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All these experts with no power or ability to make a change .U S is a turd sandwich and out of bread.
I dont vote for any of these clowns.America is a tiolet and the world is going to flush.
He was truly 25 years ahead of his time. Culture, borders, language..
DeSantis would never had won i tired of hearing all this bs trump is the most popular president in our lifetime he won in 2020 and he will win in 2024
A great 3 minute summary explanation of Islam in Europe
Blinkin is directly involved in building new Jerusalem in Ukraine and Russia that why Netanyahu made war in sector Gaza to start to dismantle Israel and relocate Jews to Ukraine and Russia! Do you know that the cities of Ukraine and some of Russia have new condos built a specially for these “immigrants” that are under full maintenance and waiting for these people from Israel!!! Their plans are to kill last Ukrainians and take their land and build new Jerusalem! Won’t happen!
I agree with you sir. The lady for VP
Trump. VP: General Mike Flynn
– it is critical to have
qualified leadership
to b president to keep
the country on course
after Trump completes
his term
Ben Carson for VP
He's totally right about the migrants and I've warning for decades about the stupidly self-destructive immigration policies of the West.
Voting my President Trump 2024
240610–Did Mexico's president from 100+ yrs ago, say, " Better to die fighting our evil government, instead of fighting its war against other, innocent countries."
Wow 👌 👏
Problem is Desantis was endorsed by Trump. He asked for it. Then Desantis ran for president and started a smear campaign. Look @ VIvek
Aren’t ships from Russia already in Cuba?
And Biden doesn't
Left out jury tampering
No on tulsi for vp Michael savage is too negative.
T r ump, amigo im voting for you
I don't agree with your guest on a lot of topics..
Cool ships wheel Sir. I live in a boat im almost finnished building in my forest. Its a chinese junk flat bottom 20' Egyptian v shaped ancient river sail. Gas diesel & solar electric…gold dredging river boat . Its charming . I did built movie props for a living. Hand Carved hardwoods and gem and fossil incrusted . Its my Mona Lisa of boat building in 65 years of building. Im 70 . Dad was the frog man first scuba diver . I was pollywog boy first kid diver . It blew my ears out . They didnt know that would happen to young kids . Your welcome. No biggy some dumb kid had to try it lol
Lots of great points BUT… IS Tulsi a NATURAL BORN American which is a requirement for President???????!???
Mr. Savage, I don't want to admit that you are right, but it is a Gemini Trait, we are Extreme, Overkill, It's only Inate in our Characteristics , There is no mederate Grey area of a Gemini, Love, or hate, black or white, Even me, I thought that could change with Diplomacy getting further education, and for the Most part it did, but there's still that ODD, I have Many close friends that are Gemini's you know we actually compare notes of Empathy? Hilarious huh? I guess when we look at Revelations in the Bible, I interpret as the Zodiac. Worst was when I was in John Jay HS., I learned about a Bully that was a Gemini., Sickly Feirce, and I will admit I was Scared of him, Jeff Emmons, until I pounced Right on him in the Schools Industrial shop., Guess what he was same birthday, same age June 7th, even looked like me, people would get confused, Go figure., I don't know how to explain it, but it's a Determinate DRIVE, that is addicted to it, Can't Stop till IT'S OVER. Nice to meet you.
Billy Sparks
Billy Sparks
0 seconds ago
God Bless and Thank you to All of you, and Mr. Johnson, you are right! Bragg withheld Trump's Brady v Maryland materials and NY v Ulett, of Exculpatory Evidence of the FEC Chairman, Cy Vance, Bookeeper, any Expert Witnesses…… Trump is Entitled to a NY CPL 440.10 (h) For Brady Material denial, We ask respectfully that he is either given a New Trial of 440, with new developments (1) DA Alvin Bragg to now be a Material Witness under Brady, because we would like to know , in Open Court on the Stand why he violated Principles of Collateral Estoppel principles of Statute of Limitations, that the Felonies are [Derived] from Expired Misdemeanors. (2) I have various Trump alerts and took pictures of a FB posting of a fella Micheal Anderson that claims to be a jurors cousin that he posted on 5/29 that – "…..They're gonna convict him tomorrow"., Either he it is True or he is Nostradamis? Because how could it be so accurate?, According to many on the Internet for some reason, the judge removed it (tampering) but deceived the lawyers in a letter leaving out the Last Word. ["Tomorrow"] Yet he TAMPERED with Evidence by Removing it, instead of contacting proper authorities. Now that I know there is a Unified Court System FB page I want to Paste this on that site, And also request US Supreme Court's Intervention by Enforcing a Mandamus, "In re: Due Process/Brady. Have a Good weekend.
