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‘We’ve CONDITIONED women to believe they have to compete with men!’ | Brandon Tatum on gender roles

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Brandon Tatum takes aim at the culture wars and says society has ‘conditioned women to believe they have to compete with men’.


32 Comments to ‘We’ve CONDITIONED women to believe they have to compete with men!’ | Brandon Tatum on gender roles

  1. I grew up in a Catholic Controlled Country where All Birth Control was Banned, Abortion Illegal until 2019, Divorce Not an option.
    I knew several families with 22/23 children each & so many other large POOR families mired in misery & hardship.My Mother had a just a gas cooker & 1 cold tape to care for 6 people, not even a fridge, open fires, boiling & hauling water for baths & washing clothes, it was soul destroyed drugery.I decided at 6yrs I was never going to get married & have children. I also told myself a Woman needs her "Own Money" & I have got to get out of here, the country.I had 3 sisters they never wanted to get married or have children, their degrees, professional carers have helped countless others, no regrets.
    I went to a covent school & it was the legendary Sister Veronica who said to us her girls "Education, Education, Education, with a good education a girl can set the world on Fire 🔥, I mean you don't want to end up like your Mothers now do you?!!"Audible gasps & distressed groans filled the classroom & we all hit our books.On one occasion a girl asked, 'Sister Veronica do you not mind not having any children?"Sister Veronica stretched out her arms & said "You are all my Children" a surge ensued where all of us tried to hug Sister Veronica all at once.Mothering takes many forms…

  2. Women should compete ON THEIR OWN TERMS not by rules established to suit men. This includes NOT competing with dysfunctional fetishy males who call themselves women and insert themselves in womens sports.

  3. Glad that this message is growing in volume. The liberal women vs conservative men statistic is stark, and tragic. Dating is impossible. More cats are finding homes than ever. This can't go on. (Well, okay, cats are great but no substitute for a relationship!)

  4. Usa is protestant, south america was catholics, he mentions religious freedom, which was a protestant idea n started in protestant countries like usa n britain, it was also protestants who thought every man should be able to read his own bible, before that all instructions came from the priests who ruled n most people were illiterate, its not right for catholics to take all credit for protestant history as catholics fought protestants trying to prevent the modern world from being created, wed still be serfs, if britain had stayed catholic thered be no british colonies in america n the last 400 yrs of history would be completely different, theres good reason why the land of the free didnt start in europe, it was impossible, ok he knows the bible but he needs to brush up on his countrys history, despite being a new country they ended up setting the bar for europe to match, usa had higher literacy rates than europe n more freedom than europeans had ever seen, its not something to celebrate that britain left the catholic church n decided to free itself, BUT if they hadnt done it, not 1 of us would be here today n thats a fact, to erase protestant history is to erase our own history, the romans basically erased european celtic history 2000 yrs ago n the undertones im seeing nowadays are eerily familiar, how can n englishman n american have a discussion about christianity n not mention protestants once?

  5. Needing to access the necessities of life without going through a slave master isn’t competing with men. Don’t flatter yourself 🤡 It’s men who have an identity crisis. They get so bent out of shape over women not being submissive puppets. You don’t see women losing their stuff bc a man doesn’t stay in a box. Men are obsessed with women and women are trying to be left alone. Who’s really got the issues? Women aren’t obsessed with men. Men are obsessed with women.

  6. I'm opportunistic and ambitious, but I don't believe I need to compensate as a woman to compete against men – or anyone else, for the matter – for anything. My ability and skills speak for itself, and I value the traditional role of women and want a child, too.

  7. Oh man, I can't believe he would embarrass himself so much by going on GB News! I will never take Tatum seriously again! 👎👎👎

  8. Did you know that one of the people on the board of directors for the ASA is a foreigner, he's probably the person that is authorising foreigners or insisting that foreigners must be in every UK advert. The ASA is trying to remove the British identity by allowing foreigners to takeover everything in the UK.

  9. Really, not in my world, people are so easily led by this nonsense. Woman and men have different capabilities, each have different strengths, both physically and mentally, women are by far the strongest mentally, whilst men are physically stronger, who cares, they compliment one another.

  10. Been watching his youtube channel for a while he is very sensible in his thoughts. A lot of his points are logical which is nice to hear.

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