Jury Finds Trump GUILTY of All Charges

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Trump has over 300 million in small donations from all over the country. If you ask me,The democrats screwed up on this one. FJB
It’s all bs the system is so corrupt and disgusting 🤢 bogus charges
I came here for the tears of rednecks. I was not disappointed.
Guilty 😂
Lol when the system is used against poor people or people of colour you same hypocrites are quiet now that its happening to your boss your crying PASS ME THE POPCORN😂😂😂😂
Trump 2024❤
Tatum why weren’t you there to support him on Jan 6th after you felt like the election was stolen??? 😂
So now they suppose to listen to your rallying cry?
Nah nah!!! According to you we have the greatest justice system in the world!!! Remember y’all always said if you don’t like it than get out the country!!! 😂😂😂
One decision you don’t agree with and now y’all saying it’s no longer the greatest in the world!! 😂😂😂
I still say Trump should have been wise enough to walk away after his first term & encourage all conservatives to support Desantis for Prez. As long as Desantis Lt. governor continues to govern Fl. as good & tough as he did. Trump fighting to serve one more term is just not worth what he has gone through!
So happy of the guilty verdict! Great day for America!
They did Violate Amendment 6 without a doubt.
—An impartial jury of the State and district.
Yall are idiots paying a millionaire while yall suffering
You are so fake Brandon. Why would a ex cop support a felon like Chump 😂
I hear so many people on the right say that the Progressive/Democrats are incompetent, dumb, or stupid. Nothing could be further from the truth. Biden/Kamal stupid? Yes, but they ain't running the show! The destruction happening right now is calculated, strategic, & orchestrated by those behind the scenes (Soros, Obama, & both Clintons) who are evil and corrupt but certainly not stupid or incompetent.
I’m so confused do we want people to be held accountable for committing crimes or not? I don’t care what party you are apart of. My morals do not waiver for any man.
I am a 60 year old white, lower middle class, conservative and when this happened this first thing I thought was just like in the civil war black people are going to have to save our country AGAIN,
I'd love to see a jail try to match its power over a presidential election.
You dam straight. It’s time to take the gloves off on these socialist. Republicans need to stop playing by the rules anymore 😡
Trump 2024!
8 years after the fact, they charge Trump with this? It's obvious this is political power going after Trump because they are scared to death he will win the election. If that's not the case, why didn't they charge him 8 years ago? Why now? Because Trump is running for the Presidency and they are scared to death America will elect him.
Civiil war, jere we come….we wont feal woth tbis shit anymore
Mr president we got your back!!!…
Don’t be a weenie, be a man! Love it
I have donated when i couldnt aford to. We need presidemr Trump… He will save us from tyramny. Hes a true patriot.
He still has my vote! maga2024
I was upset too because they kept on accusing Trump again to get him in trouble bunch of haters out there in the world
WHOOOA Trump accidentally misclassified money to an nda for a women he had sexual relations with and because he accidentally used a few campaign bucks 13 years ago he’s the worst man on the planet as of 2024 lol. The Clinton’s, the Biden’s, and so many other kicking their feet up smh… Trump 2024🇺🇸
Still will vote for him. People need to wake up.😊
Trump is raking in even more $$$$$$ than ever! Biden’s skeletons will come to light soon!
lets get biden guilty now
I congratulate all the American people who love their country and who want to see it free once again. Mr. Tatum, you are the voice of the people and continue to spread it. Long live America and long live freedom!
Not only we need a absolutele guarantee to get Donald Trump back in the White House but a extremely solid contingency plan. This is for the sake not only for our country but our civil rights as well to constantly remaining safe by any means necessary.
Stop wasting tax payer money to go after the Dems… Make America Great. Make America's so strong and happy they never vote Dem again.
Don the Con
Just this month my phone bill went up 12-15$ pet insurance up from 55 to 106 auto insurance went up 35$ ….home insurance goes up EVERY YEAR ….food outrageous…….gas outrages……taxesoutrageous. We live in an unlivable time. I literally can afford to live no matter how much i work because the gov will just punish me more and tax me at a higher rate so I can't get ahead no matter what I do.
I'm afraid that even if every citizen votes Trump, Biden will still somehow win with all of his deceased voters.
Never try this case? I'm still in shock on how that lady is even a judge!!! It blew my mind watching her speak in court