Laurel Lee Asks AG Merrick Garland: Are Attacks On Justice Alito And His Wife ‘Appropriate’?

At Tuesday’s House Judiciary Committee hearing, Rep. Laurel Lee (R-FL) questioned Attorney General Merrick Garland about …

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🙏🏻🇺🇲🙏🏿TRUMP 🙏🇺🇲🙏🏽
Garland cannot answer a straight forward simple question he is a total joke he has no business being AG of the USA. He has destroyed the trust in the rule of law. It gives me chills to think the democrats had him primed to be a supreme court justice.
He never admits to anything. What a waste.
What about schumer who threatened supreme court judges ,on the steps of the supreme court 🤔😆
Mr. Garland your voice sounds so familiar, where did I hear it?………..Ah yes! in Star Wars Attack of the clones, your voice was used for the male Kamino Lama Su.
Lee is a fake.
Poor old Merrick….taking one for the Team……..Merrick just give them the Tape……don't protect dodgie Joe Biden…..he is well past protecting…..
The gop is so full of it. It's plain corruption on the Supreme Court
I was recently watching an old movie – the original Frankenstein with Boris Karloff. When scenes of the ignorant and angry village mob with torches and pitchforks chasing the monster came on, I immediately thought, "There's the Democrat party in a nutshell!".
No he don't care u crazy
An awful lot of taxpayers money goes to protection. Judges, senators, lawyers,Administrators,
and maybe even movie stars, like
Just put him in prison. Problem solved.
Universal COP-OUT: "on-going case."
Jail Garland!
Garland is a corrupt.
Glad someone is finally bringing up shutting down the administrative state it is very tyrannical and deprives our rights under color of law 18 usc242
Joe Biden is sinking into the abyss, and Merrick Garland is worried sick his hit jobs may come to bite him next year.
Garland lips are moving, he is lying.
Attorney general is a partisan and a liar. I can't understand why he hasn't been impeached.
Not warranted recusals. Garland overseeing the entire DOJ has failed to protect our justices. Protection was not enough when the law was broken when you allowed protesters to attack our justices at their homes. Not allowed and illegal.
A fair and impartial judge in Merrick Garland, I don't think.
Talk about placing their grubby little hands on the scales of justice.
Fancy classic side step and two step tap dance here, avoiding answering pertinent, valid questions.
Why is it that the people in charge now insist that they were unable to do what needs doing because they are not given adequate $s?
She is trying to make the A.G. make a statement that would cause cases to be thrown out. Who is She trying to protect ?
@3:13–Garland reminded L. Lee that he doesn't comment on SCOTUS matters because of cases being adjudicated.
He has cases before the DC Appellate court, but he commented on them!
Judges who are fair and equal don't need much protection…And most citizens are ok with their rulings with a few exceptions..The Democrats need more protection because they know they are not fair and impartial..
When we have US lawmakers threatening the International Court, it shouldn’t be a surprise that our judges receive threats.
I DO N0T KNOW WHY M Garland stays in……. IMPEACH HIM AGAIN ‼️🤮
They need more money? Seriously? So do we!
Two tiered systems send them to jail. Garland too
Mayorkas and Garland are cut from the same rotten cloth
Wee Can All See Your Pay Check Means More Than Your Country"
They Wont Say Wee Are Beeing invaded " Cuz They Are All in it An Want To Talk About Sumthing els Always Like Traitors DOJ Means Dont Obey Justice "
Has he ever answered a question?😊
He does not care ….
Wtf is the point of this if they don't have to answer any question that they don't want to answer and they can lie constantly with no consequence??
FJB Administration needs more money?
Fired, Jailed, Banished!