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LIBERALS Losing It! School Teacher Does The UNTHINKABLE

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38 Comments to LIBERALS Losing It! School Teacher Does The UNTHINKABLE

  1. Im trying to take this seroously as i listen to this via earbuds at work, and I'm rolling over here at his play by play description of the videos 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  2. That’s nothing compared to the antics of one of the resident advisors in the girl’s dorm at a Job Corps center where I was a GED tutor. He rented an apartment behind the old Tudor Arms hotel in Cleveland on Wilbur Avenue where he was running a brothel staffed by the girls in his dorm. But when the director got wind of this she acted in haste and fired him before thinking to gather sufficient evidence which would’ve enabled the authorities to bring him up on charges. But that being Job Corps all of the girls were above the age of consent or between 16 and 24 years of age. So he got off scot free as they say.

  3. Her in that hat is whats unacceptable. Does she think she is Beyonces new back up dancer. And bro acts like if she was fine it would be ok but she had cellulite showing and that was his problem. Preach on brother.

  4. Do not call them liberals everybody stopped calling them people liberals or Wolf's called them what they are Communist people that are working on trying to change our country into their country that is communism everybody knows it and everybody voted for it so whoever voted for it flush yourself down the toilet and whoever Augustine please Make a lot of noise over this That is my opinion and my opinion only Donald Trump will be President

  5. And here we only thought we had to be giving the Priests the eagle eye treatment. Teachers jumping from district to district…Priests getting moved from parish to parish….sounds familiar.

  6. It’s funny when people don’t know they are clowns. 😅

    Cowgirl black panther🤣

    It’s inconsiqintisimal, it’s irrepostultory, it’s absolutely abomintory and unacceptable!


  7. Oh my God….. There's too much to cover… First… That witch just set her ex up to go to prison. You know she was just making that shit up to cover her own stupid ignorant over educated brain right? My god she literally did that cuz she's going to have to come up with a name.
    That being said…
    The Lady speaking is my Sister from another Mister..
    Also, I spit out my tequila when you said I could make money for pouring milk on my no nails toes. However, when I looked to find the only fans app to download it I saw the word teen.. I'm not chansing that. You did make me spit out my tequila..😂😂😂😂😂😂

  8. obviously, judging by the comments, some people can hear this but I can't hear any of the teacher video ane I WANTED to hear it dangit….maybe next time

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