of their dirtt secret laundry get found out and brought to light 😂👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🤔


  714. Your channel is a paid Trump propaganda machinery and you are all the time trying to justify the actions of Trump and the point is he did have affairs with Stormy , Carroll and 35 others who have yet to come forward for whatever reasons best known to them. The truth is Trump had affairs with so many women and he needed to pay off some as it would affect his 2016 election and that is the truth and this channel is trying to cover Trump by saying that those women and Cohen tried to extort money from! Trump as he willingly paid to safeguard his image as a candidate standing for the 2016 election. What Trump did after that is what the court is interested in and that is he evaded tax by falsifying the hush money as the lawyers fees and this is the fraud the charges are based on so stop confusing the people with your lies.

  715. This is what you get from Affirmative Action, followed by Diversity Equity Inclusion. Merit based, merit based, merit based hiring. Get rid of the unqualified idiots in all these positions NOW.

  716. The difference between a state case and a federal case isn't going to help. The Supreme Court has ruled that the president has immunity on most of those things that they thought he was found guilty on of course there was nothing there to find him guilty on so I wonder how that's going to work

  717. Biden has been in politics for fifty years has been increasingly over the years of lies and crimes and now has help from clintons and Obama to help him promote more ways to commit even more money and crimes god bless America 🇺🇸 😮

  718. Who is who? What do the signs say? As soon as someone tries to talk to them, they create noise with their stupid instruments. And they wonder why nobody likes them.

  719. Will all the model citizens please stand up.

    Will all the model citizens please stand up.🙊🙉🙈
    The Magistrate Judges are the King 👑 Pins of this wild, interactive confusion. The Magistrate Judge are the sorcerers. I just figured this out and I can't hardly believe it myself.🇺🇸🙊🙉🙈

  720. I definitely enjoyed this one Chrissy. You’re on fire. Amazing topics and filled with collective thoughts and feelings. Brittany is a 🐐 whileAshton and Kristine give off Yin Yang ☯️ vibes for sure which is dope. Keep up the dope content.

  721. I think I heard that Russia has been excluded from the space cooporation with US and Europe, so expect them to team up with China instead.

  722. It'd be kind of interesting to see Faith Goldy make a comeback onto YouTube, after the right caved to a warped leftist who dreams of his Grandma combing her armpit hair in the nude cough cough* Jordan Peterson *cough*.

  723. This was such a fun video it was like watch the cast of 90's sit-com reunion but for the Cabin 48 stream lol here is to more Content House in the future. In best best Post Malone signing voice 🎶 Congratulations🎶🎶🎵.

  724. Great Stream Chrissie!!! Brittany, Riss and Gigi looked so Sexy with Glasses!!! I hope that you are able to post up highlights or split the 48 hour stream into 4 parts for youtube.

  725. Okay, good. But it begs the question – whete are the "traditional" law abiding, family fisrt Republican runners? We knew Haily was just a shiny object. If anything feels rigged it's the Fact that "this is the best Republican candidate fir president in AMERICA?".
    That includes both sides actually. I feel the American citizens have not been given legit "choices" for presidency, since Clinton was in office. Seriously. Bush reading a book to grade schooler's which our country was being attacked – 911. Correct me if I'm wrong. It's been ALL downhill since. Now that's "rigged", Trump is just the Mascot!!! The worst of the worst.

  726. Thanks all of you from other countries supporting those of us in America who arent crazy!!! Thanks for not judging all of us by the crazy MAGAots!!! We appreciate your support!!

  727. In a real team effort (a disgraceful one) that kangaroo court just elected Trump.
    Counting states where he has a small polling lead, he already has a pro forma Electoral College advantage of over 100 votes.
    This will only put a solid floor under that, or increase it. Mark my words.

  728. This country put in a Russian asset into the White House cause he's a rich white male with name brand recognition instead of putting in a qualified woman.

  729. So why is Hillary still free after bolesting qilling and eating a 10 yr old girl. And Trump is guilty over something the government and it's officials do everyday for eon's lol

  730. Can anyone tell me what crime trump committed aaah i am waiting yeah just what i thought not one person can say cuz the judge never said what crime oooh he paid off a skank for sleeping with him miss stormy what a joke she is & how many presidents and political ppl have done that i lost count all u ppl that approve & are happy about verdict should be ashamed this was a witch hunt & by all means let biden keep running our economy into the ground he is the worst president we ever had i am voting for trump & will always stand by trump he made America gr8 again & stopped isis in 3 wks & kept our borders safe & many more things what has biden done nothing but destroy our economy & when verdict came in within minutes trumps donation site crashed becuz of all the overload of donations & when it got up running again still donations coming cuz the good ppl who believe in trump & still want him as our president & HE WILL WIN NOV 5 2024 OUR NEXT PRESIDENT WILL BE DONALD TRUMP. He should've won in 2020 but the usps & democrats cheated & lied about trumps winning ballets so how do u like trump now he will win win win 😁 and melania speaks 5 different languages top that ppl …she is gorgeous & smart & will make a gr8 1st lady again

  731. Joe Biden, in this case, America is not fit to be a peace mediator and cannot be trusted, America only fully sides with Israel because the independence and freedom of the Palestinian people from the Israeli genocide can only stop if America recognizes Palestinian independence and guarantees the freedom of the Palestinian people, America cannot be trusted. to guarantee the safety of the Palestinian people from genocide and confiscation of the Palestinian people's land if a ceasefire is held, all of this is just Joe Biden's politics facing the American presidential election

  732. It’s Biden and Netanyahu propaganda plans to reduce public anger nothing else. At the end, blaming Hamas and continue genocide in Gaza and Palestinian land.
    Biden vetoed 3 times in UN, as a result more than 100 thousands innocent Palestinian civilians killed and injured, Israeli arrested innocent civilians, professional, stripped them and mass murdered them , buried alive , how cruel Israeli Zionist are!!!
    Germany kicked out Zionist from Germany, created Holocaust, now supporting Israeli Genocide in Gaza and Palestinian land.
    Whole world please help Palestinian resistance groups to kick out Zionist from Palestinian land to Germany, Zionist can fight for their own ancestors land in Germany but not in Palestinian land.

  733. امریکہ و اسرائیل اپنی ذلت وشکست سے دوچار ہو کر اب اپنی نابودی کی طرف آخری قدم بڑھاٸیں گے انشااللہ فلسطین زندہ باد❤

  734. Stop this blame game🖐,Mr Biden☻. You are an actual master mind behind this ongoing genocide,now your plannings failed against Palestinians resistance and resilience. You loser Mr Joe Biden.☻. You lair Mr joe Biden☻. shame on you and on your foolish thinking 👎👎👎.

  735. He will go down as one of the most m@nst30us president in the history of human beings. He has no regard whatsoever on palestinians lives. This is the man with a campaign on life support trying te rivive it. None can undo what he did that’s why I wish he does what he says and none votes for him anyways. He doesn’t understand that at this point he can’t change anyone’s mind

  736. 'populated areas of gaza' aka a strip near rafah, 'Palestinean prisoners' instead of hostages. This is meaningless. Continue to see US investigating the investigation of investigations once again

  737. What about the settlers!? You think they are listening? You think now you have armed them and set them loose with justification and religion as a weapon they won't die proving their loyalty? Remember the Taliban? Yup. Biden did that! Congratulations on being the reason the world is in turmoil.

  738. Hey Biden why do you call the Israeli hostages and the Palestinians prisoners the Palestinians held by Israel with no charges are illegal under international law doesn’t that make them hostages

  739. Killing 35,000 civillian in a short period is not war but genocide…. you are lying to yourself if you are not condemning Israel's violence act… Palestinian just human like us.

  740. Basically Hamas called for the ceasefire…

    Biden months later…”Hamas must call for a ceasefire”
    So the question is what really is a ceasefire Biden..?

  741. No one takes him seriously and any deal will be worse than what currently is going on. Obama said and I quote” never underestimate Joe Biden’s ability to complete mess things up” .

  742. He says stop now. I want to show that I am a hero because the elections and the stupid elected people like the narrative of heroes. After that, continue, but I have to win again with the votes of the damned.

  743. I hope those guys are in custody. I'm so glad that the young lady made it inside safely. I know She's very traumatized of course. The same thing happened to one of my sisters but it was one man.and I Thank God that she made it inside safely too.

  744. So one day I was coming back from school, and I saw a man in all black following me. I got scared and fatly ran, he chased me till my door and I quickly got in and closed the door and I was crying I called the police but they didn’t get any thing abt the stalker so I decided to let it go as I have no other option

  745. If that was me I would run inside and go to my father because my father is a police officer and he keeps a gun in his room in a safe so I would say " DAD GET THE GUN! "

  746. My belief here is that while they probably weren't follower by bundy considering that he targeted women on their own they were still followed by someone sinister who had evil intentions

  747. Biden is guilty of having secret documents in his garage and wanting to run a big country after being told he is forgetful weak and a lier and covering up for hunter with an illegal Gun and letting illegal migrants come over the boarder wake up you need more safty and money to live

  748. what has the Supreme Court bought and owned Prostitutes done??? They have sold their morals, their integrity, and the vision of a great American democracy along with their souls. They have decided they want to allow Criminal trump to be KING!

  749. I was listening to country news via Rupert Murdoch Australia ABC news when they missled, or attempted to misslead me into thinking it had to go back to trial, that there was an issue. If it wasn't for Karen explaining before I left for my holiday, that the jury don't get the transcript and have to request it, I would have been gutted. The next day on the news they told me the verdict was guilty. They didn't elaborate on all 34 counts. I was satisfied to hear guilty. Now I can hear the event through factual reporting. How different an experience that is. I thank you. Thank you for keeping us informed! 🤗🥰

  750. Tramp failed us in his 1st term in office. He complained about about leaving all our military equipment in Iraq! He pulled out and dropped it on Biden. He failed as a leader during Covid, he had the information, the best practices during a pandemic and he failed us. During Obama presidency, we had Ebola in our country, with testing, tracing and isolation it was stopped. Tramp didn't do anything and ignored the written copy. Our inflation happened due to him. Tramp did that also and the gas prices being low was lowest during us in lock down. However he doesn't take any blame. The transfer of power with a fair and lawful election and his attempt to stay in power. He is too blame for all this!!! This is why he has been the 1st and only former president in court and convicted!

