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NTD Evening News Full Broadcast (June 3)

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23 Comments to NTD Evening News Full Broadcast (June 3)

  1. TRUTH… FOIA emails show the USA had the blueprints for covid19 but the Pentagon refused to allow the research to move forward. The US lab that had the info also had a relationship with Wuhan… so… it may have been a little indirect but YES FAUCI WAS involved with funding and reseaech.

  2. I just listen to this Carlucci guy completely lie about president Trump, and he wasn’t corrected. I thought NTD news was supposed to be neutral and fair, if not a slight bit more conservative. I don’t like this new path; and let’s not forget that democrats are typically pro-China. So what’s happening??!?!?

  3. If Hunter was discharged under other than honorable conditions, because of his cocain addiction, then he had to lie twice on the questionnaire for the background check. That's 2 felony. Why is no one bringing this up?

  4. Carlucci is a liar. Michael Colangelo, and these corrupt judges are all Biden plants. Why do you have this jackass on without an opposition source? NTD seems to have sold out. It's becoming more frequent. Allowing these partisan hacks to pollute this news source is reprehensible. Another NTD political hit job.

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