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RT, Seth Rich, HA Goodman Conspiracy Theory IMPLOSION!

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The debunked conspiracy theory that DNC staffer Seth Rich was murdered for having ties to Wikileaks continues to be propagated …


20 Comments to RT, Seth Rich, HA Goodman Conspiracy Theory IMPLOSION!

  1. Bern Sanders won the nomination over Hillary, but the DNC gave it to Hillary. Seth knew this because he was in the server room. Seth died to reveal the truth. Never cross Hillary.! 🙂

  2. From the guy albeit 2 years ago, who puts the C into 'conspiracy theory' ala Fake News Media.
    David Seems a little put out H.A Goodman was chosen to partake in a commercial news show.
    H.A. has been on TV loads of times little Davy, the Corporate news regurgitator laughably self embellished to look original 'pakman' to hope his revered deep state news heroes, will notice his hosting of their preferred 'stories'

  3. Yes it's a conspiracy theory we all know that yes parts of the story were debunked but not the overall theory of the conspiracy there are facts here are there enough to make a hard conclusion no but you seem to be creating another conspiracy theory by interjecting your thoughts on this matter based on assumptions

  4. Wow !!!
    1.The surgeon who operated on Seth said that he was stable and then G-Men took over the freaking hospital ICU floor and Seth Dies AND THE DOCTORS AND NURSES wernt allowed in his room!
    2. Nothing was stolen, not his wallet or watch NADDA! last seen at bar where the RUSSIAN DNC computer techs were at??
    3. Wiki Leaks literally comes out and pretty much says Seth was their guy!???? They offered an award for info $20,000 hummmm.
    4. The DNC "hack" was not outside the system it was data that could only be transfered on site according to the down load speeds….hummm
    5. Seth was the DNC book keeper of info he would have seen the corruption first hand.
    6. Donna Brazil knows the truth and was scared checking her windows and looking out her mini blinds .why so scared Donna ? hummmm.
    7. Seth's family interview his brother was almost laughing the whole time, weird thing for a grieving brother to do….ZERO TEARS.
    You are incapable of seeing leftwing corruption and biased by your progressive brainwashed programming . Even if we didn't have Assange coming out and pretty much saying Seth was killed cause he was the mole we STILL have weird stuff and enough evidence to see corruption and obvious abnormalities. So the parents sue the only news reporters that asked tough questions and this eliminates all the evidence LOL
    Riiiiiight …..The smell test stinks of rotten Clinton poooo!

  5. It's kinda hard to take you seriously "exposing" a conspiracy theory when you yourself are pushing the worlds biggest conspiracy theory of "Russian collusion".

  6. Peter Lavell isn’t a Russian puppet. Peter Lavell just has what we thought you had but obviously lack; integrity. It’s really sad to see what you’ve allowed yourself to become.

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