  751. Trump deserves prison for the magnitude of the crime he committed 34 felonies convicted felon: Donald Trump ‘: liar, scammer, thief, defrauder all around crook! Trump deserves punishment! Perhaps for he first time in his life he will experience punishment! Donald Trump is a CONVICTED CRIMINAL WITH 34 felonies! Hooe the judge agrees that Trump needs to be incarcerated for a.long time! It is time Trump paid for his criminality.

  752. Michael Cohen is no hero. Had he not been convicted for lying to Congress – it is arguable he would still be in Diaper Don's camp, running roughshod over scummy deals and cover-ups. There was no self-awareness or "coming to Jesus" moment that wasn't fomented by a prison cell. The damage the Golden Turd's pit bull did to people he was sent after are still being felt, as is the damage it will take decades beyond my lifetime to repair done by Diaper Don and his cult sycophants. So no, the MeidasTouch pat on the back to Michael Cohen is misplaced regardless of how many subscribers he attracts or income he generates.

  753. Anthony, I wish I knew you when I was. In my 20’s. Along with other like-minded people. I would have loved for someone to have taught me all of the lessons I learned in two plus decades alone, breaking away from the things that filled my brain from the people around me that I knew in my gut were wrong. I should have married someone with the same values I held close to my heart. I wish someone other than me saw my worth and that I let them teach me. Hindsight really is 20/20. Young people please do not look at my testimony as clique’. Learn from it. Have fewer regrets.

  754. Thank you for the info , jail time is the ultimate punishment for the detached , crazy , narcissist, racist , criminal Trump . It is really a shame we had a former President like him .

  755. Popok, the both of you need to realize that prison are for wrong doers ! Why is Trump any different from all his cronies, including Michale [ at the time, though not anymore ], serve time in prison but not Trump, which, in my opinion, is the absolute worst and another thing, the GOP and MAGA, knew full well that Trump was facing multiple trials including criminal. They still went ahead and decided to carry him as their Presidential Candidate, knowing full well, the risk involved and inherent. They knew full well that Trump may be found guilty in at least one of the criminal trials. Well, he was found guilty and convicted, now you, Popok and your guest are alluding that prison is too bad for Trump ? Why should Judge Merchan be under any obligation to accommodate Trump after he's been found guilty. The reason why, I think, Judge Merchan did not put Trump in jail as an option for violating the gag order was because the risk, then, was having the trial plunged into chaos by doing so and I fully understand that. However, things are different now, he's convicted and I think jail time will greatly slow down his excessive speed to destroy Democracy…End.

  756. Popok, I've been alerting Ben over and over, to try and squeeze-in on your show, for at least a few minutes, a talk to these students on Campuses across the Country and the rest of the Nation's [ Blue ] population, to encourage them to get to the pools and vote for Biden. all of you can do all the fine reporting and analysis and extrapolation but at the end of the day, if the Blues fail or lack to show up and vote, all your talking and regurgitating the news and focusing on Trump's antics, will be in vain, if the Reds turn out way more and saturate the polls and end up voting this Trump man back in office. PLEASE, use you great plat form to encourage Blue voters to turn out, I keep alerting you all. I'm out here and knows what I'm talking about…A HINT TO THE WISE IS QUITE SUFFICIENT.

  757. Alan Dershowitz said, “It’s the worst legal verdict I’ve seen in 60 years of practicing, writing, litigating cases I still don’t know what he was convicted of. Was he convicted of intent to cheat on his taxes two years later, although he didn’t take it as a deduction? Was he convicted of defrauding voters, who obviously knew that he was a sexual scoundrel? Was he convicted of seeking to make an illegal campaign contribution, although the contribution didn’t have to be listed until after the election? I have never seen a case where, even after the verdict came down, we don’t know what he was convicted of. No one in history — in history — has ever been convicted of failing to disclose hush money payments paid to somebody. Why would anybody pay hush money if they had to disclose it? This is a case where the prosecutor simply decided to get Trump."

  758. I don’t like Donald Trump either nor I like don’t like Biden don’t what they’re saying about Trump, but I think it’s better than Biden so what they’re saying about him really doesn’t matter. He was bad like Biden today so let’s get Trump. Nobody else guys. I’m not a fan of these guys but I’m looking at it in a real side Trump gotta be the new president

  759. About 4 years ago I told people on Facebook that Trump would get indicted and convicted. I was laughed at. Now I and I truly believe that millions of people want him imprisoned. The only place for him to be at is at the Supermax in Colorado. Period.

  760. I never watch main stream media because the level of complicity is so disturbing how they just take Trump at his word and with your help with facts and evidence. I was able to learn about what this case is about. I cant thank Medias touch enough for your hard work.

  761. HAHAHA

  762. The liberal knows how to protest. The ability to protest is innate, look at any infant in distress and you will see a protester. Some people grow out of that infantile response. Others do not. We are all born liberal, we don't know any better. Some of us grow up. Those who don't grow up call those who do grow up conservative.

  763. 🦆 Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for lunch.

    🦆Freedom is the sheep holding two loaded six-guns under the table and politely suggesting that the wolves vote for a vegetarian omelette

  764. As a Boomer I need to ask the younger people how long they are going to permit themselves to be governed from these Tales from the Crypt characters with their Doomsday Comic Book scenarios that they are permitted to actualize. Don't they out number them by now?

  765. Bri almost made sense, than at about 8 seconds in, she just starts spewing random words as fast as she can and loses all credibility. Please replace her with someone less arrogant and more concise.

  766. This is just pure sickening for what they have done it will backfire on all of them now it's when they need to investigate Alvin Bragg Fanny Willis and all the rest of the trash

  767. So, it was a 'show trial' just like Hungary's Cardinal Mindszenty. Thank you for putting this so clearly. Go Trump! Pray for him, please. They will do anything to keep him out of office.

  768. Fantastic job! Don’t worry about the complainers, the idea is to watch your reaction. I love this song, makes me cry though. I cry because things haven’t changed like they should! Someone suggested watching Elvis and the Black Community and it is a really good idea.I think it’s a two part documentary.

  769. I have listened to Elvis since I was ten when he first came on the scene saw him at his last Concert he was awesome been to Graceland 9 times when I first went it cost 5 dollars last time I went it cost 75 dollars it was worth it then the news broke he had passed away.

  770. Elvis made 31 Movies , He has been inducted into the 4 music Hall of fames, His 1969 comeback TV special was telecasted to over 1 billion people, he also sold over a billion records.

  771. Great reaction…thanks for the wonderful reaction. I truly think it’s important for the younger generation to check out these older artists and seeing how music developed over time. I was born in 1960, so I missed the very beginning of his career, but I had older siblings that experienced the whole Elvis shockwave in real time when it happened in the beginning. They said he was insanely controversial, and of course, they loved him for it.

  772. Glad to see this.. I watch your up to date stuff 😂😂… This is my favorite song by elvis..if he sang this in the 70s about real life.. think about how real it is today.. you would think why can't the cycle just doesn't end. It's sad

  773. I love Elvis and your reactions are so genuine. If you can react to the movie King Creole.there are a few good songs but my favorite is the beginning clip to the movie “Crawfish”. It’s a beautiful duet with Kitty White. You hear the beautiful New Orleans sound and the street venders singing at the beginning. You will love the beat. Elvis was very young. He got an extension from the military to finish the movie before reporting to boot camp for basic training.

  774. this song was controversial at the time becouse it was a topic that people didn't talk about. tabu. he also sang another song that many of us can relate to and is very little known, Old Shep. about losing manns best friend, i cry over it when ever hear it, in the ghetto is better known, so heart felt,

  775. Remember Prof. Nez, he has to step down and let her become President before November. And he is now giving us hints. So don't be surprised Commy Kamala becomes the first Asian, African- American Woman President. Even if only for a few months. Nothing done by the Demorats surprises me.

  776. Things look good but don’t let your guard down. Please get out and vote red down the ticket. Trump is good but without the majority in both houses of Congress he is limited and many of the things he wants to do he needs a supermajority in order to make tax breaks permanent.

  777. Every time that resident of the White House opens up his mouth, I cringe. It’s so hard to listen to him. he is embarrassing America. The world is laughing at us. these 3 1/2 years have been a nightmare with him that rotting bag of oatmeal.

  778. Democrats don't care,cause they have something their planning.democrats going to rig the election again,republican just keep eyes. Yes your right, that's right that's the only way biden win is steal election again,democrats are good in that n they don't care about law or America


  780. After covid President Biden administration created better health care coverage, better economy, minimum wage increased, more job opportunities are available now, unemployment rates 3.9 percent now, stocks market so high, our country is very strong now, go forward President Biden, God bless America 🇺🇸

  781. God says, “When the wicked rise to power, people go into hiding; but when the wicked perish, the righteous thrive.”

    I pray God brings Trump back to power, but I feel we are too far gone to turn the train around. We can only delay the inevitable. This is a global issue-and spiritual warfare. We are facing good v evil.

  782. I really hate how Trump admires the "ABSOLUTE leader" part of these countries. I'm all for a leader. But an ABSOLUTE leader is not something that is appealing to me nor is it what our country has ever been about. There's a reason we have term limits. People tend to abuse their power when they know for sure they aren't going anywhere and no one can do anything to them.

  783. Division will destroy us. Change your perspective that is us vs them. We are all humans with fallible views and judgements. It would be nice to have a president that wasn’t divisive and instead uniting in nature. Unfortunately Trump is a divisive character, but he is the best option as of now. I hope the next presidents will unite us all

  784. I guess times change America is obsessed with absolute fucking losers now. Trump and Biden have been the dumbest and worst presidents ever in American history news flash they ain’t fixing shit.

  785. if we go cashless … even tho it's a very inefficient system … if it all goes to virtual money .. we're done for … true slavery at a whole new level … the ability to eliminate your wealth with a flip of the switch … go ahead say i'm being naive … keep giving more and more power to others and freedom will be a forgotten concept … as it pretty much already is to most of the "new" USA

  786. If this channels only aim is to take down leftists than by default this channel is simply a far right echo chamber.

    You are brainwashed if you believe in either side of the political sphere left or right period.

    This country needs an overhaul and should be led solely by the amendments of constitutional rights and common sense law that we used to have.

    We’re all adults and capable of protecting ourselves we don’t need other adults to pretend to do so while stealing our rights and money.

