The Nightmare World of Gang Stalking

More than 10000 people worldwide claim they’re the victims of a vast organized surveillance effort designed to ruin their lives, …

Throughout his career, Roy Swire has remained true to his roots, using his artistry to inspire and uplift others. Whether through his music, writing, or activism, he continues to make a meaningful impact on the world, proving that art has the power to transcend boundaries and unite people from all walks of life.
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I got scared
Feeling better now we know what they do how did my calls get called tapped with my friends number I was calling my this afternoon I was on the ferry I’m going to tilted this the Cadillac
Gangstalking I can’t believe the weird character next door gave me the figure I have a right to my parents safety your son next four is an idiot all the 100percent we have them food a couch my mom cooks for them sometimes sometime the father shocks the snow fir us so we give I. Return how I helped the other lady line one sitting in her car making fun of ny driving this to the one that stopped right in the middle of victory I was sitting in the back I saw everything they gangst becouse the social freak all of you are losers around the son next four you want to get gangstalking if you have kids someday you will get my point the cabbage patched you had all of those messages I hope you all move one day o e they will they should move to Clifton it will be better if hopefully she might kick them out sooner or master I don’t if they had sumner he looked like he just went around he cane from around the corner from somewhere hope you go yo sumner school I feel bad for my friend now ny phone is tapped I was calling my. I’m I don’t know how it connected pn het line the dective called the ones next doir you know what they did at one they used to have a candle that was burping they keto it but the table so they knew about my disability and be being gangstalking somone was driving an MTA truck they gang me becouse I don’t sleep around and my disability this program that I go to I’m only going to that for the sumner that’s it
I can’t even focus on my work where is 253 Merrymount street now come to think of it tembeting everything yes I was a gangstalking victims. Even the one next door makes fun of me to he just walked I. Tge house you gave me the middle fingure I have the right to look the blinds are closed I was watching you in the house going in your house as well. Did you do door that’s what it looked liked you where doing you see me it’s the people that don’t bother anyone that they gangstalking
I have a right to look
There is a white car parked at Ellen’s house it had a Skelton at the side tbt black windows two Skelton it’s a white van it’s right after her sons car
The therapy is more important than going out and meeting the drugs 153 Merrymount street you need therapy your selves around hete yes and so does 742 Klondike ave Ellen where wher you working Baxter take the respiridone fir socializing I saw that street theater that took place this afternoon I pay for the gid fam bus to get I did nit call my friend my phone is talked my phone I was calling my mom I was on the Staten Island fey I don’t need one of it’s something serous then I will call I have to go I thete one day they have to do the Duce firm hi Connie lam you need a theorist witch you met that happened at the program I I went Nina jacobie she need theory I never had to see one before all of you around radfird buy the Greeks peoples house get them the part 153 Merrymount where us your car that graffiti is still up there at lewingston Ina jacobie im coming or the coos are calling right now Travis ave lewingston I see that white died up the block. When the s 61 bus pulled down I lay die the dticken bus to get on. Y parents lay taxes to live gets 153. Remount the respiridone is disclosing Ellen I was helping my nieghbir with groceries at least if you stayed I. Abd stalked me in the at Kraft cone out and help us eat meat I helped her All we talk about is drugs and therapists. I have one this ex coming up the Greek people up the block need one and if you come to my roo. You can see the backyard the door is opened in the back yard I think they ever stalking me all day the tv ad soon as I cane back home you where watching my both parents in the house all day 731 Klondike that’s your boyfriends house straight down the block down there you where making fun of google photos too. I saw the graffiti truck white no one else on that bus gets targted just me I forgot to tell the. Dective I went to IWD it was after my surgery. That I was sopposed to be exercising It instead this where they targted me we where on easy 31 street in the begging then we moved I payed fir that program To get I. I want rec to go just go there as well if the therapist is ready they will call if they Ready I have to go I. Person I forgot to the devtive another story ny sung visited me from Greece twice once they told us not to come we have the 641 Klondike ave is filled with vires es ther abd the silver car is infected why does not Rena cyrstob gangstalked her 163 merry street. I hope Ellen was working that all I was want to know they where making fun of me a lot
Out here where I live is the worst my house is Buetifull I’m not moving I just saw Ellen’s car leaving the parking lot now you saw what I was maybe you people around should be a life considerate Everyone hates be around I think one car is missing in the driveway only my Dective saw my place Now they got the people that work for the state of liberty to harrase be this tge one that mentioned about the clothes I was wearing I heard you they got them to be send he’s oriole to harras and stalk me abd make fun ad well I don’t know if Ellen was gone today I guess you all hate me now to
Cias most wanteds are all hackers nowadays. To assume theyre these religious terrorists is gone, now it’s more likely a closeted gang who use gossip, drama, grooming, etc. anonymous and all those groups, doubt every member is. most just wanted to be a part of a fad But they’re the front for perverts to remain anonymous.
