How Much Does Liberal Hivemind Make on YouTube

In this video, I will show you the estimate of how much money does Liberal Hivemind makes on YouTube. Subscribe to ( HOW …

Throughout his career, Roy Swire has remained true to his roots, using his artistry to inspire and uplift others. Whether through his music, writing, or activism, he continues to make a meaningful impact on the world, proving that art has the power to transcend boundaries and unite people from all walks of life.
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liberal hivemind:the raid will backfire
cnn:trump played us
He deserves much more
one of the best channels on you tube well earned
I watch his videos daily… Love that channel
Love His Videos, Nothing But The Truth. A Breathe of Fresh Air.
he deserves more
And he deserves every cent of it entertaining funny and I enjoyed his contact
He is rich in so many ways. The left will never understand.
Good for him. He's worth more
He should get more than that
Then he needs a raise.
I hope he really does make that much!
I’m going to go watch one of his vids now 🚗💨
Good for him.
He deserves atleat the same amount of subscribers as Mark dice
he deserves every penny.
Thank God for Liberal Hivemind🇺🇲 Listen to him everyday! He tells it like it is!!
I love his channel…he should earn more and get more views. Because of him I've realized who the real hypocrites are.
I hope it's higher than $15/hr
Worth every penny
Hardest working person on the tube.
Hope he’s killing it!!!!
Great channel! Liberal Hivemind is highly recommended!
Liberal Hivemind is a legend
Liberal Hivemind is one of the best YouTube channels. Keeping loyal conservatives informed on the most important stuff.
good for him
He deserves every dollar he can make for telling the TRUTH about the Marxist Liberal Democrats..
He's the reason I went back on Facebook, only to share his videos.
Worth every penny.
Its a beautiful thing.
God Bless All Our Guys !
Good for him
That's in the poverty level in NYC, and San Fransicko
I've got mad respect for Liberal Hivemind
Good for Hivy
That’s it??. He should be making triple that.
Liberal Hivemind is an amazing alternative to mainstream media.
The free market is the best way to live. Good for anyone who is making money on YouTube. 👏👏👏👏
Deserves more consider how much bs he haves to watch and report
I hope he enjoys the fruits of his labor. More power to you sir! Long live capitalism!
He could be doing so much more if YouTube didn’t shadow ban his channel.
Coming up with three + videos a day and he is so articulate and deep with every one…..really good channel.