  787. Yeah the age argument is just more smoke in the air. The difference is less than 7 years if I’m remembering right, and who can accurately say that at x age EVERY person is not operating at 100% mentally. Its all going to depend on the person, and I observe Trump golfing, while Biden cant seem to remember where his feet are in relation to his pedals. 😂

  788. D.C. trial for espionage, could get sentence to life in prison! This trial is now!😮 Another 1st for Trump, 1st U.S. President to be guilty of espionage too!😂 Classified documents on U.S. nuclear secrets!

  789. All predictions on President Trump trial verdict were wrong except for me. I was confident he would be found guilty only because of the corrupt judge, who is from a 3rd world country

  790. You are wrong Turley. You can not charge a Dem in a deep red state unless they did something "wrong" in the deep red state. Trump has businesses in New York. Does any prominent Dem politician own a business in a deep red state.

    Trump called the Georgia governor and told him to find the votes "misplaced" and not counted.

    The d.c. case is in d.c because that is where the riot was conducted.

    The doc case in Florida is there because that is where the docs were kept.

    Just because Turley has a PhD, does not mean he knows what he is talking about.

  791. Yeah, such a victim. You are such a s hero for not running anyway. Bullsit. You make too much $$$ doing this to go away back to being na professor. It feeds your ego alot more then being a professional ever would. If you do believe me, think how many times has been out of the office on vacation in the past six to eight months? Can you afford to take that much time off? I cannot.

    If he did realize You Tube was watching him and tagging him as harmful, he isn't as smart as he claims he is. Is that wrong, of course it is. Turley isn't promoting violence. He isn't promoting hate. He is just laying out a different prospective. There is nothing wrong with what Turley is doing. Alpha bet needs to stop out of content monitoring as long as you are not promoting hate or violence.

  792. Two choices they will give Trump behind close doors.
    1. Don’t run for president and don’t say why you’re dropping out.
    2. Go to jail for 4 years.
    Choose wisely grass hopper. 😮

  793. The judge is just manipulating the law to suit the case, if they can do this, where does it end, it will get out of control for people the Democrats dislike………NZ.

  794. Where Due Process is denied, the case is void , Johnson v. Zerbst, 304 U.S. 458 S Ct.1019; Pure Oil Co. v. City of Northlake, 10 Ill. 2D 241, 245, 140 N.E. 2D 289 (1956) Hallberg v. Goldblatt Bros., 363 Ill. 25 (1936

  795. The Republicans in congress certified lawless electors. They are responsible for all of the FJB crap that has happened over the past 3-4yrs. Good question about what the Republicans aren't doing other than talk, talk, talk.

  796. Just a thought after herring the Biden admin say something about running against a convicted felon.
    The Democrats needed something to talk about. Or debate! Think about it! The first debate! What is Joe going to say about his record! What subjects can the moderators can come up with that wouldn’t make Joe look bad?

  797. This communist plan will not succeed to democratic country because God will not allowed to the evil deeds of this kind of governance. Evil deeds always failed all times.

  798. I am having a bad time. I work two jobs and have nothing to show for it. I am having a hard time paying for my car, car insurance, gas, and food, even rent. I am 65 years old and live alone. I done drink, smoke, or do drugs. I need help, and I know Trump is not God, but I believe Trump is being led to make the U S stronger and help the people. Stand with Trump and vote for him.

  799. Exactly We have to do all this We have to pay rent We have to get up We have to do this We should be able to give and not have to worry about a home to living. And give our time bust our butts for people and not worry about where we're going to sleep at the end of the night

  800. To the American patriotic people and Judeo-Christian and prayer intercessory warriors pray for America and President Donald Trump and the blood on America and President Donald Trump in Jesus Christ Name Says IAM that Iam Amen and amen and a double hedge of protection on America and President Donald Trump as well in Jesus Christ Name Says IAM that Iam Amen and amen

  801. Shame on New york , to do such an evil act to a great New Yorker , no matter what this thiefs that stole the votes to our Real President , he will be vindicated , because the real newyorkers will stand for trump , we love this man , the only hope for new york to survive!!!! We the people stand , dont be surprise ,when he walks in the white house and carry his crown as the greatest president of all, AMEN!!!!❤❤❤❤❤😊

  802. Hi Barry, I just tuned in 5 o’clock Pacific time and saw the great giveaway. You mentioned to text you, which I did I wasn’t sure what to say in a text? I put Trump event Fort Lauderdale and then my name & phone number. Hope that works.? such a wonderful & kind offer.

  803. Hi Barry! Love your show! I subscribed when I just watched Trumps rally in Las Vegas! Yes that heats brutal! I’m here in California not 30 miles from the border. Scary stuff. I entered your name and number for that opportunity to see Donald Trump the man himself and not only that he’s my my hero and my(our) next President! I didn’t know what to do should the unlikely long shot I have to meet Donald Trump would be to identify myself and how you go about contacting people. Do we leave our phone number! I don’t have an email address because I don’t know how to use a computer! I’m the woman who said my worst fear is of flying, but I’d walk barefoot through glass(and I’ll add) from my home to getting on an airplane to meet my President and maybe even shake his hand! So what do you need in the way of my information to get in touch should I win this million to one lottery?! LOL! This message should have my user name and number. If I send it and it doesn’t show up I’ll immediately send it when I can see what it is! Not really tech savvy at 68!! Thank you and keep up the great work you put into your shows! I’m a huge fan!! Just looked and yep!it’s there!!👍🇺🇸🇺🇸TRUMP 2024 third time voting for him! My husband did also in 2016 but he passed in 2018 we both loved Trump!! I’m just about to watch Trumps rally in the Bronx again! I’ve saved both of your shows with the free viewings for later! I can’t WAIT to watch the debate! All President Trump has to do is just let Biden talk and he’ll completely lose the debate all on his own! President Trump will crush him! If Biden takes that drug test,isn’t wearing an ear piece or given the questions and answered in advance… Nice try, Trump will evicerate him without even trying!!

  804. Van, you are absolutely right if she would have just talked to him like an adult & told him what happened, it would have been over & done with! But of course not…instead she had to not cooperate like I see SO often, then wonders why she's in cuffs now 🤯

  805. She just expects the cop to make the guy leave & he knows nothing about the situation, this would have gone a lot easier had she just cooperated & talked to the police officer like a grown adult! Every video I see like this they don't cooperate they resist arrest & then wonder why the cops get aggressive!🤯

  806. She's got a psychopathy. Sociopathic tendencies. She was abused n mistreated as a child. A lot of rage. That's not normal. She's probably more psychopath than any other mental order or disorder. If she were narcissistic she'd hv acted waaaay differently wen 5-0 came by manipulation of the facts. She didn't tell the cops anythg cuz more than likely EVERYTHG that happened was bcuz she attacked him! And he defended himself n THEN pushed her down the steps to get her out!

  807. I keep reading comments saying she needed to hear no, more as a child. I know several persons with issues in the emotional and rational parts of growth. They were raised with no being the main word they heard and hypocrite parents that showed emotional control and logic in public but not in private. When they were free from the craziness, they became almost like their parents.

  808. She shoulda just left . . . And went to her homegurl's or next door neighbor's apartment ! And talked to them from there . But as long as she was in walking & talking distance . Of this dude . That's got her this pissed off . . . She wasn't going act rational !

  809. Use Code AMAZING and click this link No Red Tape. No panic. No ER. Just 5 minutes to fill out an intake form and get your personal pharmacy delivered to your door, with a medical board approved guidebook that can treat 30+ medical scenarios. No Dr will prescribe all of this to you. USA Residents only!

  810. I am an European. The collectiv west is sniffed by rhe R*TS of the WEF. That's why they are trying to get rid of Trump. So he (Trump) will be important for all of us in the west. Anyway, due to their (WEF) efforts, I fear for the live of Mr. Trump….. They don't care a damn for you or me, they only care about themselves…. So a bunch of sociopats, even psychopats….

  811. Any impeachment by the house will not be approved by the Senate.
    Until the Republicans control the Senate, the Senate will not even consider a Republican passed impeachment.

  812. Sorry the way you feel about me. I was hurt too. I can't ever ever go with knowing how I have been treated. Sadly I know you the government hurt me. My feelings of having no one to trust. My keys were stolen and no one seems to have a heart to help me. So. I do not care what you need. Cuz I am your Lord your Savior that will keep protecting me. No one has helped in a long time. Criminals in this town to destroy the angel that has fallen from the sky v Amen

  813. MTG is a great senator Georgia should be oroud ,that they elected her , Republican if yall were like her ,Ee would not be in this mess, Maybe you idots will be losing in the primary Next cycle,Slso and I feel bad for saying yhis but MTG us HOT ,so sexy and a bad ass who fights for America 100% of the time!!!

  814. Wray will get his comeuppance when he faces a Military tribunal alongside Pelosi, Obama, Jefferies, Mayorkas and Austin. All are guilty of corrupting elections and lying under oath, as well as Treason.

  815. Thank you, Senator H! ,,,,even in light of ALL THE OBVIOUS ELECTION INTERFERENCE, the American people are still dented an answer to the”obvious!” Question “ How can DOJ continue to skate by with their “Pat” cliches???

  816. And Biden is not mentally fit to stand trial…omg this is like a really bad movie where you know it's a massive plot to do away with your opposition….gezzzzzzzzzzzzUs. Criminals .

  817. Media continues to provide false narratives, this is not struggling but assaults on the Police. Looks like a Prison Yard Riot. Trashy Class of People with students at a Trashy Class University

  818. History is recording the hypocrisy and cruelty of these psychopaths in power, who instead of stopping the genocide and killing of women and children in Ghaza are brutalizing their own students who are opposing it

  819. As a Japanese university student, I'm not very familiar with the atmosphere and culture of foreign universities. I'm curious whether the students who engage in such protests represent the majority or just a minority. Also, I wonder if there's a peer pressure aspect where classmates feel compelled to join in such protests due to social conformity.

  820. Riss, if you do more of these outings(which I hope you do)you need to invest in those quick chargers that plug into your car and a couple of those $40/$50 dollar power block batteries. You also need to get some L.E.D. flashlights and head lamps. If you start to do more of this, you definitely need to start carrying some emergency equipment. Jailbreak Overlander aka Richie from Boston has videos on what tools are good to carry with you.
    AWESOME video Riss!

