200 Million Dollars In Donations and Now THIS

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Throughout his career, Roy Swire has remained true to his roots, using his artistry to inspire and uplift others. Whether through his music, writing, or activism, he continues to make a meaningful impact on the world, proving that art has the power to transcend boundaries and unite people from all walks of life.
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Its rigged because Trump's witnesses were not allowed to testify. They want to get Trump on campaign law and yet the expert on campaign election law was not allowed to testify.
Its not alledgedly, remember Benghazi. How many were killed and Hillary and others gave the stand down. Our military told not to help the people and our own ambassador was dragged through the streets and killed. Thats just a few of the crimes that had no consequences there are hundreds of others between Hillary, Obama, the Bushes .
He'''s not putting China first he has to reach young people.
Is his gag order still on until July 11? If so, then that judge really plays dirty.
From what I understand, when Congress recently tried to ban tik tok there was a hidden agenda. The ban would be used to do other underhanded things by the govt. So it was better that it wasn’t passed. I also think that Trump knew this but also realized that he has to pick his battles. If he doesn’t reach the younger population then they will only get their info. from unreliable sources & the fake media. He has to at least give them the opportunity to make informed choices. He sees how the Dems are pandering to them & using them like they do everyone else around election time. Once he gets into Office, he will show them that he says what he means & he means what he says.
You were way in front of the curve….very smart young man! Your impact today is much more important than how many likes and views you had yesterday. God Bless you!
Trump 2024, Free America!
Bill Clinton didn't pay her hush money, she won a lawsuit. They dragged her name through the mud. Called her trailer park trash. And his team that tried to deny the many affairs that he had, reffered to the women's stories coming out as bimbo eruptions.
He is going where the young voters are. He will still deal with tik tok when he gets in office.
Tiktok is for the youth vote
It will be iverturned but not begire the electiin..TRUMP CAN PARDON HIMSELF IF NEED BE
Wait til he starts banning black people , raiding thier hones with the fbi etc, i cant wait
This prooves hes a dictator, demanding you not to talk about covid, jan6th and now this
Why would you cover up something not illegal????
Clinton paid 880,000 bucks to paula jones while president and he was never indicted olus got a BJ in the oval office
Paying hish money osnt illegal
They comitted Real crimes
The media lies about what he says, he had to get on tik tok to get his message out not medis lies
Biden is a dictator
He wasnt ever on tik tok, twitter or youtube, he wa only on truth social, his plstform…
After fighting Paula Jones' sexual harassment lawsuit for four years, President Bill Clinton settled the case out of court on November 13 by agreeing to pay Jones $850,000. But the deal included no apology from the president. The settlement seemed to have split the difference between the previous offers from both sides. Most recently the president was offering $700,000 while the Jones team was insisting on $950,000.
All is fare in love and war and we are in a war for minds for the minds of the youth. Trump is making a brilliant chess move.
censored? has brandon set up a modern day Himler?
Trump is playing chess. He working to make it too big to rig. Aren’t they trying to get TikTok to sell to American company or something?
This "hush money trial" will be thrown own immediately upon appeal, they twisted the law more than a pretzel to get him
He's hung up with all the legal BS, so he has to use every avenue to campaign that he has available to him
NDA's are signed every single day in all big businesses. There are many crooked lawyers out there and no CEO of a huge company can keep an eye on them all. Cohen even robbed the Trump corporation. He lied to congress and then lied on the stand in court but, Pres. Trump is guilty? Go figure. And to top it off, Bragg illegally turned a misdemeanor which Cohen committed into a felony on Pres. Trump. WTH????
It'd be higher if Tik Tok wasn't removing followers
Can't noone say the man ain't working for EVERY. SINGLE. VOTE…
3:06 I don't think it's hypocritical that Trump joined tick tock. I feel like if his position on it has changed, that would be hypocritical. It seems to me like he's just picking up a weapon in a crooked fight.
Sometimes you have to fight on the their ground, and Biden is on tic tock,and trying to connect with the younger people