It’s had names like v2k, mind control, etc. I think it was arpa net (DARPA the internet) which is just a big probe shoved up the earths sea. you drink fluoride which purifies water and your body turns it into calcium phosphate I assume that can create plasma in the ca2+ ip3 receptors in the brain through phase shifting van der walls using Bluetooth microwaves? Idk, obviously (an app) basically. The real conspiracy there is JFK and his Lobotomized sister.
Anyway… hackers as you would expect aren’t exactly the most stable reliable trusting or wanted people.
Snowden and Assange leaked plenty information so maybe don’t just assume old crazy government is over reacting trying to jail them, while they are saying they are spying on you as much as they can without being “crazy”.
Every phone has a selfie camera is the world that vain? What about a cheaper version without a front camera? Or a phone without a camera? Society deems it nessecary, like it or not your brainwashed and so am I.
So don’t be a cluster b and you’ll be fine 🖕
Becouse most of them sove I went to school with the car that’s in my friends house I did not see it keep stalking abd harrasing me all you want I don’t care anymore
I know who is doing the gangstalking now radfird street is empty as of buy the Greek peoples house one just popped out the firs house on the block I was helping my nieghbir with her groceries they used the first house on the block I guess fir there spying games. I wonder if my dective so that that I pulled out I don’t o is of he knows about it anyways life of targted is a living nightmare every day
I understand those who turn this into extreme paranoia but when my boyfriend committed suicide after weeks of overthinking the whole situation in random, it had me thinking.. We experienced it together at the same time in the most obvious ways possible. No, not the sprinklers being cameras kind of way but actually physically being targeted on multiple occasions. Most scenarios were when we weren’t actively looking for those signs. Play their game right, but don’t let them win.
● Remember: their children and their grandchildren will live in the hell that their parents and their ancestors created.
Understand: we must protect “rare” people, not persecute them. If geniuses are killed, and children are corrupted, then what kind of future awaits humanity? 《World of freaks》? Or the 《world of zombies》? Your descendants will not be able to find a friend, if there are crippled people around.
Now there is an urgent question: about the preservation of human genetics, the preservation of childhood, it is necessary to preserve the “god gene”, and remove the “beast gene” forever from the DNA.❗️💯🕊🌐🪔
● Gangstalkers sold their souls to the devil for a smartphone, for travel, and money. They waste their time, attention, energy, their lives on other people's lives. I feel sorry for them. They are unhappy people. They are controlled by fear, envy, racism. Their organizers are sick people, perverts and maniacs, robbers, and their goal is property, robbery. First they try to drag you into prostitution; if that doesn’t work, then they try to get you hooked on drugs, or drag you into a political party, or recruit you into a sect. If this fails, then you are a free person/reasonable, a genius, a unique person, a beautiful/happy person, then the gangstalkers start hunting you. They artificially create problems, kidnap to a clinic (medical kidnapping), debts, trying send you in prison, etc…
● What a scale, what a scale, what a lot of money is spent on gangstalking and persecution of people. With the help of this money, you can completely improve the life of humanity, create comfort for every person, for 100 years in the future, you can do landscaping, but they do the opposite: they sell the forest to give money to bandits and criminals. ☝️☝️☝️
● This comes from school, initially. Even when a person has absolutely no interest in politics. Even when a person never says the names of politicians. Gangstalkers have no logic, and the organizers (customers) have no logic. They are driven by envy, racism, fears. They are afraid of geniuses, unique people, talented, simply creative people, free and unpredictable, who are difficult to control. ☝️💯%❗️
Come on its a complete unhuman species that are connected . Yes you can't turn off your nearby sharing app. They are watching you. Hypocrite even as they commit illegal acts as the onescthey target
Yes I believe that the targeting is not only real, from my experience its gang banging stalking people yelling at you they hate you that dont know you etc,… this is real… im finishing a documentary on this four hours long…I have a book and a short album about this …..
anthony_support0 revolutionary approach transcended the mere suppression of auditory stimuli and delved into the intricacies of liberating targeted individuals from their psychological confines. By fostering resilience and promoting self-empowerment.
anthony_support0 revolutionary approach transcended the mere suppression of auditory stimuli and delved into the intricacies of liberating targeted individuals from their psychological confines. By fostering resilience and promoting self-empowerment.