  821. This is sleighton farm school for girls. Beautiful property. it was abandoned in 2001 due to financial difficulties.

    Imagine theres so many people back then walking on this area. Well as a rich teenager of course. 😅

  822. 뉴진스 2주년에 홀로 찾아듣는 뉴진스의 곡일지 알았는데 이미 왔다간 버니즈들이 있을 줄이야 ㅋㅋㅋ 다니엘과 해린이 목소리 너무 좋다❤

  823. Update: When Haerin sang the bridge, it felt so strong and emotional that I started to cry. I think hearing her beautiful voice and the powerful singing overwhelmed me. Wow.

  824. 볼수록 너무 사랑스런 애들. 노래, 안무 심지어 외모까지 … 거기에 심성은 왜 그래. 사랑하지 않을 수 없다. 내 삶의 활력소. 고맙다 얘들아.

  825. 정규 앨범 라일락 에서 젤 최애곡 셀브를 불러줘서 넘 좋았던🥹🐰오래 걸려도 알게될거라고 넌 별같은 사람이라고🐥💜울 언니 가사에 뉴진스분들 더해지니 행복❤ 해투 첫콘때봐서 좋았어영😊

  826. I thank AlJ for the news you bring each day and my heart goes out to the Palestinians and Wish a Leader would come forth now who has the intellect to take nettybaby on and the Empathy to bring solace and victory for the real people that are suffering beyond belief all over the wanting of their land because it is written in some old book Politics and corrupt politicians sans Humanity

  827. What United Nations? The great idea(l) has failed, actually thanks to USA and Israel. It has failed it's mission and was destined for failur thanks to the so-called "Security" Council. It appear that there will be no peace.

  828. From a spiritual-biblical perspective, God is showing the so-called evangelicals the evil of the leaders they're committed to, because He wants them to know the truth so they can escape this intoxication. While God is showing them He is also showing he world the truth so they can escape, and turn to Him for protection. All this is happening, because God is merciful, He wants to save people. Palestinians are suffering and it has to end. God loves them and He will reward them. We've to ask God to give us strength and patience and definitely wisdom-discernment. Thank you Marwan and AJ❤😄There's always hope in God. It's my motto😄

  829. Palestinian supporters are so dumb that I wonder if they have a brain. If this war breaks out across the West which sadly it most likely will, they will probably end up accidently killing themselves.
    Palestinians are Hamas. They elected them to power and keep them in power. They let Hamas run their education system and everything else. They are happy with Hamas. So how dumb can they be?

  830. If you're trying to take the rest of the jewish peoples land, you are antisemitic . Im Aboriginal Australian. You can not be anti Australian but, not anti Aboriginal. We will have islam banned. it's so obvious who's to blame. We studied the quran in our prisons. It was an eye opener and woke us up to the threst these cult members pose !

  831. Thakyou. The security council is a joke, s joke fue to its constitution whereby the us a, bottom holes, get to act like nozis (look same letters as zions) to faciltitate and further this disgusting spectacle of ge n ocide by Islies.

  832. Correct. there is a divide
    90% of ordinary folk detest Islamism
    The "chattering class" side with the Muslim world and support Islamism and UNRWA

  833. I his excellence in the way he analyses I like it but Israel morally and psychologically has been defeated regarding the war on Gaza moreover the only we are worried about is the way Israel targets civilians besides using collective punished

  834. When The international body decided to establish a home for the Jews in a land called Israel did they contravention the Geneva convention? If they had made a mistake can that mistake be rectified?

  835. I'm anti zionist. It's EVIL and Antisemitic. For all its evil, I'm now 100% anti isreali too.
    But I stand with Jews for Peace.
    Free the indigenous to the land of Palestine
    Free Palestine

  836. Any professionally trained military knows that you do not use a 'missile' to target an 'individual,' unless you're trying to maximize your kill. Israel is using bombs where a professionally trained military would have used a special force with a silencer pistol. one shot, one kill, not one missile 45 killed,

  837. If you be rude, they think it’s their right to ‘‘punish’’ you for it. Because they too have the societal expectation that women are supposed to always be polite they will use that against you- in fact, these types downright use this to their advantage, to then ‘’punish’’ you if you are ‘’rude’’. 
    You CAN’T just be rude because that’s a trigger for their violence. In their sick mind, they believe it’s 100% justified. You’re dealing with an unstable human who’s attention towards you is a form of violence. You must and absolutely have to learn ways to get around this to be safe.

  838. I think ghosting doesn’t work. Every contact should have been bounced with a “not interested” you think it’s obvious but the person receiving the message doesn’t get it. We need to set boundaries, you don’t have to be rude but you do have to be direct.

  839. I think police must be much more serious about this and these people have to get long prison sentences. Impunity definitely triggers this behavior. And it has strong negative effect on victim's life. Laws should change!

  840. This is weird af and very concerning. 5 years is a long time to stalk someone without them knowing. I just hope the stalker didn't start it because they saw vulnerabilities in her they could expose.

  841. Stalkers will escalate their behavior. Some victims do not survive the harassment. But, please always speak out when this is happening to you. Never remain silent.

  842. I hope society is advancing to the point where "rude" is replaced with being straight or direct. I've been in situations where I didn't want to come off as rude to men, only to realise I was doing it at my expense. Being direct about what makes you comfortable is fair and right for women and men.

  843. No disrespect intended, but I was the target of a psycho-freak stalker for almost 24 years. I practically had to "fake my own death " to make him stop. No insurance fraud or other monetary gains were involved!

  844. When she feels threatened as to where the line of questioning is going she shows all of her teeth. To be that anxious and keep talking is a huge credit to her character and strength.

  845. I've gone through it . I have friends that are whistle blowers , journalist etc. Stalking isn't funny. I nearly got shot in Eustis Florida by a Jewish women while hiking . My phone was tracked via sting ray technology.



    The police say " because the person doesn't say anything to me or haven't hurt me theres nothing they can do." Thats not right.

    Seeing a stalker everyday is alarming and annoying and not knowing what the stalker is thinking could bring fear to someone.

    Women/ men who are stalked on social media they wont get hurt or sometimes not communicated it doesn't mean a police officer should not do anything.

    My stalker is getting away with committing a crime.

  847. It's really sad how someone forces contact. Interferes in contacts.
    There are people who really fall for it. It's horrible to experience something like that. How such a person twist everything and stirs things up.

  848. With a stalker you often need to be rude. Sometimes it is better to cut this from the start. I had to do that twice. Once in a nice way and another one in a less nicer way. It worked since both times they understood it's not worth it for them, because they won't get anything good out of it. I am not saying it is the victims fault, I am saying that I believe ignoring a stalker is not the best idea. Some people need to have their dreams or fantasies or obsessions completely crushed in order to stop doing what they are doing. No answer for them is sometimes a yes.

  849. this but i kept letting him back into my life so i feel guilt myself for this happening to me. i will never ever let him again though. i just want it to stop im scared for my safety

  850. My family and friends were victim of v2k and its a horrible i had the experience and life scaring fear on being a TI but i thank God that anthony_support0 was able to help me get out and free AFTER 22 years.

  851. With I am overwhelmed with the job of anthony_support0 theyre too good and helpful, they helped me end the program., help, I was able to stop the stalking and harassment I was experiencing as a TI…

  852. Your are a such old fart , so you agree for khan to issue a warrant again putin , but dont agree with khan to issue warrant against criminal israel

  853. Hamas continues to attack and Israel must continue to defend and root out their influence in it's entirety…the pier just bring aide to Hamas terrorists, who controls Gaza that's what Biden is supporting?

  854. Or ˹is it because˺ the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and everything in between belongs to them? Let them then climb their way ˹to heaven, if their claim is true˺.

    This is just another ˹enemy˺ force bound for defeat out there.

    Sad 10,11

  855. And as a matter of fact, if y'all are doing stuff like that, y'all might as well charge the whole political system itself because they're all like that don't think for a minute it's not

  856. even if he did give her money, so what it was consensual, she was age and she was willing. I honestly do not see the point in other than political gain.. Trump 2024 the only Sane president right now

  857. Sickness and hypocrisy personified! There is actual evidence against Bill Clinton and John Edwards committing campaign interference and falsifying records during their campaigns and, unlike Trump, did it using donors' money and lying about it on their FEC forms! Joe Biden's campaign colluded with Democrat leadership and the media to cover up Hunter's laptop to protect his campaign as well. I don't see any of them threatened with prison. These hypocrites can take their lying faux outrage and stick it where the sun don't shine!

  858. Biden is literally helping a genocide. And he gets pats on the hand. Jessica doesn’t think Trump gets 90 percent bad press is wild. I wish people could throw me enough money to say things I know aren’t true. Truth is free and broke.

  859. Dear Jessica, people get a change of venue because they have a right to a fair trial. You and all the other leftists who dismiss this are setting a precedent that is unhealthy for our justice system. The continued weaponization of our federal agencies and now the justice system to gain talking points against a political campaign is despicable.

  860. Funny how when black people have to face an all white jury or a more conservative jury, almost no one questions whether a fair trial is possible. But the "justice system" works, until it doesn't work for them. Either Trump is going to be poisoned or favored by Trump because of his spotlight so what's the answer? This conversation is mind numbing.

  861. Jessica equating the Manhattan judge directly donating to the Biden campaign and his daughter's law firm making over $100 million solely representing democrat clients to Justice Alito's wife hanging the American flag at her home upside-down is so laughably absurd.

  862. If Jessica‘s correct on choosing a jury pool, that’s so unbelievably biased then why not just have 12 clan members in the south on the jury for prosecuting someone that’s black?? 🤔🤔🤔

  863. Jessica ‘s literally mouthing with a clueless left is saying about this case they think they are smart and have an understanding with a really saying is something very very very wrong and disturbing if you commit a misdemeanor and everyone agrees that false records were falsified if you grant that it becomes a felony if it was in the Course of committing another crime, the problem is is that there isn’t unanimous agreement as to what the other crime was that’s 800 years of western societies juris prudence going back to the 12 or 1300s in common law and she is dead wrong when she says there were other crimes committed there was no proof of that. There’s only the allegation that there could’ve been, that’s why, the jury instructions were to take your pickets to what you thought they might be that’s directly the opposite of a proven fact in which case it would have to be Youn unanimously agreed to forward it to be a criminal conviction. The whole thing is absurd comes down to the seriousness of the allegation being replaced for actual facts or not 100 years ago, Napoleonic law in Louisiana had to be changed to comply with the American Constitution because Negroes were being persecuted with similar nefarious, and it was ruled eventually at the time that Jerry have to be an animus not only guilty but also the nature of the crime that has been committed that wasn’t done here hence nothing more than a BS misdemeanor that expired years ago Elevated into 34 and has no history, Modern jurisprudence shouldn’t

  864. Wow Jessica, moving a trial is done to ensure an unbiased jury pool. That’s the main reason it is ever done. It’s fine if you argue that there isn’t bias in this case with this jury, but you seem to misunderstand the reason for moving a trial altogether.

