U.S. INTERCEPTS Chinese, Russian Bombers Off ALASKAN Coast! New Fears Of BRIC Alliance Surface

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Treat neighbours as neighbours, not enemies. If you declare countries as enemies, they then have to regard you as an enemy, and prepare to defend themselves against your attack. The military-industrial complex in the US keeps talking about going to war against Russia and China, so Russia and China have to get ready for your attack. Stop thinking that America has the right to rule the world. It does not. That thinking is arrogant tyranny. President Putin kept saying 'our American *colleagues*' but you kept calling him the enemy. You are at fault. You started the war in the Ukraine by carrying on with the Cold War bloc-head NATO thinking, which used Ukraine to start murdering thousands of Russians in the eastern area in 2014, so those areas democratically declared their independence (like you did in 1776), and asked Russia to come and help them (like you asked France to help you way back then). President Putin set out to stop the war that you started in 2014 when you started using Ukraine as a cat's-paw against 'enemy' Russia. But now you are being beaten again, like you have been everywhere you have manifested your 'regime-change' fetish. You are not the most powerful military on the planet; you cannot beat the world; you cannot beat even Russia alone. So start being good neighbours in the world. Please. So that we can all get some peace. Your real enemy is demonic Cackler, Hillarious, Nukeland, Bambam, and other servants of Satan, not Russia and China.
And that's why Rusaia Ukraine conflict needs to end soon with US playing the role of arbiter
Did Trump not say that pushing China and Russia together if they kept the Uk war going
This is a matter of this administration is more concerned about holding on to power than defending the U. S. A.
If the Russians and Chinese wanted to see Alaska, they could take an Alaskan cruise 🛳 🤔 🙄 🤣
Why dont you talk about the BLATANT NWO AGENDA and satanism at the olympics!!
Thanks for your effort and accutron teporting! I, however, like yout Ted hair a little lighter LOL!
Makes sense,, said so in the last days this will happen. Says in God's word
Maybe Elon could help by sending the whole dunce-o-crat crew to Mars, where they can reign for the rest of their lives 😂😂😂
Biden buys a wig and changes his name to Josephine Biden thus becoming the first female president. He has requested some black shoe polish and withdrawn his endorsement of Cackles. He back in the running for a second term.
Trish, I find you to be a very educated individual and the fact that I also find you to be very attractive woman leeds me to believe you husband is a very lucky man. Keep up the good work and keep reporting the truth 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
China does NOT need America…However, America needs China. It was a mistake giving China so much control over our economy. The vast majority of things sold in America is made in China. This was done to make goods cheaper, but it ended up handicapping America & making us dependent on China. And so long as politicians keep getting multi-million dollar deals from China, they don't care. America is weak under Dem leadership and both China & Russia knows this.
Thanks Trish. The stage is being set for the fulfillment of Revelation's prophecy: chapter 13, vss.11-18. Vss.1-10 were assigned to the ‘holy Roman empire.’ The Reformers were well aware of this as proven in Daniel, chs.2 & 7 identifying Rome as the 4th "beast" to rule the Earth.
Rev.ch.13, vss.11-17 are assigned to the American empire. And this prophecy warns that our nation is destined for ruin when sin is enforced by federal law!
"Unto whom much is given shall be much required," said Jesus. And our nation's leaders have squandered the honor given to us by our founders because they have allowed tyranny to usurp the liberty that the virtues of Christ provided in the Constitution.
I was stationed in the Army 1974-76. So beautiful…So many things taking our beautify a way…..all we love.. But, God is in charge…stay tune…
F the Olympics
If something pops off it'll definitely be before the election
I don't know my mom said it was a big old weird circus for the opening of the Olympics I'm not watching none of that s*** ever again
The Hell with waiting till November, PUT TRUMP IN OFFICE NOW!!!! 🇺🇸
More scare tactics and Trish SHOULD KNOW THIS!!!!!
Wow….people are DUUUUMB!!!!… this has been going on by Russia since and during the Korean war!!!!!!we do it also!!!its international airspace people!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Sorry but your part of the problem here.
What i mean by that is everyone in media today keeps focusing on low hanging fruit. they keep reporting on same exact storyline everyday.
I was telling people about Russia and China working on a gold backed crypto currency bsck in 2015.
I pointed out that Russia was shooting video at Saudi Arabia embassy in turkey and just so happened to point out missing reporter. They wanted to create a wedge between Saudi Arabia prince and USA to end the petrol dollar.
China is building a nuclear reactor for the Saudi prince and steel mills for the prince so they can become a nuclear power just like Iran.
All of this was totally blown off and we lost the petrol dollar because of Joe Biden calling prince on murder.
Even reaction by blinkin was overlooked by media.
Too much focus on Trump by everyone has destroyed our country.
Its not just Biden's fault.
The republican party must find a way to counter all the talk of abortion rights again. They lost red wave in 2018 & entire thing on 2020 just 1 issue.
We are back to that again with the democrats blasting you tube with abortion rights commercials.
We will loose 2024 because whoever is in charge of trump campaign is too focused on what democrats tell them to focus on.
The debate should not be mentioned at all. Stop the attacks on kamala and tell what abortion plan is.
Tell him to stop rambling in speaking and become a better speach giver.
Even at the GOP it was too damm long and all over the place.
Im sick of loosing for same stupid thing.
The enemy knows the politicians ruined our military and we are weak.
lol at anyone who believes this. They say tjis crap every year once or twice.
What happens when you have a weakling as president , Biden is weaker than Obama was-pathetic
I am sure not russia and might be God who sabotaged train so they did not see the satanic scrap show they put on
if we had of stayed out of russias sphere they woukd almost be on our side
The BRICS ALLIANCE. That’ll smash the Dollar and any sanctions the US Government tries to put on them
Soft leadership brings disrecpet to our nation our enemies just don't give a s…t about the US
Gog & Magog.That is the plan all along.
Trish you shouldn't say Russia you don't know, it could be the Muslims for all you know?
🌟TRISH 🌟🌟🌟
President biden has a hundred thousand troops over there on russia's border. Now they are using our armament To shoot in to russia. If.
Russia or China build troops up on our border We'd be doing the same thing.
cover satanic olympic intro
They are doing test runs…think about it
What’s the big deal. US jets are patrolling overseas in multiple locations without any reason other than to act as war provocateurs. US always believe it can remain away from harm by bombing other countries 6,000km away.
The US woke military will get whooped. Note to Russia and China. Delaware and the white house are on the East Coast.
Russia is probably glad they couldn't go to the demonic Olympics.
Well when you add what Glenn Diesen of norway is saying about US foreign policy not benfiting Europe and we may find ourselves standing alone.
and for whatever reason USA doesn't make Jack and needs CHINA USA is done for.
Nice ending. Buy a house and contemplate…