Rings of Power Trailer Reaction by Keri Smith, Brittany Venti, Riss Flex, Chrissie Mayr, Lila Hart

Amazon Prime’s Lord of the Rings series, Rings of Power! Live Trailer Reaction by Keri Smith, Brittany Venti, Riss Flex, Chrissie …

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"Evil cannot create anything new it can only corrupt."
Whatever happened to the f***ing suspension of disbelief? Representation shouldn't even be a thing in fiction. Only nonfiction. You don't have to be someone to identify, sympathize and empathize with someone. Especially when that someone is a character in a story. We should stay true to the author's vision. Tolkien's mythology was written as a history for his homeland and people. His people were European. Caucasian. It doesn't make sense for all of these black people to be wandering around Middle Earth when they live elsewhere. There are black people in the world of Middle Earth. Of Arda. They have their own kingdoms and cultures. Why are we trying to lie and say we're being inclusive when in actuality we're just stripping the black people of Middle Earth of their culture. Why can't we travel outside of Middle Earth and see the rest of Arda? I would love to go elsewhere and see what other kinds of people's live in Tolkien's world. We shouldn't change the dwarves and elves to include black people because in the written work of Tolkien he describes them all. Elves lived under starlight before the sun even existed. Because of this they were pale of skin and hair or had dark black hair. Dwarves lived under the Earth and would be pale from lack of sunlight. You can claim inclusion all you want but that doesn't mean that it makes sense. Respect the Lore and at least find ways to explain your changes.
This is not interesting.
Just Some Guy did an excellent video about this show, and the title pretty much sums it all up. The Rings of Power: Tolkien In Name Only. They took Tolkien and turned it into generic modern fantasy show #34. The fact they're gonna turn LOTR into Game of Thrones is reason enough to reject it, but it's gonna super woke cringe, and I love that people are already roasting this show into oblivion already. If they want their own GOT, that's all well and good, but you're not gonna get that from Tolkien. The writer of the GOT books (and the show by extension) was deliberately telling the anti-Tolkien epic fantasy story, so turning Tolkien's ideas into GOT is an unacceptable bastardization of his creative intent.
This is the problem with millennials who shy away from actual reading and lean so heavily into the movies- don't get me wrong, the movies are brilliant- but there is far more to Middle Earth than Hobbits, especially during the previous Ages where they aren't involved at all. Millennial obsession with Woke inclusion and the belief that they "own" the story when it's fans go back 70 years- entire generations share this love and we have the right to an equal opinion in this argument- something that needs to be taken onboard.
Many of you are too excited seeing ANY colour- and not really looking at where its placed and it's importance, when tokenism is even worse!!!
I'm mixed and British- but I expect black actors to be properly cast in roles and plots that have real teeth- but I will not accept them when they're only included to provide shock and controversy and relegated to tokenism- as they have in this horror show! Sir Lenny's been uncle-tom-ed into a made-up bit-part when he could've been used to greater effect- he could have played King Khamul the Easterling, a Ringbearer, telling his fall to becoming a Wraith, for example. An actual Tolkien plot with real drama! No one took issue with colour in Game of Thrones when it was used to tell stories in Dorne and across the Narrow Sea. That made sense! Yet Amazon chose to mis-cast in all the wrong places- and that I have issue with!! Story lines for Harad, Khand and Rhun (stories not yet told) would have been far more interesting, and could've involved the Blue Wizards- but now we'll never know… Amazon screwed the pooch, murdered Tolkien for laughs- and to add insult to injury- have chosen to air this on the anniversary of Tolkien's death- what a slap!!!!
What an odd bunch. While one's talking about Hollywood agenda the other's complaining of too many white people
I know what you mean, i felt nothing watching this trailer. Nothing.
They are all orks. Perversions of Melkor. Seeing purity and authentic goodness they cast darkness over the land and because they are cursed with the hunger of Ungoliant they consume everything. Leaving nothing but destruction until they have nothing but them selves to eat but that's all you wanted was a meal as perfect as you were…
Doomed to think that a created thing is created to be transformed, twisted enough to adorn the silmarils on their crown and willfully ignorant enough to smite any who call them what they are. Servants of Melkor. They are all orks, trolls, cats and spiders. Dragons and balrogs.
But who are we? Are we men of the west? Dunedain? Or am I the only one who hears the horn of Gondor? Perhaps I am.
They are simply using LOTR branding in hope people will be pulled in by that brand. It’s unlikely to succeed as the fans are especially picky about traditions and details.
The fucking agenda
Too many white people? How crazy are you? Only non-white people can come from Harad, but here we have black dwarf and elv. That's already a big swing. And some other details point out that show is unfaithful to lore
Personally, I think people need to start questioning the whole concept of "Representation" in fiction to begin with. It's utterly bizarre. The notion that every character in a work of fiction must "represent" a demographic in the real world. It never used to be like that and I don't know when that became accepted as a normal thing.
If you were just looking out for white actors as another Woke platform, then that's really just sad. Oh- and if you're so Woke- where were the Asian actors then?! Apparently your beliefs don't extend quite as completely as you claim to be. Don't bother trying to throw any "ists" or "isms" my way (I'm mixed) so it'll backfire. If AMERICAN politics invades simple entertainment- then where do we go to get away from it?? Enough is enough.
Lord of the rangs return of the kangz
Looks like Keri was going to say something a couple of times but didn't.
It looks like generic CGI garbage.
The Original Tolkien stories had very few females, very white, and very male. It’s set in old time Middle Earth in England. So what. I have no problem with it and I’m a black female!!
Now it should be called "Rings of Woke Power". Now it’s very over the top wokeness. Blacks are 13% of the U.S. population, 3% in ENGLAND, and half the cast will be black. How stupid.
If you wona watch this trash, only on pirates sites, don't give amazon your money.
Your literally judging the representation in a series by a trailer? Haha
I'm with Lily Hart. I've been binging Korean movies and TV shows. They're far better than the evil Hollywoke agenda.
trailer was so good that they talked too much about it
Why can't they just use the story of the 9 kings that fell to the power of the ring or maybe put the black casting in on the eastern people with the Elephants and maybe getting screwed over by Anor and Gondor people from the west and show them why they sided with Mordor. I feel like they have an opportunity to make it cool but will screw it up with a bunch of identity politics woke bullshit. Or focus on the 7 Rings to the Dwarves. I think they are going to try to piggyback on the success of GOT but make it so political that it will implode on itself. If anything I like the new Cobra Kai show a newer series kind of done right, whereas this new show Rings of Power looks like hot garbage. I hope it is good we will see.
Korean cinema is spot on 👌 especially in the horror category. Recent ones I absolutely enjoyed. Train to Busan. Gonjiam: haunted asylum.
Lord of tha Rims.
So American media entertainment is in a race with North Korea to the bottom…Doh. I used the word "race"…
Korean movies and no agenda. Yeah, Japan's been doing that forever. Why their comics sales are outpacing american comics.
The problem is almost every interview they gave discussed nothing concerning the story. It was all about inclusion and representation. They didn’t say a word about characterization reply or anything. They just touted how diverse they were and how everyone is a racist, homophobic, and a misogynist before it even came out.
Medieval Europe was so diverse. One SJW to rule them all.