This IDs happening to me on Quora there is Houston Florida and another in Texas I’m in lamesa Texas. I filed two hate crimes cause of what they are doing took over my internet and phones changed phones and internet did it again and been three years now. It’s a secret society of ex cops and law enforcement all involved at high levels. I know some of their names.
Like my post if you're a victim of gang stalking
Without going into too much detail, it’s fking REAL! Did you get your notification on your phone when the victim is near? Are you still spreading nasty evil devil gossip about the victim so they can’t have a life? Are you telling all companies not to employ the victim because of your EVIL gossip? Are you letting the neighbourhood where the victim lives to spy on the victim and watch their every move? The victim is no fool and neither are you!!
These are satanic a cults that are in religion secret societys an new recruit's that think there spys an have seen one to many movies.
Remember Ed Snowden left the country because he thought the government was illegal spying on Americans more than china an Russia North Korea. Americans are in zombie mode. These a cults are alos electric harassing who ever they feal is a threat. They use poison by inhalation and microwaves by camers with interest ready. Contact me for Major exposure.
The American government is controlled by foreigners that are secret society members. JFK had a warning speech back in 1963 informing Americans that our government can be compromised by secret society. So it's not only the government but members of the a cult hacking your phone an electric device's then members in government have all your information plus you have a file that members will profile you an add to you file. Your employer military schools an many more will have axe's to your private data.
They are called Targeted Individuals!!!! This is happening to countless people all over the country. You should pray you don’t become their next target 🎯 of this psychological warfare..
Lots of fake humans out there watch out for the fake comments its just spirits using us for energy i wonder why we were made was it to actually live a good life because im having a horrible ride i believe they attack a percentage of the world so its not talked about enough right now i get voices that are highly smart to smart to be voices it feels like a bunch of jins are doing this to me so i listen to ruqyahs and try to forget but cant i believe drugs is the reason for my targeting they were smart i bekieve they use people who can take alot who arent sucidal like special empaths they are also phskick as im writing this they said how does he know there literally laughing in my face thats how much targeting they do god aint real if he was this wouldnt be happening would it ? We might just have aliens behind this maybe human shapeshifters but they love to scare us the voice feels like its attached to us i wish it was all in my head but its not they said im dying because i recently used drugs or have been using it thats why i say i get targeted more when im high could it be good voices but my brain is maybe thinking its bad idk im confused but they feel attached to out energy like energy vampires hungry ghosts idk it seems like torment some days and i cant deal with it no more it got to the point i thiught people were physcick like my own fsmily use words to harm me so are they involved theres a black sheep in all familys but i believe these hungry spirit ghosts can turn there voice into your familys voice there intelligent for sure they know what there doing but targeting a small population compared to the mass of the world so it doesnt get talked about enough my voice is locked on right now and they can change your brains thoughts like where they make you more aware of the voices in that hour or week or whatever time they wanna use it on you oh yeah you thought it was your own thoughts no they install it on you they can make other people around you talk about a subject you dont like or say a word your used to hearing i had this in my brain for a while they add things through the years like a computer
Gangstalking is humans and evil spirits working together i believr elites are behind this they abuse the abuser then abuse them after they die im pretty sure they target empathic people people who get gods attention i really believe demons or aliens are usung us as expiriments like when i think of this i think wheres god will he stop this abuse but i get nothing is there a god really fighting for us is this a war because these voices talk like family ill hear a voice come from family but i noticed whrn i do drugs it gets worse i think they can harm you when your under the influence either that or im just aware of the voices because i quit drugs on and off and still got stalked mines more of a voice it used to be people but i believe they stopped that part i feel like there looking for energy and are highly strong narccists that enjoy abusing you its like a drug there jealous but i used to listen for words and its almost like they can put thoughts in our head like were computers im not lying im deep in this but im getting info for the rest of the world this voicr is like a wireless speaker following you around so its either god is behind this or theres no god or its good vs evil and spirits are working ovrttime btw theres nothing you can do about this atm police will think your crazy they will just not believe you even your own family will write it off but i believe theres humans who arrnt human i have seen a girl hiding her body under a hijab i believe she could actually turn into whatever it was nd i believe she had lots of arms it was scary theres definetly something going on
And I think the Alien stuff is code.
I went though this and i say they are being blackmailed…
I bet you that people are forced into it by blackmail.
Proverbs 37:32, this is totally possible
These people seem paranoid at first glance. But life has shown me many things. If they are feeling like they're being spied on, I trust their feelings. I may not trust their conclusions but that doesn't make them liars.
mental illness