Lara Trump Is NOT Happy


Throughout his career, Roy Swire has remained true to his roots, using his artistry to inspire and uplift others. Whether through his music, writing, or activism, he continues to make a meaningful impact on the world, proving that art has the power to transcend boundaries and unite people from all walks of life.
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Judge will pay what he done
funny thing is democrats are the true racist they wanted to keep dlavery they wanted to keep jim crow conservatives were always fighting for you quit voting blue no matter who
We cant trust the biden administration or our justice system trump got the people treatment and there was no crime here and its false charges joe and dems are saying trump will be a dictator first day bk in office if y ask me the only dictator is joe biden when he is using our doj and fblieto go after his political opponent to jail trump so the people have only 1 choice on nov 5th but guess what dems and joe biden ur antic's is not working
I've always known that the Democrats were the Racist
Looking up top Biden in trouble 😅. Biden stays in trouble, yet still standing. 😅 Oh, crooked dementia Joe. God ' chosen vessel for such a time as this. 🕊
So mi of fi ask, a wha dis fadda? "Lara hit dat fi six like Brian Lara." That was a paid advert by the "FAKE NEWS MEDIA" dancing for the SWAMP!!!!
Adam Schiff benefitted from the money making that the judge's daughter has been doing, to the tune of millions. Wouldn't be surprising if a lot more have as well.
Respect the verdict?. How on earth can we respect clear corruption.
The trial is completely unconstitutional.
Did you know of the money laundering the Millons given by the Biden administration and the laundry at it worse.
I don't trust the Judicial and I will not ever go to New York
That CNN anchorwoman had a look of fear in her eyes, like she's had the realization that people are no longer falling for the fake narrative.
That conviction was PREdetermined!! Stupid! He is OUR convicted felon!
Jury of Trumps piers 12 Joe Biden voters aren't Trump's piers
All these liberal news media says the exact same thing like a broken record….
"Will you accept the election result?"
" There's zero evidence of WIDESPREAD FRAUD……."
Trump 2024!
TRUMP 2024❤
Americans won't respect this bogus trail about hush money it is passed the statue of litimtions and trump is right at some point there is a breaking point trump 2024
What they did to Trump is the greatest railroad job since Grand Central Station. It's 💯 lawfare.
Then the prosecution brought in the sleazy convicted purgerer Cohen as a witness. Disgraceful
This judge is also friends with Schumer!! A huge Trump hater
Great. She made me proud to be an American with her facts to the Wicked lady that couldn't handle it
Trying to imprison your opponent is a main tenet of “fascism” Trump is not a felon over a misdemeanor that these haters escalated because they are Biden donors.
Seems to me that Jesus was a convicted felon too. Remind the Dems every time they mention it.
Van you've done it again,great job❤
They say 0 evidence oh my God there was so much evidence of fraud it's not funny
I mean it's utterly ridiculous Trump is leaving in all the polls why are they asking if the person leading will accept if the other guy wins? It's like they're making it known that they're planning on stealing the election again.
These interviewers can't even try to actually journalists. It's always a trying to get a gotcha. Furthermore I wish 11 person would respond to that question about accepting the results of the election by asking the interviewer will you except the results?
Way to go Hogan! I hear ya, respect the verdict; never mind the corruption and made up law long after the statute of limitations has passed everyone is supposed to accept the injustice here. Not a huge fan of Trump, but his administration was a hell of a lot cleaner and better than others of both parties we all could name, the present one included! No Hogan, don't be a meat head or ideologue, timely and simple justice as laid out in the Constitution/Bill of Rights, with due process, and without even the appearance of impropriety or bias is the birthright of every American citizen whether you like them or not!
I'm part of the 30% who donated to Trump for the first time.
For the people that think this trial was fair , go read the constitution
I don’t see how this is going to be a close election I don’t know anyone that is supporting Biden I can’t believe that this is being allowed to take place I don’t think it’s going to effect the election unless they start finding votes for Biden again
They will NOT accept the results when Trump wins. They’ll literally burn the country down.
3:28 exactly. The fix was in from day one. There was never a chance Trump would be found not guilty. There’s no way.
“I asked you about the jury” and she answered. This is a locality where a super majority of voters went against trump. So in that respect no.
Though it should also be noted that the normal rules for unanimity were declared void. Additionally, the full packet of charges was not provided to the jury. Only a short summary with unclear wording. If this case was handled according to the law, it would’ve been much different.
#VoteRED 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
They're always asking " gotcha " questions. However, since Americans are Waking Up, they are Watching. So the Legacy Media is trying to behave themselves (trying) but Failing