Thank you for introducing me to Michael Savage. I never heard him before. I like him. Does he have a podcast? I think he has very intelligent and insightful comments❤I agree with most of what he said!
That doesn't make sense Trump is a bully and he's getting bullied by the FBI the department of Justice Joe Biden and all the Democrats smearing him knocking him down the media doing the same thing and you're calling Trump a bully. You're saying people don't like bullies. Well then they sure as hell wouldn't be voting for the Democrats
You think NATO and the United States can fight Russia and China at the same time. Our country will be gone. We don't even have any healthy people in this country to even trained to go to war. Even if you drafted him what are we going to draft a bunch of sick people that are on dope that are poor as hell and in horrible condition. China and Russia aligned with each other for a reason. It's these elite people that are doing it. The nadler's the pelosi the Schumer Christopher Wray I think he's a nice guy I think he's being controlled by somebody probably the CIA. Cuz who's above the president in the CIA.
All they have to do is get a list of people that are unregistered voters. They register those voters without the person's knowledge. They cast their vote they forged their signature that they get from the department of motor vehicles off their driver's license or their picture ID. The count the corruptible and they make a copy of it. Now it's a legitimate fake vote.
Jamie Raskin is a piece of garbage.
Sammy the bull gravano three trials for John Gotti in New York City beating the federal government and the FBI on fixed trials.
He's not a felon. In order to get a misdemeanor upgraded to a felony you must have three charges of the same offense. This is for repeat offenders that's why they are upgraded to a felony. But they must be three to misdemeanors of the same offense. Donald Trump has 34 misdemeanors which will be overturned. Joe Biden and Alejandro Marcus have 320,000 felony federal accounts of human smuggling under subsection 1324 a1v 1907 title 8, USC 1324 a. The law reads like this. Prohibits aliens smuggling domestic transportation of unauthorized aliens, encouraging or inducing aliens to enter the United States of America and engaging in a conspiracy or aiding and abetting any of the preceding Acts. They don't want presidential immunity for presidents. Cool when Joe Biden leaves office he's going to get charged with 320,000 felony Federal offenses of human smuggling. Any can possibly get more than that because for each and every state line that you cross over with a illegal alien is an additional felony. Transporting illegal aliens over state lines. The media wants to talk about 34 misdemeanors why don't they talk about 320,000 felony federal offenses of human smuggling these people were boarded on planes in their countries and flew into the interior of the United States. Where's the department of Justice on this or the FBI. Is anybody riding up any of these charges. Any district attorneys going after this. Of course they're not because they're all Democrats and they all broke the law and they all should be charged with Rico as a criminal organization the Democratic party. That one Democrat voted to impeach Alejandro mayorkas that violated federal law that are all felonies 320000 of them
Raskin is in remission…..he could have his cancer return if he Isn't careful…..if I were him I would quit politics and walk away to live what life he uas left…..if he is smart.
Joe acts like a criminal…..so let's jail him…..if we can't make him understand it's time to admit his criminal acts….then we will have to amend the constitution to stop this from happening EVER again.
You don't know, look at his name 666 DeSantis runs with Satan!!!!!
I call him rascal.
Jesus Chirst die at age 33 and / are the dry bones are up on us . In President Trump case , the Evil are repeating the crufiction of Jesus Chirst . And anyone in support of this crufictions will never enter the kingdom of God .
They're trying to push forward legislation that wouldn't allow a felon to run for office. Next that same felon would be banned from secret service protection. So if they try to put them in the slammer he won't have any protection.. my thinking is if he's a felon he'll be jellin they'll love him there .most of them were put there by the same people. What a country the people will save it.
True,it's happening in belgium belgium. The maghreb / morrocan people work in our subways trams and do countles arrests and intimidations against the belgian citizens. They have 2 passports too. They are particurlarly targetting the black african communities. The african people are getting no incentives, while the Ukranians live on our taxpapers money for the last 2 years.On top of that our minister de croo gave again 1 billion % towards ukraine..!
Agree with Mr Savage makes common sense Wars make money sad so sad
Michael Savage is correct about many things but @24:07 he's dead wrong about DeSantis. DeSantis defeated himself the moment he tried competing against Trump and made a series of blatant lies in order to counter Trump.
This guys an idiot. Trump isn't measured on how much money he raised. He's shown what he can do for the country, and it is the measure of faith. Don't get this guy on again
Both parties have funding threw the cia mccain and mitt were head of the republican side. The cia gets its orders through wallstreet/ banks/ corporations. Then you have billionaires funding through these establishment. Like sorros,gates etc…
bush's are one world order freaks!
Bidens been in over three years and they’re still finding votes from his election.
If de Can't stand up to Trump he never will be strong enough to stand up to the swamp.
Yes Trump throw down against the corrupt establishment government