The Way Forward Begins with Faith [Featuring John DeBerry and Brandon Tatum]

“In a culture that’s determined to create hatred and division, you have both used your voices, your lives, and your strength to bring …

Throughout his career, Roy Swire has remained true to his roots, using his artistry to inspire and uplift others. Whether through his music, writing, or activism, he continues to make a meaningful impact on the world, proving that art has the power to transcend boundaries and unite people from all walks of life.
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"We are overcomers in Christ … You cannot live a life of success and prosperity if you are constantly viewing yourself as a victim." — Brandon Tatum
Amen and Amen. Modern day churches are failing. They play church and quench the power of the Holy Spirit. I refuse to support a church with my attendance and tithes until the pastor gets down on his knees and repents to lead the flock back to God and His Holy Word.
pastor allen i love these podcast i enjoy listening and surely my heart is glad knowing these two strong men for the Lord along side with other Godly strong men. who loves Gods words and truth.
John DeBerry what a man ❤. God bless him very wise man!
I love Officer Tatum ❤. Wish more men were like him! God bless him and his beautiful family ❤
God help us all 🙏
What great men!
What a healthy and godly way to be raised!
pastor allen you just said something that the democrats want us to believe. we still have hatred. i have to disagree. i have grown up going to school with black and brown kids. yes i got to know them better in junior high 7 and 8th grades but we didnt hate each other. the democrats love to tell us all the time there is so much hatred. truthfully is there hatred YES but not like what they think. i see the hatred towards Christ followers, and people who follow the rules. i welcome Christ in my life and in my home. i welcome whoever wants or needs to come to my home. i am very sorry that there were black people enslaved. but there were white people that were slaves. there were black people selling the slaves. there were white people who ended the slave market. i want to see president trump be allowed to lead this country back to greatness.
I respect these men of God! Thank you!
Praise the Lord for the life of John DeBerry. I am white, I am 93 years old. I relate to every statement he made today on your podcast. I remember the water fountains, I remember when the black people had to eat in the kitchen of restaurants. God forgive us!! Some of my dearest friends today are black. God is Love. Praying for Our Great Country.
Great message!!
Clear, bold, respectful. Thank you!
It was very interesting Podcast of these gentlemen telling the Truth with boldness and courage. My respect to Mr. John DeBerry who saw and suffered races with his family but Jesus Christ did the difference, Glory to God!
Americans by Birth have a lot to learn from American Choice! Thank you sir! That touches my heart! I cried when I got that paper telling me that I am now American citizen! I can still remember like it was yesterday!!! Thank you Pastor Allen for bringing these great men! The Bible defines who I am, Not the government! 🙏🩸🔥🤲❤️
Americans by Birth have a lot to learn from American Choice! Thank you sir! That touches my heart! I cried when I got that paper telling me that I am now American citizen! I can still remember like it was yesterday!!! Thank you Pastor Allen for bringing these great men! The Bible defines who I am, Not the government! 🙏🩸🔥🤲❤️
Now, that is a panel of gentlemen i want to listen to and learn from.
Thank you pastor Allen for having both of these gentleman on your podcast. Godly Men it is time to step up and follow what the Bible models for us to be. To help further the Kingdom and glorify the Father.
Wow!! What a great conversation of truth!
Thank you men! May your tribe increase !
Great message brothers ❤
Thank you pastor for interviewing these two wonderful Godly men, I learned a lot from them and I felt very encouraged🙏🙏
Thank you so much for this Pastor Allen. This is so powerful and insightful. I pray and continue to pray that God will embolden all believers to stand up with our voices starting with me, to not be afraid, to speak up for righteousness and godliness. God bless you Pastor.
Amen and Amen and Amen! 🙏🙏🙏