New White House Cover-up BACKFIRES Instantly In this eye-opening interview, former FBI agent turned whistleblower, Kyle Seraphin, dives …

Throughout his career, Roy Swire has remained true to his roots, using his artistry to inspire and uplift others. Whether through his music, writing, or activism, he continues to make a meaningful impact on the world, proving that art has the power to transcend boundaries and unite people from all walks of life.
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🔴Biden just did the UNTHINKABLE and DeSantis SHOCKS with Texas Border Standoff actions
His analysis of J6 BLEW MY MIND!!!!!
Our Constitution / Bill of Rights were laid out for the people to keep the government rained in with the hope it would never get out of control the way it is now.
It's not the Constitution or Bill of Rights that is broken, its we, the people, we have become complacent starting at the local levels no one even knows whats going on with their local government and come locale election time the total votes cast are maybe in the hundreds.
WOW 32:05
WOW 31:16
America is doomed….wake up 21:54
They are letting them in so they can vote for them.
We need president trump back in office keep him safe🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏🙏🙏
Trump supporters are dangerous!!!
Look up is cps allowed to lie in family court. After the first perjury when isn't it now human trafficking protected by qualified immunity premeditated serial predator status! Has catholics infiltrated family court
Its all coming out
FBLie gets bonuses for nothing…….its BS. buh bye FBLie
why don't they go after bank robbers and other types of actual criminals?
It's the money that the Catholic church, has they have a lot of money people, the catholic church in Rome has been in trillians dollars
Blue states were in denial. They didn't care that border states had to deal with it. The blue states didn't notice until Abbott sent them some.
He is trying to bankrupt our social services. Biden wants all these illegals to vote democrat.
I am not Catholic.
Demon crats are trying to over throw our country. Why won't anyone say that? Treason of the highest level at the highest levels. And they act like there's nothing we can do about it. And so far nothing has been done about it. Just a bunch of hearings in congress. That in the end never go any where. Who's been convicted of anything yet. At the taxpayers expense. And four years of hearings. For real!
It has gone all the way down to social media. Every time I made a statement against the government, I was put in fb jail.
Omg. One honest man. Thank you. Bless you
The reason for the invasion at the southern border is the Democrats way of increasing the number of people that will vote for them and keep them in power. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. This is possible as long as ID is not required.
Can someone explain to me what what is a radical catholic or a radical Baptist? What does that even mean?
We hear and see all this proof that every federal agency is WEAPONIZED and COMPROMISED as the Deep State continues to hurt and destroy the lives of American citizens, yet, no one is holding CONGRESS accountable for creating and funding these dirty agencies. Why not? CONGRESS IS THE PROBLEM.
The Other side are the ones that.need to be watched. Biden and Harris
Lier, Lier Pants On Fire. Trump said that they are after us. We are American and
We are not them.
PIGLOSI SAID THE OTHER DAY IN CONVERSATION “ that she could elect a glass if water”” !!! Yes !! She is so above herself. Disgusting women.
Every time I hear the word of government workers is thank them for there service I think it is a disgrace. I had a friend that was a police officer and he thought the same thing he told me that statistics show that the job I was doing as a truck driver is more dangerous than his job. Thanking a government worker for there service is so disgusting .
Don't think yh.
I’ve worked at ft Knox. I’ve literally seen them install windows into barracks brand new , then a month later tear down those barracks because they had to use the budget money or lose it.
When the military wants aircraft that cost one billion dollars each, Leepin-Lizards! Aircraft carriers and submarines that cost multi billion dollars each. Holy crap!
Oh my heavens!
That is crazy.
Lolll great analogy.
Lolll aren’t a lot of people in congress Catholic?
That’s crazy, the way they think.
I hope you are listening Pat Buchanan
Remember Biden said he intended to make white people the new minority by flooding the country. Totally un-American.
Your comment about Zuckerberg caused a light to go off. That’s why he said some unusually nice words about Trump. He’s trying to cover his bases against prosecution.
When is the FBI going to investigate and shut down The temples of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to which I am a member of.
I want an honest government 😕