    Courts seek to find juries that know very little about the present case. That is always the goal, so being “informed” about the case and the defendant isn’t a good thing in jury selection.

    Health reasons? Sick relative? That’s how you get out of jury duty.

    Please talk with an average lawyer for 30 minutes before doing another segment on this topic. Not about Trump, but about the basics of motions for a change of venue and jury selection.

  865. 32 thousand views.
    Less than 700 likes.

    I wonder if maybe the way you guys are presenting this "isn't" the best, hm?

    The fact the Judge changed the "guilty" parameters is absolutely illegal. Of course Jessica "thinks it's fine." What a joke.

  866. What Hellery did I believe was worse. Yet no-one did a thing. Would love to see a reporter with balls ask her about that. Now that she is making the Ha Ha rounds.

  867. African-American voters Tell MSNBC They Support Trump BECAUSE He's prosecuted by the System, Just Google it. Black_communities are steady turning their preferences , because they see a rigged prosecute-Crime system,

  868. Let's put Joe Biden on trial for all of his crimes in a deep red state, and see what Jessica says then. A change of venue is the proper judicial decision for fairness to the accused.

  869. It's sad to see what's happened to HA. He opened my mind to the left after I found him, looking for more videos of WikiLeaks dropped that showed that Bernie was cheated. Not sure if I'd be a Bernie/Tulsi voter without him.

  870. H.A. is on point as far as the Democratic establishment being corrupt, but he lost me with the pro-Trump direction of his channel. He just ran so far to the right, that his criticism of centrist/corporate democrats became hollow. He went from being a true believer in Bernie ('15-'16) to becoming a free range FoxNews field reporter, at best…smh

  871. If DJT brings the troops home from ANY war we are in illegally, and then privatizes it, that's WAY WORSE than having our troops there. Like Blackwater, who doesn't have a good rep. There are others.

  872. I’m so tired of the “If you criticize Israel, you’re an anti-Semite” argument! Shut up! The Israeli government is persecuting and murdering Palestinians. Believe it or not, it is possible not to have a problem with the people of Israel while denouncing the atrocities of the Israeli government! Why is that so hard to understand?

  873. I respected his coverage of HRC violating the Espionage Act & the DNC rigging the primary against Bernie, but some time after that, the dude either lost his damn mind or revealed himself to be a fake opportunist who’s just after clicks.

  874. AJ was a Bernie supporter and that's all in the Huffpo pieces as well as other articles. I'm so sick of the Leftists and Big Tech. They're creating the very thing they claim to hate. It's not like history hasn't already shown us a thousand times over that censorship and legitimizing the grievances of those with fringe beliefs. HA is awesome. ONe of the few Leftists who didn't sell his soul to the company store. Jimmy Dore and a few others still have that similar modicum of integrity like HA. Yeah, the Clintons have no souls. And yes, Clintons colluded with Russia to try and frame DJT. Utter fail. And Bernie looked the other way.

  875. Alright then.
    I stopped watching him months and months ago and I only did to have some countenance to certain stories as i never did quit enjoy his style of not showing text while he reads slowly in a low voice.

  876. In regards to "Save Sam Seder's Abused Work Wife Go Fund Me" I think you're mis-characterizing Michael Brooks a bit there. Like Sam, Michael is at the very end of the day a believer in the "Lesser of Two Evils" strategy. They would prefer to vote for someone they actually like, but they are still firm believers (however reluctantly) in the 2 party system and think that the correct way of thinking about elections is with a 2 party framework.

    I must have missed the vid where this originated from. I only noticed it in the links when I was trying to find the link to HA Goodman's Twitter Meltdown. BTW, that link is broken. His twitter still exists, but it looks like he's deleted a lot of tweets. Or maybe it was an archived page of his Twitter I saw – that's always possible.

  877. How bad is it that I got confused Amy Goodman with HA Goodman? I was super confused until I actually when on a Google search about the two of them. The thing is, I'm pretty sure I kept hearing ppl refer to Amy Goodman as "HA Goodman of Democracy Now" but maybe not. I'm so confused.

    I suppose the good thing is that I had no idea who HA Goodman is. I didn't even know he existed. I just took a stroll through his tweets. He seems really confused himself. He seems to swing wildly between being against Trump and the GOP to being for them. The only thing he's consistent on is his hatred of Hillary Clinton.

    I mean, I don't like Hillary Clinton, but I think the corruption she was engaged in as Secretary of State and through the Clinton Foundation was quasi-legal. The Clintons are smart and they know the law. They know what they can and can't get away with and were really fucking good at toeing that line. Is Hillary Clinton corrupt? Definitely. Was that corruption technically illegal? That I highly doubt.

  878. Oh geez… HA Goodman, lol. That guy's a joke. None of his political predictions come true, and he flips his ideology way too easily to be considered an intelligent free thinker. No one who thinks for themselves or stands by their morals and values flips a complete 180 overnight.

  879. Where was Bernie's fight for his rightful place against Trump in the general? I unsubscribed from Jamarl for sheepdogging people back to the left where there's nothing and no reason for the left to change and do anything right. Don't give them power. Don't give Twitter power either.

  880. For clarity… might have been a good idea to read tweets in sequence, giving analysis at the end of sentences. Thanks for reviewing these but… it would have been nice if you’d read them more precisely

  881. What people don't understand when folks like me use the word Nazi to describe, oh I don't know the Trump administration kidnapping children. putting them in cages, then deporting their parents. All while not keeping checks on who or where their parents are. Or the Israeli's committing what is basically genocide of what's left of the Palestinian people on their own land, is that we're not talking about the Nazi's who were sending Jews to the death camps.

    If i say the administration is Nazi like or if I say Israel is Nazi like, I'm talking about the Nazi's earlier in the 1930's before they took power and became the monsters murdering innocent Jews. Trump's admin and the lack of any kind of opposition from the Democrats is very akin to the Nazi party & the shitlib opposition in Germany in say 1936 or so, you know, the ones who literally handed Germany to the Nazi's by their inaction and greed (sound familiar?). The rhetoric, the posturing and the beliefs are all shaping up to be Nazi like, even Trump's mad posturing when he has a rally. I mean who has rally's when they are not on the campaign trail, but narcissistic, sociopaths like DT & Hitler.

    On another point H.A was always a plant by the establishment to sow discord among us. I saw that just by watching his continuous rants against Clinton. Every week in all caps WE GOT HER! And yet again, they don't got her, they'll never get her cause the whole system is owned by her and her kind, the same kind who will sell us out to fascists yet again.

  882. You are my favorite podcaster & will continue to support what you do for President Trump since I will be voting for a convicted felon hands down 11/5/24. I stay till the very End ♥️🫶🏼

  883. I believe because you in a And others We will beat racism at least with the blacks and the whites Because we know In the large scheme of things It really doesn't matter. Look what's happening to our country That's something To scream !!!!about!!!

  884. I don't think it's over for you I think it's just begun!! Your voice Has helped spread the word without you The word wouldn't have reached as far as it has Don't say it's over for you It's less than a year and trump will be in office.


  886. Fani will be fine. Ever since the woke Democrat socialists took over our government things like this are explained away and rationalized on CNN, MSNBC, The View… etc, and then the brainless public is trained to join in on a group chant about how much they hate Trump and to await orders from the main stream media on what to believe politically.

  887. Those people attack you because they're led to believe that Communism actually abolishes the state and is the system thats going to "help the poor", all the while, the democrats have shown a complete bias for the elite. They all want to be duped and castrated of their rights in this country it seems. Oh, "its never been tried". Ya make that mistake and watch what happens to them. smh

  888. Search yourself for the US Budget Breakdown. Drill down into some of what the treasury says the federal government pays for. What would you cut? What would you keep paying for? Of all the choices we have had in the last fifty years, Trump is right up there with Reagan, he's more ready this time and so are we.

  889. Unifying the Party by bringing Nikki supporters back.
    She does have some International experience from Trump's last term whether he was truly dissatisfied with her performance or not.
    Her past experience may be better use someplace else.
    I'm sure it's not easy finding Perfect People for every position.
    It seems that Trump's last term Chris Christie's recommendations were definitely the worst people.
    Treating America like a business hiring the best people you can for the money is really all he can do.
    We need good people with experience stepping up to the plate even if it cuts into their salary for 4 years.

  890. We all have flaws. and we are expected. to be a certain way, but that's not the case. Even your best politicians have flaws. It's like some of the Republicans in name only are pro war. Basically, when I'm saying is the Republicans in name only or people that people that think that they are Republican are basically war mongers. They want this Ukrainian war They want all of this war and chaos. and so do the Democrats. Some GOP people do not have a backbone. that I agree with, and we must acknowledge our weaknesses. and laugh at oneself. We all make mistakes. It's how you respond to them that matter. Are you going to run away from your mistakes Or are you going to learn from them and make sure they do not happen again? I'm not perfect in any way. I had my flaws. and I still have them. Make my short temper. We all have something. But those Republicans in name only They don't represent the new GOP. sure, Trump can make a couple mistakes. Sometimes when you need to take a risk. and it backfires. That's okay. and make you a better person. All I can say. is this. None of us are perfect. The only one that was perfect was Jesus himself. Trump. 2024.

  891. Only Dave Smith and Clint Russell can bring the Ron Paul inspired Libertarian message to the people. First thing they have to do is start their own political party and separate from the lunacy of the current Libertarian Party. They are young enough to wait to run for office until they build a following worth worrying about.

  892. I am a Libertarian, have been for years.
    Until they stop nominating rejects from the Democrat party and weirdos from the political left, I don't want to hear a Libertarian say anything about anyone else.

