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MUST WATCH: Rush Limbaugh Predicted This All Would Happen To Trump?

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MUST WATCH: Rush Limbaugh Predicted This All Would Happen To Trump? #donaldtrump #donaldtrumpnews …


45 Comments to MUST WATCH: Rush Limbaugh Predicted This All Would Happen To Trump?

  1. Ephesians 6:12
    King James Version
    12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

  2. Go ahead you puppets saying “convicted felon”… but more and more democrats will now vote for president Donald J Trump!!! I’m an 78 yr old Mexican woman from California and I’m proud to vote for DJT! 🇺🇸

  3. Tell it like it is Mr Berry! I love watching your show because to hear you state many of the thoughts that I've had just verifies what I've already thought for a long time! Love your show bro keep it up fight the good fight brother Cunningham!

  4. they are worse than silent they are complicit. Do they not think they will have to awnser for their actions when the truth comes out. Cuz thats the funny thing about lies. the truth will always rise above them.

  5. HELL YES, Convicted felon to the White House. Why not another one. All the evidence is there that we already have a felon in the White house, he just has not been convicted yet, but he is on his way. His son is already a felon now, being convicted! of 3 felonies.

  6. First we have to know the exact crime. DA Bragg hasn't specified the felony crime. Everything is wide-open specification. I'm disheartened by what this country has become and my oath of enlistment does end until death.

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