  893. The problem I have with the "foreign wars" criticism of Trump is that it's fundamentally dishonest. It implies that he initiated these overseas conflicts when, in many cases, he ended conflicts that had been happening for years with no end in sight. A lot of the problem with how these wars are conducted (not that they should exist in the first place, just talking about how they are conducted) is pennywise, pound foolish. Presidents are so concerned with minimizing the amount of money and manpower spent each year on them that they end up lasting an eternity and cost more in terms of dollars and lives than they should.

    Trump's goal was not for us to just drop everything and leave chaos behind, which frankly would have been political suicide. His goal was to achieve a decisive victory as efficiently as possible and then never go back. He achieved both of those. We would have never been involved in the first place if Trump was in office during the time we got involved in those conflicts, but we were involved, so Trump made the best of it that he could.

  894. How good of a job did you do in your first term? Oh that's right you are an elected president so I'm glad that you're real quick to criticize some of the things that happened because I forgot that

  895. Don't be so disingenuous because Trump is not been in office since this stupid Ukraine war has started so you're not going to put anything on Trump as far as money going to ukraine.

  896. Clint and Dave are both DB’s. The nonsense they spew while ultimately seeking shelter from the left for the last 8 years is not going to be covered up by running over to us to pander. The Libertarian Party is an absolute joke.

  897. Personally, I am very glad that you did a video on this, otherwise I would’ve never even heard about it and when I tested in high school, I actually tested as a libertarian! It’s OK to have some views from one party and maybe one or two views from the other, but mainly be a Conservative and that means a physical conservative meaning we don’t spend $1 trillion towards debt which is more than we spend on defense as the man said that is unsustainable! Those are China like numbers and that is just plain scary because my kid just graduated from high school this weekendand I know every generation says, but I don’t see her having social security when she retires!

  898. Trump will need more Republicans on his side if we want to stop these proxy wars and we don’t need no Mitt Romney.. can’t hold Donald Trump to those standards here, buddy because of the fact that he didn’t have enough people defending him we need to elect the right Republicans more libertarians like Paul.

  899. I want to know exactly what Trump green lit. He green lit the wall and the assholes spent the money on other shit, so I want to know what Trump thought he was green lighting.

  900. None American who isn't even interested in politics simple deep self thinking rational truth seeking individuell '

    God Bless Donald Trump and Every American's who vote for him'

    Especialy EX- LIBRALS/ DEMOCRATS who hatet him in the past!


  902. why it is making Trump even stronger? well Americans who are not zombies can see the level of corruption in there justice system. FBI covering up crimes of the democrats.They have betrayed there oath simple FACT. the world can see the Justice system has been weaponized to attck Trump .does not take a rocket scientist to see it.

  903. Where's, free and fair elections. Why are the Democrats so bent on controlling our elections. And then they are saying there's was no cheating in the 2020 election. There already cheating on the 2024 election. They don't want the people to choose our leadership. It's so obvious. And I don't even believe those poles. It more like 70 points for Donald Trump and only 30 for Biden.

  904. The next step is to lock Trump up until after the election. Anything to stop the people from voting for him. I'm sure there will be legal action to keep Trump off the ballot in as many states as they can.

  905. We were told, "racists", "white supremacists", "fascist", "Nazis", and compared to all of this a "convicted felon" almost sounds like a mild compliment.
    The left can now label us any way they wish, we no longer even bother to get offended. From THEIR mouth, all of these are just empty words, without any real meanings.

  906. How many times, in the last few years, have you claimed the democRats are "panicking" or "beginning to panic"? Their entire lives are a psychotic break panic. If they don't get their way, or might not get their way, they panic. If they do get their way, or think they are going to, they panic for fear they might not get all they want. I will coin an alliterative term: "frantic panic". Even if they lose entirely, an impossibility, all they suffer is a delay in their destructive "progress". They can no more envision their own total destruction, than could Sauron envision his enemies destroying his ring. The difference is, democRats are correct: their enemies can no more destroy 'Rats, than rinos can commit suicide.

  907. If the charges were actually FELONIUS, then the polls may have had some relevance. But since they created most of them from thin air and in so doing, created a circus atmosphere with media ciphers acting as court jesters and so on, the whole stupid thing revealed itself. Based on just the financial response from the 34 counts, Trump is probably wishing he could get convicted every day by these fools. They just never learn.

  908. Joe Biden's unlikely words about Putin: "Have known him for 40 years" Published 6 Jun 2024 at 22.46 EXPRESSEN US President Joe Biden claims to have known Vladimir Putin for over 40 years. But 40 years ago, Putin worked as a KGB agent and was unknown to the public. Biden's statement now raises questions, reports the New York Post.

  909. This is not suprising. The original polls assumed a trial that was not obviously a star chamber/show trial people do not like the courts being used to convict people who have not commited any crimes.

  910. The polls they site that Trump would lose support post-conviction were based on the belief that the charges were real, and the trial would be fair. If they had asked if they would still support him if the trial was rigged and there was no actual crime, the results would be very different. The Dims naively thought it would not matter.

  911. People aren’t stupid. The poll assumes that people dont care about convicted of what. All charges on trump have never been charged against anyone. People realize this is politically motivated.

  912. If they use the term 'Convicted Felon' during the debates, President Trump should answer 'The American people are not stupid to see what democrats are doing'. You can tailor this statement to fit your needs.

  913. Why do liberals like Biden?
    They like funding war in Ukraine and Israel? They like the legal system becoming a political weapon?

    There's a reason why the Bush/Cheney Republicans are largely for Biden.

  914. It just freaking amazes me how many people don't understand. The Democrats are going to cheat harder and more than ever before. If you had trouble believing that Biden got that many votes the last time. Well get ready for what the Democrats are going to shove down your throats this time. Once again Trump will have a record numbers of voters. But Biden will have just enough more for a clear steal. Oops I meant victory. Right. Get ready to swallow a giant load of shi+.

  915. It's weird The news network NTD It only has chinese reporters. Makes you wonder they're probably working for the Chinese government too.Trying to manipulate it still even more not today folks not today

  916. Don't forget schools get federal money from having heads in the class AK. A students. People are gonna pull their kids out. Take them to ideas, schools and/or home school.

  917. I can't believe they haven't charged President Trump with Jaywalking yet. We've gotta have something that will stick. IMPEACH TRUMP, IMPEACH TRUMP… 🧙‍♀️ 🧹

  918. Trump is Trumps worse enemy! Trump causes his own legal problems because Trump has no self control. Trump cannot be trusted to serve as president because Trump has proven his own self destructive tendencies that have ruined his life. Trump is as corrupt as Biden the only difference is Biden is a professional politician who can control his actions and his speech. Biden can take orders and Trump cannot.

  919. Medical Marijuana is not to be confused with recreational use. Marijuana is not safe for people who are too young to understand the dangers of the drug. Marijuana is to easy for children to obtain and needs more protection from minors that may abuse the drug and cause serious health problems.


  921. How is it that the Biden administration can build a pier in Gaza in several weeks costing 300 million dollars to get aid to the people when they choose not to build our board wall. Trump 2024 pleae people wake up

  922. Hi! there,

    I hope this message finds you well. I recently visited your YouTube channel (Roys Wire) and your social media accounts. I noticed that you are interested in growing your channel online, which is a great decision.

  923. Its evident Trump puts God and Country first..Trump as a family man compared to Biden's family..How is America functioning as a successful healthy family with the Bidens in charge of transformentaly changing America 🇺🇸 ❤🎉

  924. OMG..I LOVE these Trump Latinos. Just downloaded ALL their music and SHARED IT with my family & friends. Thanks, once again, Barry. You are spreading sooo much TRUTH, LOVE & now Messages via MUSIC!! Yessss!! ❤ MAGA 2024 🇺🇲 NYS Trisha~

  925. I love President TRUMP's message that we are all americans. But, I have one more to add to that… We are not just American's, we are also all human beings, One race, not seperate. So with that said, Go ONE RACE. Go PRIDE. Go MAGA. Go TRUMP…

  926. The Dems started noticing that they were losing the Black people. So, they brought in illegals, gave them housing, food stamps, etc in order to replace the black voters they once had. It's all about politics. It's all about staying in office. It's all about control. They care nothing about this country.

  927. I call them C**n ENT lbs but I'll say something about you too, you're very hypocritical, Democrats and Republicans together are ruining this country, you guys have turned our government and structure into a war between parties and its ridiculous lbs and none of you guys are out here putting your feet on the ground and helping the problems you guys are just keyboard and internet warriors. I'm a 25 year old black men and I see this, both of the generations you guys are from literally RUINED this country, benefited off of it and now complaining because the work yall put in is collapsing our country and us Millenials and Gen Z'ers are the ones that are gonna have to clean it up. Said something about somebody asking for money with your cashapp at the bottom, all of you guys are performative and majority of you guys are too old for this, if you or 40-45 years old, these antics are ridiculous, both parties are ruining us and tbh none of these old people from all of you guys generation should be in office, but it's OK the next 2-3 generations will get in office, we will have to fight the World War that the "Greatest Generation", Baby Boomers and Generation X started, and emphasis on Baby Boomers. The only takes you guys get right are about black people and I appreciate that but this shit is starting to be insane lol imagine being 25 like me and seeing the 3 older generations, including some of the Millenials born in the 80s doing this, throwing tantrums over the shit their generation did in this country, and it wasn't black people because white people were in charge back in yall day, this is disheartening to see because it's mfs on both sides in offices of all colors and races, majority white having these same arguments in meetings with the fate of millions of Americans in their hands and they're still arguing like teenagers. This is why our generations (Millenials and Gen Z) are pissed off man

  928. Rowan Martin you have no clue what you’re even talking about I see this video is three years old I didn’t see it when it came out but last week you was getting on Air Force two with Kamala Harris you hanging out with the Democrats you’re the one that is selling out your own country I know there ain’t no talking that’s going to get to your big old head but everybody that followed you if Trump don’t win in 2024 watch the craziness that happened in America all over because of everything that Joe Biden has done Mark my word

  929. When Malcom X said House(person) he was talking about you.
    When I wore a bsdge in DC public housing I can assure you I thought like a cop. Not black. Not white..

  930. Y'all are fools. Reject anyone & anything that isn't degenerate.

    Gotta get over this obsession with white folks. Y'all can't move on.

    The bad part is. Cops kill more unarmed whites than they do blacks
    Every single year & it ain't even close.

    Just nobody cares about them. Smh.

    Pathetic boo-hoo gimme gimme culture.

  931. Roland Martin needs to be exposed for being a FAKE CHRISTIAN…as well as piggybacking off of using BLACK conservatives videos illegally to get more views on his YouTube Channel

  932. I haven’t seen you called them out on anything even one time but I’ve seen plenty call you out. I think you’re just mad because they’re better at it. You can’t even lie and get the kind of notoriety and exposure they’re getting.
    How much are you getting paid for speaking engagements?

    I was you for many years so I understand the disconnect. I’m ashamed of those years. I walked off the plantation in 2016 and have never looked back. I am so glad and so grateful that so many others are now walking off the plantation. Perhaps you’ll join us one day, but I doubt your pride will let you.

  933. Oh, she thought she could speak on YT folks. 😅 She can say all the crazy stuff on black folks, but you better check yourself. Tatum got real hood like he's about that life. People like Tatum and Candice have to be dealt with.

  934. funny thing is democrats are the true racist they wanted to keep dlavery they wanted to keep jim crow conservatives were always fighting for you quit voting blue no matter who

  935. We cant trust the biden administration or our justice system trump got the people treatment and there was no crime here and its false charges joe and dems are saying trump will be a dictator first day bk in office if y ask me the only dictator is joe biden when he is using our doj and fblieto go after his political opponent to jail trump so the people have only 1 choice on nov 5th but guess what dems and joe biden ur antic's is not working

  936. All these liberal news media says the exact same thing like a broken record….
    "Will you accept the election result?"
    " There's zero evidence of WIDESPREAD FRAUD……."

  937. I mean it's utterly ridiculous Trump is leaving in all the polls why are they asking if the person leading will accept if the other guy wins? It's like they're making it known that they're planning on stealing the election again.

  938. These interviewers can't even try to actually journalists. It's always a trying to get a gotcha. Furthermore I wish 11 person would respond to that question about accepting the results of the election by asking the interviewer will you except the results?

  939. Way to go Hogan! I hear ya, respect the verdict; never mind the corruption and made up law long after the statute of limitations has passed everyone is supposed to accept the injustice here. Not a huge fan of Trump, but his administration was a hell of a lot cleaner and better than others of both parties we all could name, the present one included! No Hogan, don't be a meat head or ideologue, timely and simple justice as laid out in the Constitution/Bill of Rights, with due process, and without even the appearance of impropriety or bias is the birthright of every American citizen whether you like them or not!

  940. I don’t see how this is going to be a close election I don’t know anyone that is supporting Biden I can’t believe that this is being allowed to take place I don’t think it’s going to effect the election unless they start finding votes for Biden again

  941. “I asked you about the jury” and she answered. This is a locality where a super majority of voters went against trump. So in that respect no.

    Though it should also be noted that the normal rules for unanimity were declared void. Additionally, the full packet of charges was not provided to the jury. Only a short summary with unclear wording. If this case was handled according to the law, it would’ve been much different.

  942. They're always asking " gotcha " questions. However, since Americans are Waking Up, they are Watching. So the Legacy Media is trying to behave themselves (trying) but Failing

  943. Our Constitution / Bill of Rights were laid out for the people to keep the government rained in with the hope it would never get out of control the way it is now.
    It's not the Constitution or Bill of Rights that is broken, its we, the people, we have become complacent starting at the local levels no one even knows whats going on with their local government and come locale election time the total votes cast are maybe in the hundreds.

  944. Look up is cps allowed to lie in family court. After the first perjury when isn't it now human trafficking protected by qualified immunity premeditated serial predator status! Has catholics infiltrated family court

  945. Demon crats are trying to over throw our country. Why won't anyone say that? Treason of the highest level at the highest levels. And they act like there's nothing we can do about it. And so far nothing has been done about it. Just a bunch of hearings in congress. That in the end never go any where. Who's been convicted of anything yet. At the taxpayers expense. And four years of hearings. For real!

  946. The reason for the invasion at the southern border is the Democrats way of increasing the number of people that will vote for them and keep them in power. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. This is possible as long as ID is not required.

  947. We hear and see all this proof that every federal agency is WEAPONIZED and COMPROMISED as the Deep State continues to hurt and destroy the lives of American citizens, yet, no one is holding CONGRESS accountable for creating and funding these dirty agencies. Why not? CONGRESS IS THE PROBLEM.

  948. Every time I hear the word of government workers is thank them for there service I think it is a disgrace. I had a friend that was a police officer and he thought the same thing he told me that statistics show that the job I was doing as a truck driver is more dangerous than his job. Thanking a government worker for there service is so disgusting .

  949. I’ve worked at ft Knox. I’ve literally seen them install windows into barracks brand new , then a month later tear down those barracks because they had to use the budget money or lose it.

  950. Your comment about Zuckerberg caused a light to go off. That’s why he said some unusually nice words about Trump. He’s trying to cover his bases against prosecution.

  951. Hageman's theatrics are the perfect example of where the American Experiment fails. How could she possibly have been elevated beyond her local parent-teacher association?

  952. Can we/you PLEASE send this man Garland to jail! He has continually disrespected and ignored Congress, and therefore the American people, Who's paying him? Obviously his civil service pay is just his 'side' check.

  953. Treat neighbours as neighbours, not enemies. If you declare countries as enemies, they then have to regard you as an enemy, and prepare to defend themselves against your attack. The military-industrial complex in the US keeps talking about going to war against Russia and China, so Russia and China have to get ready for your attack. Stop thinking that America has the right to rule the world. It does not. That thinking is arrogant tyranny. President Putin kept saying 'our American *colleagues*' but you kept calling him the enemy. You are at fault. You started the war in the Ukraine by carrying on with the Cold War bloc-head NATO thinking, which used Ukraine to start murdering thousands of Russians in the eastern area in 2014, so those areas democratically declared their independence (like you did in 1776), and asked Russia to come and help them (like you asked France to help you way back then). President Putin set out to stop the war that you started in 2014 when you started using Ukraine as a cat's-paw against 'enemy' Russia. But now you are being beaten again, like you have been everywhere you have manifested your 'regime-change' fetish. You are not the most powerful military on the planet; you cannot beat the world; you cannot beat even Russia alone. So start being good neighbours in the world. Please. So that we can all get some peace. Your real enemy is demonic Cackler, Hillarious, Nukeland, Bambam, and other servants of Satan, not Russia and China.

    Biden buys a wig and changes his name to Josephine Biden thus becoming the first female president. He has requested some black shoe polish and withdrawn his endorsement of Cackles. He back in the running for a second term.

  955. Trish, I find you to be a very educated individual and the fact that I also find you to be very attractive woman leeds me to believe you husband is a very lucky man. Keep up the good work and keep reporting the truth 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

  956. China does NOT need America…However, America needs China. It was a mistake giving China so much control over our economy. The vast majority of things sold in America is made in China. This was done to make goods cheaper, but it ended up handicapping America & making us dependent on China. And so long as politicians keep getting multi-million dollar deals from China, they don't care. America is weak under Dem leadership and both China & Russia knows this.

  957. Thanks Trish. The stage is being set for the fulfillment of Revelation's prophecy: chapter 13, vss.11-18. Vss.1-10 were assigned to the ‘holy Roman empire.’ The Reformers were well aware of this as proven in Daniel, chs.2 & 7 identifying Rome as the 4th "beast" to rule the Earth., vss.11-17 are assigned to the American empire. And this prophecy warns that our nation is destined for ruin when sin is enforced by federal law!
    "Unto whom much is given shall be much required," said Jesus. And our nation's leaders have squandered the honor given to us by our founders because they have allowed tyranny to usurp the liberty that the virtues of Christ provided in the Constitution.

  958. Sorry but your part of the problem here.
    What i mean by that is everyone in media today keeps focusing on low hanging fruit. they keep reporting on same exact storyline everyday.
    I was telling people about Russia and China working on a gold backed crypto currency bsck in 2015.
    I pointed out that Russia was shooting video at Saudi Arabia embassy in turkey and just so happened to point out missing reporter. They wanted to create a wedge between Saudi Arabia prince and USA to end the petrol dollar.
    China is building a nuclear reactor for the Saudi prince and steel mills for the prince so they can become a nuclear power just like Iran.
    All of this was totally blown off and we lost the petrol dollar because of Joe Biden calling prince on murder.
    Even reaction by blinkin was overlooked by media.
    Too much focus on Trump by everyone has destroyed our country.
    Its not just Biden's fault.
    The republican party must find a way to counter all the talk of abortion rights again. They lost red wave in 2018 & entire thing on 2020 just 1 issue.
    We are back to that again with the democrats blasting you tube with abortion rights commercials.
    We will loose 2024 because whoever is in charge of trump campaign is too focused on what democrats tell them to focus on.
    The debate should not be mentioned at all. Stop the attacks on kamala and tell what abortion plan is.
    Tell him to stop rambling in speaking and become a better speach giver.
    Even at the GOP it was too damm long and all over the place.
    Im sick of loosing for same stupid thing.

  959. President biden has a hundred thousand troops over there on russia's border. Now they are using our armament To shoot in to russia. If.
    Russia or China build troops up on our border We'd be doing the same thing.

  960. What’s the big deal. US jets are patrolling overseas in multiple locations without any reason other than to act as war provocateurs. US always believe it can remain away from harm by bombing other countries 6,000km away.

  961. I think theres a massive difference between adolf hitler and benjamin netanyahu.the latter isn't a anti jewish hitler used iraqi muslims to kill lots of jews inside jew killing from ishmaelites has been going on for about 3,000 years…saudi arabia will have none of it.bless them.

  962. "Anti fascists" but most of them voted for a fascist with documented precedence of fascism via his '94 crime bill. This is what happens when you learn history from Tiktok

  963. Our muslim brother n sister r protesting freely in a Christian country n it's good but I was wondering can our Christian brother n sister protest like tke this in a muslim country

  964. Everywhere they are there is trouble. Western countries treat them like guests in their society and they can Not behave !

    You see, if you are aggressive you cannot think normally, it mainly shows that their behavior comes from a brain not much bigger than a peanut ! 😂

  965. I'm sick of BLM n Antifa n Palestinian protest, n it's very annoying n the US needed a better n striker policy to control these animals act. Here, let help these stupid lawmakers, no violence, no blocking the street n no crime committed or burning n if any of these acts committed must act n arrested n press charges with 5 thousands dollars fine, plus 5 years in jail on top of that.

  966. Whatever happened to the f***ing suspension of disbelief? Representation shouldn't even be a thing in fiction. Only nonfiction. You don't have to be someone to identify, sympathize and empathize with someone. Especially when that someone is a character in a story. We should stay true to the author's vision. Tolkien's mythology was written as a history for his homeland and people. His people were European. Caucasian. It doesn't make sense for all of these black people to be wandering around Middle Earth when they live elsewhere. There are black people in the world of Middle Earth. Of Arda. They have their own kingdoms and cultures. Why are we trying to lie and say we're being inclusive when in actuality we're just stripping the black people of Middle Earth of their culture. Why can't we travel outside of Middle Earth and see the rest of Arda? I would love to go elsewhere and see what other kinds of people's live in Tolkien's world. We shouldn't change the dwarves and elves to include black people because in the written work of Tolkien he describes them all. Elves lived under starlight before the sun even existed. Because of this they were pale of skin and hair or had dark black hair. Dwarves lived under the Earth and would be pale from lack of sunlight. You can claim inclusion all you want but that doesn't mean that it makes sense. Respect the Lore and at least find ways to explain your changes.

  967. Just Some Guy did an excellent video about this show, and the title pretty much sums it all up. The Rings of Power: Tolkien In Name Only. They took Tolkien and turned it into generic modern fantasy show #34. The fact they're gonna turn LOTR into Game of Thrones is reason enough to reject it, but it's gonna super woke cringe, and I love that people are already roasting this show into oblivion already. If they want their own GOT, that's all well and good, but you're not gonna get that from Tolkien. The writer of the GOT books (and the show by extension) was deliberately telling the anti-Tolkien epic fantasy story, so turning Tolkien's ideas into GOT is an unacceptable bastardization of his creative intent.

  968. This is the problem with millennials who shy away from actual reading and lean so heavily into the movies- don't get me wrong, the movies are brilliant- but there is far more to Middle Earth than Hobbits, especially during the previous Ages where they aren't involved at all. Millennial obsession with Woke inclusion and the belief that they "own" the story when it's fans go back 70 years- entire generations share this love and we have the right to an equal opinion in this argument- something that needs to be taken onboard.
    Many of you are too excited seeing ANY colour- and not really looking at where its placed and it's importance, when tokenism is even worse!!!
    I'm mixed and British- but I expect black actors to be properly cast in roles and plots that have real teeth- but I will not accept them when they're only included to provide shock and controversy and relegated to tokenism- as they have in this horror show! Sir Lenny's been uncle-tom-ed into a made-up bit-part when he could've been used to greater effect- he could have played King Khamul the Easterling, a Ringbearer, telling his fall to becoming a Wraith, for example. An actual Tolkien plot with real drama! No one took issue with colour in Game of Thrones when it was used to tell stories in Dorne and across the Narrow Sea. That made sense! Yet Amazon chose to mis-cast in all the wrong places- and that I have issue with!! Story lines for Harad, Khand and Rhun (stories not yet told) would have been far more interesting, and could've involved the Blue Wizards- but now we'll never know… Amazon screwed the pooch, murdered Tolkien for laughs- and to add insult to injury- have chosen to air this on the anniversary of Tolkien's death- what a slap!!!!

  969. They are all orks. Perversions of Melkor. Seeing purity and authentic goodness they cast darkness over the land and because they are cursed with the hunger of Ungoliant they consume everything. Leaving nothing but destruction until they have nothing but them selves to eat but that's all you wanted was a meal as perfect as you were…

    Doomed to think that a created thing is created to be transformed, twisted enough to adorn the silmarils on their crown and willfully ignorant enough to smite any who call them what they are. Servants of Melkor. They are all orks, trolls, cats and spiders. Dragons and balrogs.

    But who are we? Are we men of the west? Dunedain? Or am I the only one who hears the horn of Gondor? Perhaps I am.

  970. They are simply using LOTR branding in hope people will be pulled in by that brand. It’s unlikely to succeed as the fans are especially picky about traditions and details.

  971. Too many white people? How crazy are you? Only non-white people can come from Harad, but here we have black dwarf and elv. That's already a big swing. And some other details point out that show is unfaithful to lore

  972. Personally, I think people need to start questioning the whole concept of "Representation" in fiction to begin with. It's utterly bizarre. The notion that every character in a work of fiction must "represent" a demographic in the real world. It never used to be like that and I don't know when that became accepted as a normal thing.

  973. If you were just looking out for white actors as another Woke platform, then that's really just sad. Oh- and if you're so Woke- where were the Asian actors then?! Apparently your beliefs don't extend quite as completely as you claim to be. Don't bother trying to throw any "ists" or "isms" my way (I'm mixed) so it'll backfire. If AMERICAN politics invades simple entertainment- then where do we go to get away from it?? Enough is enough.

  974. The Original Tolkien stories had very few females, very white, and very male. It’s set in old time Middle Earth in England. So what. I have no problem with it and I’m a black female!!

    Now it should be called "Rings of Woke Power". Now it’s very over the top wokeness. Blacks are 13% of the U.S. population, 3% in ENGLAND, and half the cast will be black. How stupid.

  975. Why can't they just use the story of the 9 kings that fell to the power of the ring or maybe put the black casting in on the eastern people with the Elephants and maybe getting screwed over by Anor and Gondor people from the west and show them why they sided with Mordor. I feel like they have an opportunity to make it cool but will screw it up with a bunch of identity politics woke bullshit. Or focus on the 7 Rings to the Dwarves. I think they are going to try to piggyback on the success of GOT but make it so political that it will implode on itself. If anything I like the new Cobra Kai show a newer series kind of done right, whereas this new show Rings of Power looks like hot garbage. I hope it is good we will see.

  976. The problem is almost every interview they gave discussed nothing concerning the story. It was all about inclusion and representation. They didn’t say a word about characterization reply or anything. They just touted how diverse they were and how everyone is a racist, homophobic, and a misogynist before it even came out.

  977. 다른 표현들인 세상의 모서리, 구부정하게 커버린, 골칫거리 outsider, minor, 못다 핀 널
    은 소수성을 표현한 것이라하면 어디에 붙느냐에 따라 바뀌기도 하고 누구나 대입이 가능하지만
    소수취급하면서 본인은 다수에 속하며 (본인이 왼손잡이면 모르겠습니다)
    신체적특징인 왼손을 가치판단에 넣고 구분지은 점이 정말 화납니다
    왼손으로 그린 것을 두번이나 반복하는데 정말 듣기 싫습니다

    아이유 본인의 노래라면 왜 왼손잡이 쪽으로는 생각 안 해봤나요??? 본인은 왜 오른손을 쓰시죠
    왼손으로 그린 별이 세상의 모서리이며 구부정하게 커버리고 골칫거리고 outsider이고 minor 못다 핀 너라는 표현과 중첩되어 들리기 때문에
    들을 때마다 뜩금하면서 거슬리고 짜증납니다
    본인이 안 쓰는 손이라고 하대하는 것 같은데 위선자같고 생각없이 함부로 글을 쓰나요???
    그러면서 you are my celebrity 이런식으로
    나는 아닌데 그런 애들 좋아해 줄께하는
    위선적이고 착한 척 선심인척 포장하는 거 기분 나쁩니다
    듣는 사람 불쾌한데 이런 노래가 유행했는지 가게에서 반복재생되서 너무 힘들었습니다
    신체적 특징을 꼭 넣어야 했는지 모호한 표현들만 썼다면 모르겠는데 화납니다

    왼손도 신체적 특징으로 인종,성별같은 바꾸기 어려운 것이니
    예시로 설명합니다
    (왼손으로 그린 별)동양인으로 대입했다면
    (오른손잡이인 아이유)흑인이나 백인들이
    (세상의 모서리이며 구부정하게 커버리고 골칫거리고 outsider이고 minor 못다 핀 너)넌 그런 것들이라 하는 느낌을 받았습니다

    이게 좋은 가사인척 위선자처럼
    본인이 아닌 대상인 왼손을 까내리려는 느낌을 많이 받아서 듣기 힘든데 본인위주 중심으로만 생각없이 이런 표현을 왜 했을까요??? 길가다 듣는 사람도 생각해 줘야 하는 거 아닌가요???아이유씨가 왼손잡이 아닐까하는 기대는 없죠
    본인이 오른손잡이이니 왼손으로 그린이란 표현으로
    길가다 왼손을 지목하는 것처럼들리니 정말 듣기 싫었습니다

    이 노래 가사 진짜 듣기 좋습니까??? 저는 많이 불쾌했습니다 유명가수이니 길에서 들리는 것 같은데 괜한 기분만 상합니다

  978. O mein lieber Gott 🤍🤲🏻,
    Du bist der Schöpfer von Gut und Böse, aber du bist barmherzig und barmherzig,
    aber deine Strafe ist hart,
    Bitte vergib uns , und
    hilf Deinen unterdrückten Sklaven und denen, die sie beschützen, hilf… Und bestrafe die Kindermörder, diejenigen, die Böses, Völkermord, Grausamkeit und Ungerechtigkeit begehen, bestrafe diese Gesetzlosen und Kindermörder und verhafte diejenigen, die sie unterstützen!

  979. So far from what I've seen and thought
    – Is**el commits the most war crimes
    – Is**el kills the most women and children
    – Is**el kills the most healthcare workers
    – Is**el kills the most journalists
    – Is**el kills the most families
    – Is**el destroys the most buildings
    – Is**el destroys the most healthcare facilities
    – Is**el destroys the most educational facilities
    – Is**el destroys the most places of worship
    – Is**el has the cruelest forces in the world
    – Is**el tells the most lies

  980. Oh wow i didnt realize Isreal attacked Rafah. Thats so sad. Innocent people suffer. Even if terrorists lived there sending missiles was not right. Poor baby covered in blood. Not even crying. Must be terrified.

  981. All eyes WERE on rafah until the IDF found all the tunnels there going into Egypt, which doesn't fit the narrative at all . And just like that , Rafah is never mentioned again and the subject of Rafah is totally buried.